Pet Gift Ideas that Help with Puppy Problems

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Ah, puppy problems. We have them over here. They aren’t so much problems, as just puppy training issues. Thankfully, we have been introduced to many products that can help us along the way. Some of these items were received for review purposes, and some contain affiliate links. In any case, all opinions are our own.

Pet Gift Ideas that Help with Puppy Problems

Anyone who has adopted a puppy knows that training can be challenging. There are so many puppy problems that can arise, and even carry on into adulthood. It takes a while to get to know your pet and see if they have any personality traits that might stay with them once they are full grown. I have organized this gift guide by puppy problems, but really they are great for any pet owners.

Pet Gift Ideas that Help with Puppy Problems

Boredom – Puppies and pets in general can get very bored, especially if their owner is not home all day. The Foobler is a self-reloading puzzle feeder that dispenses treats by a timer. It holds up to 2 cups of dog food or treats. The timer goes from 15 minutes to 90 minutes. Once it goes off a bell dings and a treat pops out. Pets quickly get to know the pattern of the Foobler. The anticipation alone can help prevent boredom.

Foobler automatic treat dispenser

Potty Training – This is our biggest challenge with our new guy, Franklin. What seems to be working the best is what we call “potty treats.” Every time he goes potty outside where he supposed to, we award him with tons of love and excitement, and a “potty treat”. Tiny bite-sized treats work best for this. Our favorite is DOGSTREATS Minis in peanut butter. They are tiny and ideal for training. Our guys just go nuts for the peanut butter flavor. They are made with 100% natural ingredients, and the company donates like crazy. The treats are the perfect size for the Foobler mentioned above, too!

Merrick Tog Treats

Chewing – Puppies need to chew. If you don’t supply them with chewable items, they will chew your stuff. We love jerky strips from Merrick that are made in the USA using high-quality ingredients. Crump’s Sweet Potato Chews are great, too. Sweet potatoes with the texture of jerky. Keeps them busy with pure nutrition.

Slow feed dog bowl from Brake-fast

Eating too Fast – Puppy problems can get serious if they eat too fast. All pets can have this issue, and it can become very dangerous. To slow them down, use a stainless steel slow feed dog bowl from Brake-Fast. We met them at a pet expo this year, and they gave me a bowl. It’s been a life saver for Franklin!

Flounder pet bed

Anxiety – Pets, especially cats, like to have a place to curl up into. The Flounder is ideal for that. My sister’s cat, Stewie, just loves to hide out in his Flouder. After he got familiar with it, it’s like a perfect bed for him. He feels safe and secure in it. Flounders are made with love by Pet Threads. See more suggestions for calming anxious pets here.

Tough on Toys – Hilo can bite a tennis ball in half in about a minute. Toys get shredded here very quickly. That’s where the Tuggo ball is the answer. The Tuggo is durable with a tug-of-war style rope at the end. You can fill it with sand or water to make it heavier. Since Hilo has actually played with our 8 pound medicine ball, this is just what he needed. This toy will last for the long haul. It can be a workout for you and your pet to play with together!

The Fifty Paw doody bag leash tool

Walking – This product is more for the human. Hands-free doody pickup with The Fifth Paw. This innovative contraption clips to the dog’s leash and holds the doody bag. It has a rotating ring to hold bags, treats, and keys.

There’s just a few holiday gift guide suggestions for pet owners. Hopefully, it will help with any puppy problems, as well. Buying gifts for our pets is my favorite part of the holidays!

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  1. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    Awww, this is perfect for the doggies! What a cute doggie and looks so cute in the hat!

  2. These are all great. My Precious destroys toys in no time so I am really interested in that Tuggo. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. These are really great! I love that slow eating bowl. You don’t want you pooch to bloat!

  4. Kelly Hutchinson says:

    We have 2 cats, one of which is very shy and skittish. The Flounder would be just perfect for her!

  5. LauraOinAK says:

    I miss having a pet to buy cute toys for at Christmas. Love the slow eating bowl.

  6. Dee Mauser says:

    I’ve had several puppies and kittens in my lifetime and know all about puppy stages, house training and all of that fun stuff.

  7. I love the Fifth Paw. Who wants to carry dooty in their hands.

  8. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    Ha, that fish is hilarious! Toys have sure come a long way since we had a dog!

  9. Chelley @ AisForAdelaide says:

    We need the Tuggo so bad! Our boy barely has toys, but what he has is all torn up!

  10. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    He is so cute. I need to get my Milo some new toys….

  11. Cathy @ Our Mini Family says:

    I think my favorite thing is the Flounder–adorable and great for pets with anxiety! It’s a win win for sure!

  12. That fish has me cracking up! I have to get one of these for a friend of mine for Christmas. It is way too perfect!

  13. What great suggestions. Covers every puppy problem I can think of.

  14. These are all great ideas. I have been looking for a slow feed bowl for some time. I have two dogs that eat way too fast and end up with horrible gas pains.

  15. Lisa Bristol says:

    I will have to get my dogs the automatic treat dispenser. It is such a great idea.

  16. I know a friend who has a dog that eats too fast. I’ll tell her about that bowl.

  17. Jen Temcio @dapperhouse says:

    Oh wow! I totally want to get that slow feed bowl for my chihuahua who inhales his food to the point of choking. What a great invention.

  18. I love these products. Everything that I need for a healthy happy puppy.

  19. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the fish for the cat! That is super cute and looks hilarious considering it’s normally the other way around.

  20. I never knew that there was a special dog bowl used if dogs are eating too fast. My honey’s parents dog needs that! She always eats crazy FAST! LOL!

  21. Our Family World says:

    The dog with the had on it is adorable, I always buy my pets gifts!

  22. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    My cats would love the fish bed. I will have to get two so they each have a little hideaway.

  23. What fun ideas for pets, I Love them all. I have a doggy no cats and no puppy. She is 8 year old pug. I will see about some of these ideas working for my friends and extended family though!

  24. Carolann Leibenguth says:

    My dog sure could use the slow feed food bowl, she gobbles it up like she hasn’t eaten n months. I died laughing when I saw the cat in the fish picture.

  25. These are all really interesting products! I have two doggies of my own and I think these would be great! I think the fifth paw is a great stocking stuffer too. I totally need this for my dogs.

  26. Those slow down feeders are brilliant. My dog used to eat so fast she would throw-up.

  27. Julie Wood says:

    These are awesome dog ideas to help with puppy problems. I like the automatic treat dispenser for pets. That would be a good one for me to get so my dog can have treats at certain times. I would love one of these treat bowls!

  28. sandy weinstein says:

    i have the feeder bowl but in plastic. thinking abt getting the slo bowl. i like merrick. they have good food and treats. i have some of their treats and canned foods (for emergencies- like when they have their teeth cleaned and cant eat hard food). i have tried the treat balls and my girls cant get the hang of it.

  29. David Fultner says:

    Such a sweet boxer. I wish my dog would wear a hat.

  30. David Fultner says:

    I have no puupy problems. But a cute boxer.

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