Fresh Dog Food Creates a Feasting Frenzy

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Fresh dog food causes quite the feeding frenzy in this house.

Sponsored post; all opinions are my own.

My dogs start whimpering as soon as I remove Freshpet pet food out of the refrigerator.

It’s the most excited I have seen them get over pet food to date. If you are looking for natural fresh pet food for your dogs, read on.

Fresh Dog Food Creates a Feasting Frenzy

Fresh Dog Food = Super Excited Dogs

I can’t remember a time our dogs have ever turned down food, but Freshpet causes downright mealtime madness.

It smells like home cookin’ as soon as you open the package, so I can understand why.

Freshpet is refrigerated pet food that’s made with fresh ingredients.

The food contains no artificial or chemical preservatives.

You also won’t find any mystery ingredients like chicken meal.

Freshpet natural dog food

As all pet owners know, each animal has their own personality.

It’s funny to see how ours express excitement in different ways.

Franklin gets so happy that his tail shakes his whole body.

The Grump takes food a bit more seriously. His ears go back, and he becomes hyper focused.

If I take too long to serve him, he begins to howl which sounds more like a scream. The whole thing is quite hilarious!

Fresh Dog Food Creates a Feasting Frenzy

As you can see, our Franklin requires a slow bowl. This is a special dog food bowl that contains obstacles to slow him down.

Otherwise, he scarfs his food down so quickly that he makes himself sick. Well, even the slow bowl doesn’t slow him down that much with this food.

His little mouth moves a mile a minute working to get each and every morsel.

He licks the bowl clean and even stares at it in an effort to will more food to appear.

Franklin trying to use the force to make more Freshpet appear in his bowl

Feeding our dogs is more than just taking care of them for us.

Seeing the happiness that good food gives them makes us feel good, too.

There’s no better mood-booster than seeing your dogs literally smile at you.

There’s feeding your dogs, and then there’s nurturing your dogs.

One might get the job done, but the other is so much more rewarding.

Freshpet roasted meals

After feasting on their new Freshpet dog food, both of our dogs run around and play like crazy.

You can tell that they not only enjoy the heck out of their meal but also have more energy overall.

There have been fewer naps and more crazy playtime sessions.

Freshpet roasted meals - chicken
Freshpet fresh and natural dog food

Learn more about Freshpet and the benefits of a fresh diet here.

See more adorable pet reactions and mealtime madness here.

Have you switched to fresh dog food yet? 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. Maryann D. says:

    What a cute dog!! I always want to feed pets healthy and tasty food for them. This brand does sound wonderful.

  2. Really? Maybe I should get this for Monty. I call him my choosy beggar. He pleads and pleads but often rejects what he gets.

    1. I would definitely try! I have never had a dog that turns down food though! I’d be surprised if he didn’t like Freshpet.

  3. Sherry Rayburn says:

    Wish I could get coupons. My tzu loves it but I’m on a fixed income. I do without so she will eat right.

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