5 Things to Bring on Your Family Bike Ride

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In an effort to get my family moving this summer we all got bikes. As a blogger I am guilty of sitting for way too long and sometimes half a day goes by where I haven’t physically moved. My body is changing and not for the better.

I’m getting squishy and… stinky? Good grief, something has got to give! I’m grabbing my family for a long bike ride through the trails just outside my house and have put together a list of important things you don’t want to forget. This post is sponsored by Lunchbox. Opinions are 100% my own.

Don't forget these 5 essentials on your next family bike ride #GetMoving #spon

Family Bike Ride Essentials

  • Water bottles. Most bikes have a holder. If not, consider a backpack with a water pouch. Hydration is key for your body’s performance and scent.
  • Trail mix. Make your own with your favorite nuts, dried berries/beans, dark chocolate chunks or whatever. Just make sure you’ve got something to snack on to replenish and fuel your body.
  • Bike locks. You never know when you’ll discover a place that’s worthy of exploration on foot. Always keep a bike lock (for each bike) with you so that you can keep your bike safe while you let your adventure carry you freely.
5 things you can't live without on a family bike ride #GetMoving #spon
  • Sunscreen. Simply because we know too much about how important protecting our skin is. So just have it and use it. (Throw in bug spray too if you’re going somewhere heavily wooded.)
  • Degree Deodorant. Nothing can take away from the fun like wet, stinky armpits. I may be a lady, but I sweat like a man. And with minimal effort. I actually wear men’s deodorant because I prefer the scents they offer. My new favorite is Degree Adventure Antiperspirant. It has this fancy MOTIONSENSE® formula that activates the more you move. So the more active I am, the better I smell?! It’s magical.

At this point I think it goes without saying that you also need helmets and any other safety equipment for your family. Injuries are no fun!

Take the Challenge

Walgreens has teamed up with Degree to bring us the motivation we need to get moving this summer. When you buy Degree at Walgreens you’ll get a code on your receipt with a qualifying purchase that can be used online to unlock excellent health and wellness resources.

Take the Degree Get Moving challenge with Chris Powell, celebrity trainer and transformation pro, and take your fitness training to a whole new level. During the challenge consumers will log their activity and track their progress using wearable technology through a custom partnership with MapMyFitness. The challenge starts TODAY (July 1st) and runs through August 17th. Enter here!

In addition to tracking your challenge, you can find workout tips, nutrition information, and more information on Degree products. Don’t forget to check for in-store offers and coupons too!

What ways are you going to #GetMoving this summer? Maybe a family bike ride?

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  1. We have been swimming more often, and I just got a bike. I am so excited for neighborhood bike rides!

  2. Holly Thomas says:

    I plan on taking early morning walks.

  3. Lisa Brown says:

    I am walking more and hiking. time out with my pup is keeping me active for sure 🙂

  4. I swim 3 times a week.
    Thanks for the contest.

  5. We take walks in the evening.

  6. Jacob LaFountaine says:

    Go with some longer walks with the dogs and hiking in the mountains

  7. I have been doing a lot of golf.

  8. Julie Wood says:

    I ride my bike, or walk or go swimming! I am very active!

  9. I plan to go on more nature walks.

  10. Amanda Alvarado says:

    I am planning on starting yoga when I start my vacation

  11. David Fultner says:

    We just got a bat-mitten set.

  12. Alison Tolar says:

    I plan to go swimming and spend time outdoors playing with my puppy.

  13. Jessie C. says:

    I plan to go hiking with my family.

  14. nicole dziedzic says:

    To be more active this summer we are planning plenty of outdoor activities, like we just put up a badminton net in the yard and we have been swimming in our pool.

  15. I plan to be more active this summer by swimming and hiking with my family.

  16. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    I am walking and eating healthier. I am also choosing water to drink over other things.

  17. We take long walks in the evenings.

  18. My daughters are playing lots of basketball this summer and I am walking to stay fit.

  19. We plan to go kayaking this summer.

  20. steve weber says:

    I plan on taking my dog for long walks every day after work.

  21. I have been taking short walks and building them up. When it cools down I want to walk around the lake.

  22. Christina says:

    We are taking family bike rides, going kayaking, walking the nature trails… plus we walk our dogs and our foster puppies 2x’s a day.

  23. We’re joining the Y

  24. My physical activity is limited by congestive heart failure, but I plan to spend more time in my garden and walk more often.

  25. I plan on training for a half marathon and going to the gym.

  26. Beth Hill says:

    Walk during my lunch break at work, while the weather is nice!

  27. i plan on walks and i do yard and garden work which can be a workout plus i dance when no one is watching

  28. We plan on spending more time at the beach!

  29. Margaret Smith says:

    Walking more often. I’ve been trying to walk daily early in the morning around my neighborhood.

  30. I plan on getting back on my bike and hiking

  31. Cathy French says:

    I plan on walking around our neighborhood more to try to get into shape.

  32. Just opened the pool for the season so lots more swimming!

  33. I like to go running outside in the evenings once the sun has gone down.

  34. Sandy Klocinski says:

    Yoga and paddle boarding are my faves, shocking I know! But I’d love to try scuba diving and sailing! And you know a round or two of hopscotch with the kids doesn’t sound so bad either!

