Safe and Natural Cream for Pain Relief

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I am on a constant mission to find pain relief for my Grandma and my Dad. Since Ateevia Botanica is all natural, I was very eager to work with them on this review. For the amount of pain relief creams that my loved ones use, it’s best to take the most natural approach.

natural pain relief treatment

Pain Relief Cream with Natural Ingredients

Ateevia Botanica’s PRIME daily pain defense cream is specially formulated with natural ingredients to treat some of the most common conditions in muscles, joints and tissues.

Using a blend of ingredients found in nature, this cream has shown to provide significant pain relief in 86% of their participants.

Essential anti-inflammatory nutrients, like flavonoids, lignans, linoleic and oleic acids and antioxidants can be found in the natural botanicals used in this cream.

Pumpkin, borage, poke root, sunflower and safflower are a few of the biologically active product compounds in this formula.

Effective pain relief has been experienced by many with the following conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tendinitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bursitis
  • Sport Strains and Bruises
  • Myalgia

My Grandmother has severe arthritis. She is now 80 years old and suffers from many aches and pains. She finds minimal relief in pain creams since her conditions are so far advanced. Everyone is always giving her new products to try and I often worry about the ingredients that she’s slathering on her skin over and over.

That’s why I really wanted her to try Ateevia Botanica out. I feel a lot better knowing that I can pronounce (and recognize) all of the natural ingredients that it contains. Nature has powerful tools that contain natural anti-inflammatory properties and it’s great that this company has tapped into that.

Now, you can see from the picture above how bad my Gram’s hands are. You can also see evidence of how hard she still works. Those dirty pants are that way because she works her face off daily in her yard and in her barn.

This 80 year old woman works harder than most people I know. That’s another reason why she’s always in pain!

She’s now been using Ateevia Botanica at least twice a day for about two weeks. She likes the overall feel of the cream and finds it soothing just to apply. As far as pain relief, she has noticed some positive results over time.

With the amount of physical work this woman does each day, any positive relief says a lot! She seriously abuses her body. She also loves the scent of the cream and likes the color — LOL silly Gram.

Overall, she says that she plans to continue to use it and would recommend it. My Dad had similar feedback and he’s a workaholic just like his mother!

Ateevia Botanica can be purchased from their website.

What kinds of aches and pains do you suffer from?

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  1. Sue Dorsett says:

    I suffer chronically with bursitis and arthritis. I am willing to try a natural product that could supplement my medication regimen. Hope I win.

  2. what I like about the product is that it is all natural

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