Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe

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My mother-in-law gave me a cookie recipe for Smoosh Cookies. She suggested that it would be great for my nieces and nephews. Once I saw the ingredients, I decided it would be great for Mike and I. 😉

Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe

Smoosh cookies recipe

Seeing how easy Smoosh Cookies are to make sealed the deal. All it is is two packages of cookie dough and a cream cheese mixture. Here is what you need.

Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe

Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe


  • 2 packages – Chocolate chip cookie dough
  • 8 ounces – Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 cup – Sugar
  • 2 – Eggs
  • 2 tsp – Vanilla


  1. Take one package of cookie dough and smoosh it into the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan. You may want to grease the pan. I didn’t, and some stuck.
  2. Mix the cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and vanilla well. Pour the mixture on top of cookie dough.
  3. Take the second package of cookie dough and cut it into 24 pieces. It’s easiest to cut when it’s cold, so don’t leave it sit out.
  4. Place pieces on top of the cream cheese mixture.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe

The result is a very sweet, almost brownie-like cookie. This is the first cookie I have not liked warm. I was disappointed when I tried one that was still hot. Later, once they had completely cooled, I tried again and loved them. They are super sweet, but totally scrumptious.

Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe

I will definitely make this cookie recipe again. It was so simple, and most of these ingredients are easy to keep on hand. I agree that it is a fun recipe for kids. They can smoosh it in the pan and have fun with that. I want to experiment with other cookie dough flavor combinations, too.

Smoosh Cookies Cookie Recipe

Have you ever heard of Smoosh Cookies? Do you think you would like this cookie recipe?

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  1. Yum, cream cheese, I was wondering what that was in the photo. I have never heard of nor have I ever tried Smoosh Cookies, but I am pretty sure that I would like them. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  2. Oh Gosh, you had me at cream cheese. When do you cut the squares? (while still warm I’m assuming). Ok, I’m making this!

    1. Hi Margot! I let the pan cool completely before cutting. They are pretty gooey otherwise! Let me know if you try them!!

  3. I’ve never heard of them. I think i’ll try them with a different flavor of cookie dough though, because the hubby doesn’t like chocolate chip.

  4. Julie Wood says:

    I have not heard of these decadent cookies, but I want to try them because they are easy to make, and sound so yummy! Thanks for sharing this awesome recipe!

  5. They look so good! I can’t believe how easy they are to make! Definitely printing out to bake!! Yum!

  6. David Fultner says:

    MMM some many things in one delisous.

  7. Tammy Woodall says:

    Goodness, these cookies look so good. Thanks for the recipe. I’m going to pass it along to my Mom – she’ll love making these for the family.

  8. I like easy recipes and I like cream cheese. YUM!

  9. Fee Roberts says:

    I’ve always heard that adding cream cheese to your baking makes it more moist. I would think it gives a cheesy taste. I’ll have to try these and find out.

  10. Christopher Sorel says:

    easy and tasty looking cookie

  11. Michele Ash says:

    Thanks so much for the Yummy recipe on Smoosh Cookies Cookie! I have never heard of them before, but they sure look and sound good! This recipe is so easy too! I love easy delicious recipes! I’m definitely going to try these out myself! These Smoosh Cookies look so moist! I can’t wait until I get the ingredients to make them! Thanks for sharing! I truly appreciate it! Michele 🙂

  12. Hi! The recipe ingredient list doesn’t say anything about eggs or sugar. How much of each is needed?

    1. Hi Gina,
      None because I used the premade cookie dough. The Nestle cookie dough rolls that you find in your grocery store. Adds to the ease of this. 😉

      1. Ah! I am sorry!! The amount is listed in the ingredients above the instructions. I wasn’t thinking! Ingredients:

        2 packages – Chocolate chip cookie dough
        8 ounces – Cream Cheese
        1/2 cup – Sugar
        2 – Eggs
        2 tsp – Vanilla

  13. Jennifer, you said to add the eggs, sugar and vanilla to the cream cheese but don’t say how much to add. That’s what Gina was asking

    1. Sorry about that! The amount is listed above the directions: Ingredients:

      2 packages – Chocolate chip cookie dough
      8 ounces – Cream Cheese
      1/2 cup – Sugar
      2 – Eggs
      2 tsp – Vanilla

  14. These look and sound amazing, thank you for sharing.

  15. BILL HOFF says:

    We are always looking for treats that will make the grand kids bounce off the walls…lol..thanks

  16. oh my I’ve been looking for a good recipe to use some cream cheese – I feel like I hit the jackpot! These look so good, and a cute name – luv! Want to make these asap!

