Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

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Leaner Creamer is a product I want to take responsibility for summoning. For years, I have wished that a less fattening creamer without a ton of chemicals existed. I put it into the universe, and now it is here. 😉 This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.

Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

Since my teens, my morning coffee has been completely non-negotiable when it comes to dieting. That morning cup of coffee kicks off my day, and I thoroughly look forward to it. The thing is, when you are counting calories, the sugar and cream you add to your coffee can put a major dent in your daily allowance. If you have ever strictly counted calories, you know what I mean. Some people don’t count liquids into their calorie equation, and that’s a huge mistake. Some beverages contain hundreds of calories and will derail your efforts if you aren’t mindful about them.

Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

When Leaner Creamer popped into my feed, I jumped at the chance to work with them. I use powder creamers already, so I am used to any small difference there might be between them and liquid creamers. Leaner Creamer is creamy, dissolves completely into my hot coffee, and has a pleasant taste. It tastes far better than any fat-free powder creamers I have tried in the past.

Using powder is a lot more convenient for my sister and me in the office, too. Mush less concern for the creamer to spoil when it’s in powder form.

Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

Leaner Creamer contains a unique combination of vanilla, non-fat butter cream, and all-natural herbal supplements to make a healthier choice in coffee creamer. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Just know that before you give it a try. 😉

Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

The proprietary blend of Advantra Z, Hoodia Gordonii Extract, and Green Tea Leaf Extract adds the benefit of appetite suppression, as well. Personally, I notice extra energy when I use Leaner Creamer, which is an added bonus if you ask me. Ask your health care provider before use.

Leaner Creamer for Health Conscious Coffee Lovers

Find out more about Leaner Creamer by visiting their website. They even have a referral program so you can get rewarded when you share the great news with your friends.

How would Leaner Creamer change the way you drink coffee?

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  1. Maryann D. says:

    I love using creamer in my coffee or tea, but I also hate artificial and chemical ingredients. I would love to try this product though.

  2. Looks like a good product for those who drink coffee. Which isn’t me.

  3. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I can’t survive without coffee. This sounds like an awesome creamer. I HAVE to try it!

  4. I’m not a coffee drinker at all, I’m a cola girl… but my husband and all my family loves coffee. I will have to share with them!

  5. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Now this stuff sounds great! I am an over creamer kind of girl so if it will make my coffee lighter, then it is for me!

  6. I need to buy this! I am trying to cut down on the carbs and get a leaner body! This would be PERFECT for my coffee!

  7. Roxanne Morrison says:

    I recently gave up that sweet, creamy morning treat in an effort to cut my calories… Could I possibly have found an alternative? Can’t wait to try!

  8. Melissa Lawler says:

    I’m not a coffee drinker. But I love to bake and always need some type of powdered dairy product for baking. I can’t wait to give this a try.

  9. I’m always looking for ways to make my good leaner! Looks like a great option for coffee drinkers/

  10. Jeni Hawkins says:

    I LOVE coffee, and like it a lot with some creamer in it. This sounds like something I need to check out! I’m all about new creamers!

  11. Kelly Hutchinson says:

    This sounds like a product that is right up my alley! I am on a path to get more fit and this would be perfect for me.

  12. Oh my goodness, this sounds amazing. I love a great creamer for my coffee but am always worried about all the empty calories… Plus, I love how this uses natural ingredients…. Super-cool. Thanks for sharing, I will have to keep an eye out for it.

  13. I’ve never heard of this brand before. I don’t drink coffee though. I know a lot of people that do and they make like this. I’ll make sure to share this with them.

  14. Tammi Roy says:

    I have never heard of Leaner Creamer before. I am excited to give it a try. I have been looking for healthy alternatives for my diet.

  15. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    This looks like a great alternative to regular coffee creamer. I will have to pick up some Leaner Creamer and give it a try.

  16. Elizabeth Lampman says:

    This is an interesting product. I am very interested in giving it a try. I would love to cut back on my calories.

  17. Stacie Vaughan says:

    My friend uses Leaner Creamer. She loves it, I will have to give it a try .

  18. Janeane Davis says:

    I like a lot of creamer with my coffee so this Leaner Creamer sounds like an idea I need to look into.

  19. I don’t drink it myself, but this would be phenomenal for the boyfriend! I’m so telling him!

  20. Melissa Mitchell says:

    I have never heard of this but it looks awesome!

  21. Ashley Sears says:

    This is really something that we could use in our house. We are coffee addicts!

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