My Emotional Response to Disney Pixar’s Inside Out

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With Disney movies it’s expected that the amount of feelings you experience throughout the show will be exponential. Disney is just like that. But that’s why we love them. However, I didn’t expect Disney Pixar’s Inside Out to have the effect it did on me–and an entire theater full of people.

I was able to see the premiere of Inside Out in LA as part of an all expenses paid trip sponsored by Disney. All thoughts and opinions shared here are my own.

Inside Out Movie Premiere at El Capitan Theatre in LA.

Inside Out Movie Review

Getting older has allowed me to get to know my emotions pretty well, but sometimes it’s even hard for me to pinpoint what I’m feeling.

Occasionally, I really believe there are little characters up ‘there’ controlling my actions because I’ve acted before I even know why. It’s part of the human condition–we’re emotionally driven creatures.

Disney has now allowed us to meet our excitable little puppet masters.

Disney Pixar's Inside Out emotions.

Being a parent, I’ve gotten to watch my kids sort through their emotions throughout all the stages of development and this had been extremely entertaining.

The brilliant minds at Disney have captured these antics exquisitely. This movie will have you smiling, laughing, snarling, sobbing, cringing, and nodding.

The theatre was thick with feels–everyone experiencing the same emotions simultaneously. Thankfully I had a couple extra napkins.

Tessa was sitting next to me and, good grief, we’re both sappy slobs. Tears everywhere.

Inside Out illustrates Riley’s emotional transitions through a variety of life events. This includes the cataclysmic-to-a-ten-year-old event: moving.

Her world is turned upside down and Inside Out. Naturally, her emotions are running to catch up and we get to see the struggle inside and out.

Inside Out scene.

The movie has an excellent message. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be mad. Even fear has a place to keep us safe.

Being honest with yourself and those around you about how things make you feel is healthy. Our emotions are there to take care of us and they work together to create a balance.

Life is incessantly trying to disrupt this balance and that’s where communicating is of utmost importance.

Inside Out Anger.

All relationships trigger an emotional response. Learning to give each of them a voice is a common struggle we all share.

Adults and children alike can learn a lot from this movie. Everyone can benefit from taking a peak inside and sharing what we find.

Scene from the movie Inside Out.

So, pack some tissues, grab your snacks and popcorn and get to the theatre to see Inside Out! It’s in theatres everywhere TODAY! (June 19th, 2015)

When you get home, try this awesome craft with your kids! It’s a great way to spark some emotional conversations and create lasting memories.

Click the image to download and print the instructions. 🙂

Inside Out Memory Ball Craft to print.

Be sure to come back and let me know how you liked the movie!

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  1. Julie Wood says:

    We are going to see this movie this weekend, and I will bring my box of tissues and I love Disney movies and we can not wait to see this gorgeous animated movie.

  2. David Fultner says:

    We will see this movie. I think it is cool that they teach and have fun.

  3. Tammy Woodall says:

    I saw the movie trailer and thought to myself it would be a good movie. However, after reading your review, I think it may be a GREAT movie. Any movie that can evoke all those emotions has to be excellent. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Emily Endrizzi says:

    I haven’t seen this advertised all that much. My kids are going to see it tomorrow with their dad. It sounds really good. I wouldn’t mind seeing it myself!

  5. Looks like a great movie for kids and adults too. Thanks for the review.

  6. Tiffany Dover says:

    I really am super excited for this movie. I love that it seems to be great for any age!

  7. Jennifer Boehme says:

    I seen a trailer and I want to see this one. My niece sound like she has seen it a billion times, and never has yet!

  8. Glenda Cates says:

    I took my family and my sons best friend last night to the Drive In to see this and Minions and I thought we would like Minions more but that was not the case. We all loved Inside Out and now we need to purchase it on DVD as it is a great movie. Like you I laughed and cried.Plus I was just plain sad when it was over.

  9. Alejandra Carreno says:

    I can’t wait to go see this movie. Everyone I know that’s seen it, loved it. And reading this review confirms that I need to see it!

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