14 Strange Places Our Puppy Has Peed

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When it comes to having a puppy, this is not our first rodeo. Each puppy is different, though, and we are certainly having a lot of “firsts” with Franklin. Let me just say right away that we love him tons and have no regrets about adopting him. This post is only meant to be slightly humorous and also remind people how much work goes into having a puppy, cause I am pretty sure we forgot a little!

14 Strange Places Our Puppy Has Peed

Franklin is still very young, and we are working hard on training him. Puppy accidents are inevitable, but I have never had one that’s gone in some of the places that he has. Most puppies seem to pick a place to go, but Franklin likes to mix it up. Here are some of the odd places he has gone:

14 Strange Places Our Puppy Has Peed – Potty Training Reality!

  1. Couch – I have never had a puppy pee on the couch. Right on the leather couch cushions. Gah.
  2. Bed – Again, this is a first. Right on the bed, but thankfully, on top of the comforter and it didn’t soak into the mattress.
  3. Hilo’s bowl – Passive aggressive much? Pretty sure he’s super angry that we won’t let him eat Hilo’s food.
  4. Welcome mat – Perhaps another message.
  5. Dog beds – Yep, that’s plural. He’s peed on every dog bed in the house.
  6. Shoe – Just Mike’s one shoe so far. Mine are simply chew toys.
  7. Outdoor furniture – Points for being outside at least?
  8. Wood trim – Forget the floor, he likes to get it all up in the trim where it’s impossible to clean. Again, we love him!
  9. Bath mat – Absorbent. Seems legit. Could easily be mistaken for a puppy pad.
  10. Under the end table – This was a sneaky one that we had to sniff out to find.
  11. Crate – In the crate, on the crate, all over the crate. He has made it completely clear that crate training is not an option.
  12. Hair dryer – I blow dry my hair in front of my mirrored closet doors. He peed on it when it was unplugged.
  13. Makeup case – Same scenario as above. Clearly, I need to get my crap off of the floor. Message received.
  14. The Grump – He’s peed on The Grump. This was also a lesson in why bathing two dogs at once is not ideal.

This puppy potty training is definitely challenging. He’s been to the vet several times for his puppy shots, and he’s totally healthy. Just a tad more challenging when it comes to potty training. He is almost at the age where we can have him neutered, too. We are hoping that will help if it’s a marking issue. With three male dogs in the house, no one needs that happening.

I was mentioning all this to a friend today who had been thinking about getting a puppy. Pretty sure she might go for a senior dog now. 😉 Not trying to deter anyone, it’s just a reality reminder!

Stewie and Franklin

To be fair, Franklin had a rough start in life. He was found in an abandoned building at three months old, so it’s understandable that he’s working through some issues. We’ll get there with some extra love and patience. 🙂

Have any puppy training tips for me?

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  1. Ruth Griffeth says:

    Oh this is too funny to read. But when I saw the title I had to read it. It brought back memories of a Cat we fostered. He had a problem with the cat box.. He would pee everywhere! The worst place was he constantly peed on the vent for the heater. Well to say the least we had to have someone come and clean it. And we even kept the cat!

    1. Oh the vent!!! That’s horrible!! Yeah, there’s no way we would NOT keep Franklin. He’s too sweet and this is really to be expected of a puppy. He’s becoming a little snuggler love-sponge, too. Super sweetie!!

  2. Daniela Tapia says:

    Franklin is cute, i think he;s going to get it together and not pee all over the house!
    hopefully Hilo can forgive Franklin for messing with his bowl, jaja so funny.

  3. Dorothy Boucher says:

    I know when my hubby was training his dogs , at the time puppies, he would feed them and then put them outside or in a spot in the basement which we set up for them, until they went . Once they went to the bathroom, then they where allowed out and about but not until then.. But good luck with your puppy.

  4. Alison Gibb says:

    Franklin is so cute! I remember those puppy days. Tough but worth it!!

  5. Sarah Matos says:

    How sweet is Franklin. Its hard to be mad at those puppy eyes but I know how frustrating training is!

  6. I am so glad someone is having the same trying times with their fur baby. So funny!

  7. Some of these are really odd and I thought my dog was bad,LOL

    by the way I tried several times to get credit for email subscription and it didn’t work for me

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  8. Jennifer Hiles says:

    Now that is one active pup. At least he’s staying hydrated 😉 The Grump is absolutely adorable! And your poor make-up and hair dryer! At least it wasn’t plugged in.

  9. ellen beck says:

    I have to admit those are some very unique places. I have had puppies pee on the floor but never on anything else really. I remember when we last trined and I was taking her out all the time- she would drink anything she went ut, she ate anything she went out at least within 15 minutes.
    Being a male, I would try for a long walk and if he marks, keep walking until he runs out of pee!

  10. David Fultner says:

    At least he going to grow out of it((FINGERS CROSSED). Lttle dogs are the worst.

  11. Deanna Middendorf says:

    What a hoot! He is just adorable. With our last dog I was far more successful with potty training than ever before. I took off 3 weeks of work, set an alarm for every 15 minutes and took him out to the same spot in the yard. I sat on the floor next to him all day long. If he started to pee, I picked his little but up mid stream and once again took him to his spot. At the end of three weeks he was perfect and has been ever since. It was a lot of work but he is a WONDERFUL boy now. It was well worth it. He is 10 years old and the only time he peed on the floor I called the vet. He had an infection. We gave him meds and no pee since. Yep, that is 1 time since training in 10 years!!!

  12. We have had a Golden Retriever for 16 1/2 years, and it wasn’t until his bladder failed in the last six months that he ever peed anywhere except outside…it really hurt to lose him!

  13. Your little guy sure is making his mark all over your house! LOL. Some dogs are more difficult than others. Hang in there!

  14. Susan Broughton says:

    I can so sympathize with your plight lol! We have 3 dogs two have been with us for 12 years and are potty trained but my daughter rescued a puppy that was left and wondered into our yard. It couldn’t have been more than 6 weeks if that old. That dog is now 7 months old and is still not potty trained. We have has so much trouble trying to train this dog! It just shows how each is different!

  15. We have raised two Goldens (one lived to 16 1/2) and now a 3 month old rescue dog..my niece is a vet’s assistant and brought home this beautiful puppy, 2 rabbits (of which I was lucky enough to get one) so we have seen it all…just stick with it and the love you will get in return is unbelievable

  16. Jessica Cox says:

    Oh yes I have a dog that is 6 and still needs to make my couch it makes me crazy cause he is potty trained

  17. ellen beck says:

    Ha! Puppies are funny creatures. I cant believe some of the pllaces he peed. Luckily I havent had to train a puppy in years.

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