I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry

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Okay so, I attended a luncheon with brilliant women in the automotive industry. That’s the same as lunch right? Perhaps not as intimate, but we all ate, and they spoke. It was inspiring, educational, and the energy in the room was incomparably charged with positive electricity. This post is brought to you by SheBuysCars. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry #WhatDriversHerCAS #CAS17 AD

Women in the Automotive Industry

This luncheon was part of the Chicago Auto Show media days. When I first arrived, I was overrun with the sense of positivity in the air. The room was full of professional women from a variety of fields. I sat at a table and introduced myself to a couple of women who were already sitting there. One was from a marketing company, another two from a BMW dealership, and several others were also bloggers–some old friends and some new.

I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry #WhatDriversHerCAS #CAS17 AD

The food served was delicious and beautifully presented. While we ate, the panel speakers began telling us their stories.

I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry #WhatDriversHerCAS #CAS17 AD

We heard from Bridget Brennan, Kathy Gilbert, Candice Crane, Kelly Webb Roberts and Jody Hall. There was even a dude in the ranks! Sonari Glinton opened the session by telling us a story about his mom and how she worked in the automotive industry at Ford’s Chicago assembly plant.

Each woman on this panel was passionate and motivating. Jody Hall works in the steel industry, and she’s made an impact in her work on vehicle safety.

I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry #WhatDriversHerCAS #CAS17 AD

Girl Power

The overall message of the afternoon is that women are changing the way we buy cars. There are more and more women working in the automotive industry–at every level, from design and manufacturing to sales and marketing.

I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry #WhatDriversHerCAS #CAS17 AD

As Kathy Gilbert said, “Women know women.” We make car buying more of an experience to remember, connecting on levels that involve more than just talk of horsepower. We understand what it’s like to have to finagle car seats, strollers, and groceries, and simple features in your vehicle can make this daily drudgery less daunting.

Statistics show that women are the biggest buying force. Even if a man is going to purchase a vehicle, chances are there is a woman in his ear guiding his decision.

There are now more female-owned dealerships than ever with more coming. It’s time to even the playing field. The automotive industry is no longer just a man’s world!

I had Lunch with Brilliant Women in the Automotive Industry #WhatDriversHerCAS #CAS17 AD

This luncheon was super empowering, and I’m so thankful I was able to be a part of it. I even won this gorgeous rose gold Kate Spade bracelet! Huge thanks to SheBuysCars!

How has the increase in women in the automotive industry affected you?

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  1. Maureen @ Wisconsin Mommy says:

    I’m so glad you enjoyed the luncheon! I too found it incredibly inspiring. I love what you said about being able to feel the positivity in the room – you captured it perfectly!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this article. I did a search on the automotive industry and came across this article. As I was reading I was very delighted to see you mention Kathy Gilbert, as she is my aunt (by marriage), but it was great to see her name and you speak highly of her. Thank you again!

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