Ideas for Surprise Acts of Kindness

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Surprise acts of kindness can be life changing. They can uplift the life of the recipient and enrich the state of the giver to such an extent that they become changed themselves. If we want to change the world, we can start by changing tiny things that create a lasting impact. These ideas for surprise acts of kindness are a great place to start. While on a press junket sponsored by Disney, I attended a special dinner at Carthay Circle to celebrate the release of the new movie Cinderella, and the launch of an amazing new campaign: “One Million words of Kindness”. While I attended this trip for free, all thoughts and opinions shared her are my own.

Carthay Circle in Disneyland #Cinderella #BeKind #Disneyland60

Surprise Acts of Kindness

Or random acts of kindness, whatever you’d like to call them, they’re a wonderful ‘thing’ to do. Here are a few things my family has done to give you a few ideas of how small things can make a lasting impact on the global vibe:

  • Homemade Birthday Cards. We never buy them, we always make them. They don’t have to be super fancy–although most of the time that’s how they end up–but making them just shows you put in a little more thought and effort. This is where Adam’s drawing skills come to life and Evan’s origami magic really shine!
  • Put together a potted arrangement of flowers and leave it on someone’s doorstep with a nice message like let these blooms brighten each morning as you pass them. Or something sweet of that nature. They don’t have to be huge either, just a simple coffee cup size of mini daisies is plenty!
    • This actually brings me to a great early spring activity for the kids! Start a bunch of seeds with the above plan in mind. Pick up a bunch of cute mugs at a thrift store and let your creativity fly.
  • Buy someone a cup of coffee. A friend, a stranger, anyone. The next time you’re in line at a coffee shop just tell the cashier to add whatever the person behind you wants to your bill. They don’t even have to know it. This is especially fun in the drive thru because you know you just made someone’s morning and hopefully day.
  • Did you end up with some tiny amount like 39 cents or $1.19 left on a gift card that will only mean you have to go back and spend exponentially more to use it again? Pass it to someone next to you. This is great at restaurants where you’re not allowed to tip from a gift card. Or standing in line at a sporting goods store where there are 100 other moms breaking their bank accounts to support their kids in their umpteenth extra curricular activity. I did this at Target a couple weeks ago and the lady almost cried. It was less than three dollars but it meant so much more to her.
Glass Slippers #Cinderella #BeKind
  • If you’re on a tight budget, these acts of kindness don’t have to cost more that the words coming out of your mouth. I often think someone has awesome eyes, or their makeup is gorgeous, or their shoes are amazing. TELL THEM. I started doing this and now I can’t shut up. I didn’t have much of a filter before but now I’m constantly blurting complements to strangers. I apologize to anyone speaking to me when this happens. I promise I didn’t mean to interrupt, I just have to speak my “kind.”

Become an Ambassador of Kindness

In honor of the new Disney film, Cinderella, a kindness movement has been put into motion and you can be a part of it. Simply share your kind words with the world here.

Have Courageous and Be Kind. Random Acts of Kindness #Cinderella #BeKind

You can preorder Cinderella now! Anyone that orders the movie unlocks the special opportunity to buy the charming necklace pictured above. This is a limited offer (9/15/15-12/22/15) so don’t forget to take advantage of this special purchase with purchase.

Have Courage and Be Kind.

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