Don’t Forget the Road Trip Snacks

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Planning a family road trip can be a lot to take on. Especially if you are traveling with little ones, or going a really long distance. The four of us are headed to the east coast (from Chicago) at the end of the summer and I have already been planning for months! The main thing I need to remember is the road trip snacks! This post has been sponsored by Honey Bunches of Oats, but all thoughts and opinions shared here are entirely my own.

Family Road Trip Tips Don't forget the road trip snacks! AD

Family Road Trip

My kids are a bit older now (13 and 10,) but that presents new challenges. I want them learning about life, culture, and new places on this trip. I want them dreamily looking out the window as we cross mountains and rivers approaching the ocean. I do NOT want their eyes glued to a screen the entire ride.

So, I’ve packed audio books. The kind that we can all get sucked into as a family. Some thrillers, some murder mystery… we’re kind of gory like that.

Don't forget the family road trip snacks! AD

I’m in the process of putting together a bunch of family friendly road trip games that will keep us thinking, laughing, and building memories. Because after all, that’s what this trip is about, strengthening our modern family’s bond. It’s going to be quite an adventure to be stuck in a car for a little over 2 weeks, but I can’t wait!

Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits make great family road trip snacks AD

Road Trip Snacks

Probably the most important thing on my list is road trip snacks. My son, especially, NEVER stops eating. His appetite is unbelievable! In an effort to stay on budget, we are not planning on stopping and buying snacks at convenience stores–they’re so overpriced! We’re loading up a huge stockpile of road trip friendly snacks and the main one is Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits. I just received 3 boxes to try and was blown away. They’re delicious and so satisfying! I tried the Dark Chocolate Chip (my fave), Honey Roasted, and Strawberry. The kids are tied between the Honey Roasted and Strawberry but that’s fine with me. We will bake some of our own snacks, too, the favorite being copycat Aussie Bites.

Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits are delicious AD

These biscuits are packed with 28-30 grams of whole grains per serving. That means there’s some fiber to help keep your belly happy, and all the good nutrients nature intended for growing bodies.

They even go great with coffee so the adults love them too. You can find out more by following them on Facebook and Twitter, or visiting their website.

What are your favorite road trip snacks?

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  1. Going on a road trip to Santa Fe next week. Will keep these in mind.

  2. nicole dziedzic says:

    Loving all the whole grains per serving! Awesome road trip snacks to pack here. Very important essentials when traveling by car.

  3. Julie Wood says:

    I love these Breakfast biscuits and really love taking them on road trips and having them for breakfast. We also like fruit, string cheese, trail mix! I have a few boxes of these!

  4. Dana Matthews says:

    Ooooh….I can’ wait to find these in my grocery store! They sound awesome! Perfect for a traveling snack!

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