Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven

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Chicken Soup for the Soul:  Messages from Heaven is a collection of real stories from real people, all about signs from beyond after a loved one dies. Death is probably the most difficult fact of life that people have to deal with. I think we all can benefit from the inspiring and comforting stories in this book. Product received for review. Post contains affiliate links.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven

chicken soup

Death horrifies me. Not so much myself dying, but my loved ones. I am sure I am not alone in this fear, but I think people that have a solid religious belief system and faith probably cope better. I was not raised with a lot of religion and have always been a little more scientific in my thinking, so I tend to question things others just accept. I want to believe in Heaven and that we will all meet up again there, but I would feel better with some proof! I don’t want to get into a huge religious debate here, but hopefully you get what I am trying to say. It’s not that I don’t believe in anything. I am definitely a spiritual person, I just like evidence…

Reading these stories gives me the faith that I tend to struggle with. The amazing connections that some of these people continued to have after their loved one passed is amazing and completely comforting. Even stories about children and little kids repeating something from beyond… things that they couldn’t have known unless told by the person that had passed. These stories will give you the chills! They are so inspiring and left me with a lot more hope and faith.

Purchase Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven for yourself, or anyone that you know who could use a little inspiration.

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  1. Judy Dailey says:

    would like to win for my cousin who just this week buried her husband of 40 years

  2. Nicole Sather says:

    I would like this book for my boyfriend to read since he lost his father early and still isnt dealing with it well.

  3. I’d love to win this Messages from Heaven book. I lost my mom in March and have been having a very hard time.

  4. I lost my baby girl on 3/6/12 and it was ROUGH. Then on 3/9/12 my big sister passed away unexpedially in her sleep. Believe it or not, when my sister died, the agony over my baby was minute compared. My sister was in my life for 41 years. I was devistated, heartbroken and still on my way to making it all make since. It has brought me to alot of religious questions and searching to find answers to/for. My sister isn’t the first person who I have lost, but she is the one that has had the most profound impact on me. I would give anything to see her again, talk to her again. You see, we had a falling out and before she died, I hadn’t talked to her in a year. WHY???

  5. Christina says:

    I used to read Chicken Soup for the Soul books all the time and loved them. I’d love to win because its coming up on a year (October) that my dad died, very unexpectedly, and I am still having a really hard time with it. I am Daddy’s Little Girl and I miss him so much.

  6. Paige Kelley says:

    Because my best friend just lost her husband after a long battle with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. I believe this book could be a comfort for her. Thanks for the chance.

  7. Carrie Phelps says:

    I’m a firm believer in messages from the other side as I have had a few from my brother and other family members.

  8. Tiffany Christie says:

    This book would be great for my mother in law. Its right up her alley

  9. Rita Spratlen says:

    Sounds like an interesting book and I would like to hear about the stories.

  10. Cheryl Reinhardt says:

    Sounds like a great book to read, I have recently lost my Dad and my Grandmother, it would be nice to read some coforting stories about heaven!

  11. penelope merriweather says:

    I love all the chicken soup books! Thanks for this generous giveaway!

  12. We are all eternal. This book would be nice to read :o)

  13. I would love to read some inspiring stories.

  14. Belinda Shaw says:

    I love Chicken Soup books and highlight my favorites and re-read them over and over. I do believe that someone is watching over you even though they are no longer on earth.

  15. Susan Morris says:

    I would like to win because I love these inspirational stories! I lost my parents and youngest brother several years ago, and I think of them often and I look for signs myself.

  16. megan cromes says:

    i would lovew to win chicken soup for the soul:messages from heaven

  17. I would like to win because I love books about Heaven

  18. joseph gersch jr says:

    i would like to win to remind myself of being greatful

  19. i need some messages here!

  20. Jill Myrick says:

    I have had a experience such as this and would love to read about others experiences.


  21. Sue Ellison says:

    I would like to win because the Chicken Soup stories are so inspirational.

  22. Susan Smith says:

    I’d like to win because these are great books

  23. Ed Nemmers says:

    I heart the Chicken Soup books!

  24. Christina Sparks says:

    I enjoy reading the Chicken Soup books and can really like this one in this day in age with all the depression news it would be good to hear some uplifting stories.

  25. Stephanie Mago-Eagle says:

    I love the Chicken Soup books also my husband just passed away 26 months ago.

  26. I just love all the Chicken Soup books!

  27. Erin Cook says:

    Their books are inspirational

  28. It would be nice to win in order to have some good quality reading that is motivational and a testimony of how God is alive and active in our lives.

  29. christal c w says:

    I would like to win this for my mother, this is good reading for her

  30. cassandra (rab pom) says:

    I love the chicken soup books. My aunt and I love talking about the different stories the books have.

  31. susan smoaks says:

    I love the chicken soup for the runner’s soul book!

  32. Jennifer Peaslee says:

    I want to win because the Chicken Soup books are awesome! I havent read this one yet

  33. I would like to win because this book looks very interesting!

  34. Melanie Montgomery says:


  35. Brenda Elsner says:

    I love chicken soup for the soul books!!

  36. I would love to win because I love chicken soup for the soul books.

  37. I truly love these books and this is one I have been wanting to get

  38. Pam Schad says:

    I love these books. My nephew passed away last month at the age of 32 and my family is trying to deal with our sorrow. I want to win this book because I think it would help all of us in some way or another.

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