Summer Fun for the Whole Family Medieval Summer

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School is finally out! What sort of summer fun do you have planned for the family? Have you considered taking everyone to Medieval Times? If not, you really should.

My family and I had a total blast! We were able to go free of charge to facilitate this review, but all thoughts and opinions shared here are my own.

Medieval Times.

Summer Fun for the Family

The best part of Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament is that it entertains all ages. Young and old are enticed by the excitement and can’t help but cheer for their knight.

Seriously, we all lost our voices from cheering so hard.

Chesney, Evan, Adam, and Mike watching the show.

Before the show, we wandered around the castle for a little bit. We got to hold some really awesome swords, see and read about medieval torture methods, and see where the horses hang out.

Adam and Uncle Mike looking at medieval swords at Medieval Times.
Evan and Chesney at Medieval times looking at swords.

The show was outstanding. The horses are simply magical. The knights are equally amazing. The training it must take… I can’t even imagine. But it is truly impressive.

All the people and animals are totally in character–down to your wench or man-wench–which really sets the atmosphere.

Knights on horses at Medieval Times.

Dinner is served while you’re watching the tournament and the food is delicious. You really feel medieval when you’re tearing into your “dragon’s leg” with your teeth and fingers. (Silverware is available upon request, but c’mon, where’s the fun in that!)

Overall, this is an awesome summer fun event for the whole family. It’s even quite educational if you visit the dungeon!

Kids will have a whole new perspective for punishments after seeing what they were like in Medieval Times! Timeout chair of torture anyone?

Summer fun at Medieval Times.

One of my son’s favorite parts of the evening was getting to see the knights up close after the tournament. They all come out to sit on their thrones and are available for pictures.

You really get to see their personalities! LOL

Is there a Medieval Times castle near you? Have you ever been? Tell us how awesome it was!

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  1. Joseph Mikota says:

    Would love to go with my family. The show is blast.

  2. Amanda N. says:

    My husband, son, and a friend would come with.

  3. Linda Szymoniak says:

    I have three daughters, although one lives out of the area. I’d love to take all three of them with me. If my youngest couldn’t make it, I’d made a deal with the fiancee of my oldest and boyfriend of my middle daughter. They could both go, but would have to pay for half a ticket, since that would bring us to five people.

  4. I would take my daughter and grandson to the show.

  5. I’d like to give the tickets to a friend and her family in Chicago – maybe I can visit and go with her.

  6. I will take my husband and kids. My kids and I have never been and my husband is to cheep to take us!

  7. Have always wanted to take my foster son but it is 4 hours away so would me over night stay cant afford tickets and a hotel right now 🙁 but if I won tickets we so could go

  8. If I were to win, I would definitely be going with the hubz and our two boys! 🙂

  9. Heather Hollands says:

    I would take my teen daughters and either my husband or my mom.

  10. Alina Hahn says:

    I would take my husband and son – they would love it!

  11. If I won, I would love to take my nephews!

  12. Shannon Gagner says:

    If I win this I will take my children and they have always wanted to go so it would be great!

  13. Misty Taylor says:

    If I were to win, I’d take my two sons and daughter! They would love this show

  14. Adrianne B says:

    If I win, I will take my daughter and her two friends. They would have an absolute blast!!

  15. If I win I would take my family. My hubby and my two daughters. We live right by it and I haven’t taken my girls there yet.

  16. Jerry Marquardt says:

    I will take my father to this if I could win this giveaway.

  17. My husband and our friends!

  18. Lily Kwan says:

    I would take my friend with me.

  19. I’ve always wanted to go to Medieval Times. I think there’s one a state over from us, so maybe I’ll get the chance. Looks like a total blast.

  20. Melissa Craig says:

    We have been to the medieval Times in Kissimmee, Fl years ago and have been wanting to take the kids to the one in schomberg. I think my girls would really enjoy going.

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