Fat or Pregnant?

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fat goat

This is my Grandma’s goat, Sweet Pea. She’s looked like this for months now and we cannot figure out what is wrong with her.

Turns out this goat is NOT PREGNANT.

She’s been treated for worms. (shudder)

Maybe she’s just fat?

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  1. haha A lot of goats have those patches on the side and the little middle. I am not sure what it is or why its there, but its very common or at least I assume it is, since I see lots of little goats like that.

  2. Wow! I wonder if she has a disease or something! Or maybe she drinks too much soda pop? That is supposed to give you belly fat. haha

  3. Angela Michels says:

    Yup I think so. I have seen male goats this big too. Be careful. She may be sensitive about her weight! hehehe

  4. Wendy @ SuperSaverMama says:

    ROFL, I’m 10 weeks pregnant and thought for sure my picture would be in here when I opened the link! lol

  5. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    Hmmm…I honestly have no idea!
    She’s adorable though xD

  6. awww I hope she is better, might just be too many Christmas Cookies!

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