  17. Fi Ní Neachtáin says:

    I really love the look of these, they look delicious! I have to have a go at making them for myself 🙂

  18. I was going to be healthy this year…But then I saw this recipe and I am a complete cookie monster! This looks soooo good!

  19. Smooth cookies sound like the yummiest thing in the world! They look so good too, and I have the ingredients here already!

  20. Ok, I am seriously drooling right now! I am working on eating better, but these would be great for a birthday party!

  21. Dov Shapira says:

    Such a simple recipe and they are looking so good !

  22. Vashti ( says:

    These sound so yummy, and I can tell they’re so moist. Cream cheese…yes please.

  23. Samantha Angell says:

    These sound awesome, and would definitely be easy enough to make! I’m curious how it would work with homemade dough instead though. They don’t sell packaged cookie dough here in Sweden!

  24. Laura@Baking in Pyjamas says:

    Visiting from Saturday Night Fever. I had to stop by when I saw the name of these cookies, they sound and look great! I would love for you to stop by and share this and other recipes with us over at Sweet and Savoury Sunday. Have a great day!

  25. Jamie | North of Something says:

    These look delicious! I would love to make them right now but I’m still trying to lose my holiday weight 🙂

  26. Looks delicious! I totally want to try these!

  27. rochkirstin says:

    Did you use a baking sheet that’s made of silicon material when you put the cookie dough inside the oven? I found that the dough sticks to the tray every time and if I use a non-stick one, the bottom of the dough gets a bit burned.

    1. I used a 9×13 pan… and I am not sure what it’s made out of. A bit did stick for me, too. Next time I am going to try greasing it, but haven’t tried yet. Not sure of the secret to that yet!

  28. Eileen @ YesMissy says:

    This cookies look so delicious! I totally feel like snacking after looking after this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Rebecca Swenor says:

    These looks and sound good. I don’t like cream cheese but I could over come it for these cookies. Thanks for sharing. I will have to make these.

  30. I know its always a bad idea i read food posts first thing in the morning but i could not resit though hungry and salivating through this post, the cookies look so yummy and delicious

  31. I have sweet tooth and has a weakness for cookies. This looks delicious and moist. My kids will definitely love this recipe. Something to try in the future.

  32. Brownie-like cookie sounds like the magical words to me. I love cookies and I would love to try these with some milk.

  33. Randy Fulgham says:

    i like this cookie recipe, i would try this -but it would be much easier if you sent me some…hehe-thanks for the recipe…

  34. Wowzers! Those look amazing! I love the shortcuts…perfect for those unexpected times you have to bring a dessert somewhere! I’d love for you to share this at my Creative Ways Link Party that goes live at 8pm Central tonight. Hope to see you and these yummy cookies at the party!

  35. ellen beck says:

    I havent heard theem called smoosh cookies and I cant recall what they are called but it was something else. They taste terrific must be the cream cheese!

  36. Michelle@TheRibbonRetreat says:

    Wow…those look delicious. It is almost 10:00PM at my house, and I am so tempted to make these delicious cookies! They would be the best midnight snack EVER! Thanks for sharing! PINNED!

  37. So… I have sworn off sugar for two weeks. Today is day 4. Not sure how I bumped into this but totally not okay. 🙂 Instead of loosing my mind and eating the whole pan right now, I am going to pin this and make it for my prize at the end of 2 weeks. It does look really good.

    1. LOL! Sorry!!! I know my timing is horrible for these. I should have posted them before Christmas instead of when everyone had made resolutions!

  38. David Fultner says:

    These look great.I will need to wait 2 weeks for the diet to over

  39. RANDY FULGHAM says:


    1. Let me know how they turn out!!

  40. These cookies look totally irresistible! Thanks for linking up with What’s Cookin’ Wednesday!

  41. David Fultner says:

    Lokks like tasty goodness. thanks for the recipe.

  42. Mary Czerczyk says:

    I love making cookies. It’s relaxing to me and makes the house smell great. I thing the smoosh cookies are next on my list to make . They look delicious.

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