Pretty Sea Creature

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When I was leaving for my two week trip to Hawaii, all my daughter asked of me was “Can you please bring me home some shells?”

When I came home empty handed, I had some explaining to do.

Well, all I could find were chunks of lava–while beautiful, I’m not risking the wrath of Pele by taking any home–and lots of coral. The only shells I could find were inhabited. And, I know she wouldn’t want anything to be killed for the sake of her collection…

So, I gave her photos of the shells I would have picked for her if they were vacant.


She loved this more than actually getting the shells! We also took this as an opportunity to learn about all kinds of sea creatures. 🙂

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  1. Melissa (Mo) says:

    Awesome lesson opportunity! 🙂 And thanks for sharing such a beautiful pic.

  2. Lovely picture. I agree, it is a great learning experience.

  3. Great photo and a great idea too.

  4. Lanae (@Hungrigyrl) says:

    Oh that is so pretty! 🙂

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