Honor a Loved One with Acts of Kindness Cards

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How do you honor a loved one who has passed? My dear cousin was tragically killed in a car accident this past January. I never posted about it, because I find it really hard to put into words how truly amazing my cousin Devan was. (Shelley mentioned her death in this post here.) She was legendary and an amazing soul. In fact, her legacy lives on in all who loved her.

With her passing I got to meet several of her friends. To say that I was impressed by these people would be an enormous understatement. She was surrounded by a group of people that have restored my faith in humanity. Inspiring young adults who are wise beyond their years and eager to make the world a better place.

Honor a Loved One with Acts of Kindness Cards

Honor a Loved One with Acts of Kindness Cards

At her memorial her friends were handing out these “Random Acts of Kindness Cards”. Since Devan was such a kind person and always looking to “pay it forward”, one of her friends decided to create these cards to help continue this mission. I had never heard of such a thing and thought it was a genius idea.

The friend who originally made the cards (above) lives in Wisconsin, so I decided to make my own to pass out here locally. I definitely cannot take credit for this idea, but wanted to share it because I think it’s such a great way to honor a person! Using PicMonkey.com and just ordering them as business cards, they were very easy to make. Here’s what mine looked like.

Honor a Loved One with Acts of Kindness Cards

We went through 1,000 of them in no time. Her parents included them in the thank you cards from the memorial, and we have all just been passing them out and paying it forward. All you do is do something nice for another person and then give them a card. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture, just a kind one. The feeling you get from this is contagious. It sparks a chain of niceness that we can all benefit from in this world. Just like Devan wanted.

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  1. Tammilee Tillison says:

    This is so sweet! What an amazing way to honor a loved one

  2. I did something similar for the Sandy Hook victims in general (wasn’t dedicated to one person in particular). This is a great way to expand the idea to personal losses. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Melissa Lawler says:

    What an incredible idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    What an absolutely beautiful and creative idea to honor someone special who has passed!

  5. Erika @Musings From a Stay At Home Mom says:

    What a sweet way to honor those who have gone on before us.

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