How was your Christmas?

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I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I certainly did. This is the time of year where I am reminded of how truly blessed that I am.

I have just the best family ever, and now I have equally fantastic in-laws! I could not ask for more. I am extremely blessed and thankful.

Thank you all for being fans. I truly appreciate you all, too. Looking forward to a great New Year, as well!

Seriously… look at how cute my Grandparents are!

gram & papa

They are two of the most important and precious people in my life!

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  1. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Cheryl Malandrinos says:

    How sweet. We had a great time spent with various portions of our family as well.

  3. Nancy L. StyleDecorDeals says:

    Awww! They are the cutest!

  4. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    Oh goodness, they are ADORABLE! I would only be so lucky to be like that at their age 🙂
    It’s so good to hear that you had a great Christmas!

    1. Yes! I want to be that happy, too, after 60 years together! 🙂 Thank you so much. I hope Santa was good to you!

  5. They are pretty damn cute 🙂

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