Reviver Pets Launch Event in Chicago

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We were lucky enough to get an invitation to the Reviver Pets launch in Chicago last week. It took place at the W Hotel overlooking the lake. Guests included several four-legged creatures that definitely made the party!

When pets are around I have to remind myself to acknowledge the humans involved, as well. I had been missing my furry fam so much by this time, that I just barreled through the event to the nearest animal.

As soon as I saw Bo, I couldn’t even handle it. What an amazing animal. He is massive and just awesome. I text a pic of him to Mike and his immediate response was, “NO”. LOL 

He knows I would bring him home in a heartbeat. Bo had his humans with him, though. There were a few pets there that are available for adoption through PAWS Chicago, but he wasn’t one of them.

Tuna and Nala at the Reviver Pets event in Chicago.

There were also a few celebrity pets at the event. Tuna the dog and Nala the cat were on the red carpet and posing for pics. I held Tuna for quite a while.

What a sweet, cuddly, lovebug and I now know why TunaMeltsMyHeart!

From big Bo, to tiny Winston, there were animals of all sizes! We were in heaven!

Tiny Winston the Yorkie.

Reviver Pets

I was anxious to learn more about the Reviver Pets products. They have created reusable freshening wipes for pets and humans. A simple swipe across the pet’s coat will remove odors safely.

They have the wipes for dogs, cats, and people. You can swipe yourself to remove pet odors, as well. We love our pets, but let’s face it, sometimes we don’t want to smell like them.

We go some time in between doggie baths at times, so these wipes work out really well for us. Tiny Tuna – despite the name – smelled wonderful and represented the brand perfectly. 🙂

Overall this was probably my favorite event of the week. A party where we could hang out with animals? Sign me up any day. I just wish I could have brought the Grump!

If you have furry stinkers of your own, definitely check out Reviver Pets. They are a reusable, safe, and affordable way to refresh your pet in a jiffy.

For more pictures of the event check out the Chicago Blogger Network’s Facebook page.

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  1. I can think of a few times when these products would have come in our handy with my dogs!

  2. Jody @ Mommy Moment says:

    That party must have been a huge hit for all the pet lovers. I have never heard of wipes for pets, interesting concept.

  3. Oh, how I love doggies. 🙂 I could take all of them home.. especially the first one! He is just too cute!

  4. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? says:

    What an interesting idea. And, if I sent a picture to my hubby with an animal, his response would be “NO!” as well!

  5. omg. these photos. awesome. i love the director chair shot. hilarious!

  6. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    That’s a cute idea. I don’t have any pets (other than my kids lol), but an event like this would be fun!

  7. Mya Murphy says:

    This looked like soooo much fun for the doggies. I love love love animal shows and your pictures makes me want to go. Haha. Thank you for the review!!

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