Pet Safety with Kurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness and Surf N Turf

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If you plan to travel with your pets this summer, I am sure safety is a concern. Kurgo has got what you need to put your mind at ease. Studies have shown that more and more people are bringing the family pets along on their travels. I think that is great, however, certain items may be needed to do this safely. Once you remove your pet from their comfort zone, you may not know exactly how they will react. For us, I don’t worry too much about our big dog (Hilo), but I am a wreck when it comes to the puppy. Hilo is huge and can handle himself well in all situations. The puppy is still getting used to well, life in general! He’s still so tiny that I just constantly worry! Product received for review. Post contains affiliate links.

Kurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness and Surf N Turf for Pet Safety

surf n turf vest

We do not have any summer trips planned, but we do have a pool in our backyard and a fishing boat. We know that Hilo can swim and he’s a champ on the boat. The puppy, however, we have no idea. I do not want to take any chances with his safety. Kurgo has the perfect solution with their Surf N Turf coat. This is a bright red life vest that could save a life when out on the water. It also triples as an all-season coat. The floatation pads can be removed to make it a rain coat, and extra warmth inserts can be added to make it a winter coat. At $40, that’s an amazing item!

surf n turf

Grump (the puppy) still needs to grow into this vest a bit. We were able to put it on him quickly and easily. He’s still getting used to wearing things… even his collar he hates when it’s on. He started throwing a little fit in protest, but was okay with the vest after a few minutes. Since we never leave our animals unattended in the yard, I won’t make him wear it all the time. But, when he goes on the boat, it will be on him the entire time. In a few more weeks I am sure he will grow into it and it will fit him nicely. Right now it looks bulky on him, but I assure you it’s very light weight.

surf n turf

The vest also contains loops to connect a leash and handles for easy control. We love it!

tru-fit harness

The Kurgo Tru-Fit Smart Harness is another fabulous fur-friend accessory. Once again, we got this for the puppy. Like I mentioned above, he still has not gotten use to a collar. It’s impossible to walk a dog when they sit there in protest. I refuse to yank on him and somewhat strangle him with his collar. This harness makes everything easier. It fits him securely and comfortably. I think the fact that it’s around his whole body somehow makes him feel better than something wrapped around just his neck. He took to this a lot more willingly than he ever has with his collar!

trufit harness

It took us a few minutes to figure out exactly how to put the harness on, but once we did, it made sense. It was easy to slip over his head, but harder to take it off. If I could change one thing about this product, it would be to add a clasp for around the neck. There’s a good chance I will eventually need a size bigger. Otherwise, everything else is perfect. The chest pad is soft and comfortable and provides the ultimate control during walks. This can be used with any vehicle seatbelt, to secure your pet in the car during travel. It’s also compatible with the Kurgo Auto Zip Line, giving your pet more freedom in the back seat, but still a lot safer! Another multi-functional item for only $23! Everyone should have one!

I honestly never knew how many awesome doggie accessories were available. Kurgo has completely nailed this market. There are so many useful items to keep our furry friends happy, healthy and safe! I am hooked!

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  1. Roxann Clark says:

    Wander Bed catches my eye

  2. Soshanna Boyer says:

    I love the Kurgo Tru-Fit! My two little chihuahuas really like them too since they go on easily and are comfortable. I completely agree about the clasp around the neck! It would make it easier to remove but perhaps would jeopardize its safety in a car crash. Cute dog!

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