  35. I plan to continue taking my nightly walks.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

  36. I joined a tennis league and recruited a friend to go jogging several times a week to get more active!

  37. beth shepherd says:

    We take daily long walks and go swimming. Thank you!

  38. Sarah Hall says:

    I plan to walk a lot more at the local track.

  39. Pamela Gurganus says:

    I plan to swim to be more active this summer.

  40. rich morris says:

    I’ve been running this summer more.

  41. I walk 5 days a week and bring my son with me at least a couple of times. We also play more in the backyard.

  42. Amber Faith says:

    I plan to walk at least 10,000 steps per day.

  43. Thomas Murphy says:

    I an going for bike rides to be more active.

  44. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    I am running daily.

  45. Dana Rodriguez says:

    I will be doing a lot of walking and swimming!

  46. Barbara Montag says:

    I’m going to do more walking and swimming.
    thank you

  47. tammy shelton says:

    I’ll be going for more walks along the beach.

  48. Susan Christy says:

    Riding my bike more.

  49. My family and I have been trying to take a walk everyday or go swimming.

  50. I try to stay active by going on walks with the kids or swimming!

  51. We will be doing alot of swimming! Carter is turning into a fish this year! He just loves to be in the water!

  52. sandra davis says:

    I plan on going swimming and working out in the yard more.

  53. I will be biking more this summer!

  54. I plan to walk more and do more outdoor activities.

  55. Tammy Woodall says:

    I plan to walk more outside – instead of just on my treadmill.

  56. wen budro says:

    I plan on increasing the number and intensity of my walks with my dog this Summer.

  57. allyson tice says:

    I plan on running my first 15k on july 12th!

  58. Patricia M says:

    I plan to go on long walks at the park or beach.

  59. Shea Adams says:

    I plan to go for walks more often!

  60. My hubby and I have been going on trail runs to be more active.

  61. Dawn Monroe says:

    We finally moved to an area with sidewalks and have been walking our dog daily. He loves it and so do we. Our oldest granddaughter is learning to ride a bike so bike rides are next. Can’t wait!

  62. Birdiebee says:

    I plan to do more swimming to be active this summer.

  63. I’ve started jogging and lifting weights this summer to prepare for a 5k called warrior dash to keep me motivated to be fit this summer!

  64. Stephanie Davis says:

    We would definitely like to go on some bike rides and spend a lot of time swimming!

  65. hope to go on more hikes

  66. Christy Peeples DuBois says:

    I do not have to make plans to be more active during the warm months because it being warm causes me to get moving cutting grass, trimming shrubs, tree limbs, on the lake skiing and swimming, walking/running more simply because the weather allows it, these are a few things that come to mind easily. Therefore we will be moving more.

  67. I’ve been teaching zumba weekly and doing it outside to get people out in the sun for some Vitamin D! I have been encouraging fresh air and movement!

  68. I’ve been swimming 5 days a week to get back in shape this summer

  69. Stephanie Phelps says:

    I plan on going to the lake several days a week with the kids and swimming!

  70. Amanda B. says:

    Taking advantage of our great hiking trails!

  71. Enjoying the outdoors! Soon it will be Winter and difficult to enjoy the outdoors!

  72. I am going for walks and doing yoga.

  73. jason whitaker says:

    I ride my bike whenever I go somewhere the majority of the time.

  74. denise low says:

    We take evening walks in our subdivision.We are going to start medal detecting soon so that will get us up and moving.

  75. Take some walks in the part and get moving!

  76. Dawn Keenan says:

    We do a lot of swimming in the summer to help keep in shape.

  77. Drinking more water and running a mile in the morning.

  78. Drink more water and go for a walk each morning.

  79. Teresa Moore says:

    I plan to walk more and go out to the beach and swim more!

  80. These essentials are pretty helpful for stroller jogging exercises too, except the bike lock (maybe we just have to check the wheel locks in our case). Nonetheless, they have things in common including being active and having fun too! 🙂 Thanks for the awesome tips! 😉

  81. Patti Hess says:

    I plan on walking more with my dog !!

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

  82. We like to play frisbee golf. Thank you

  83. I plan on doing zumba!

  84. shelly sawicki lash neuhouser says:

    I plan to take a long walk everyday.

  85. Cori Westphal says:

    I’ve recruited my neighbor to get out and walk after dinner. Every bit helps!

  86. Mary Cloud says:

    Now that it’s warm – swimming and walks

  87. Trey Smith says:

    I plan to swim more.

  88. Brandi Goolsby says:

    We go for jogs/ walks at the local park and try to keep at it for at least 30 minutes!

  89. sandra schmitz says:

    We are using sunscreen when we’re outside walking, and drinking lots of water!

  90. Andrea Peregretti says:

    Going on walks with my kids when I am able!

  91. sharon shafran says:

    i am walking more

  92. laurie steiner says:

    We do a lot of fishing and crabbing in the summer.

  93. Emily Endrizzi says:

    I plan on riding bikes and roller skating with the kids as well as working outside in the garden to be more active this summer.

  94. laurie murley says:

    we plan to do a lot of walking and swimming and baseball playing

  95. Play more tennis and baseball with my boys

  96. Lily Kwan says:

    I plan to take walks.

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