Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe

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Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

One of the most popular items to make with P.A.N. Cornmeal is the arepa. A classic Venezuelan specialty, the arepa can be used in place of bread. I decided to make a breakfast sandwich. Normally I would use toast or an English muffin but decided this would be a great chance to see how the arepa compares.

Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

Arepa Recipe


Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan


  1. Pour water and salt into a bowl.
  2. Slowly add in the P.A.N. Cornmeal.
  3. Knead for about 2 minutes.
  4. Let the dough rest for 3 – 5 minutes.
  5. Form 8 – 10 balls with your hands. Flatten them out into patties.
  6. Cook in a skillet for about 5 minutes on each side.
  7. Allow arepa to cool.
  8. Slice a pocket into each one, or slice completely (like bread) and add the filling of your choice.

Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

You can fill your arepas with anything and everything. I wanted to make a breakfast sandwich, so I made scrambled eggs with cheese and a dash of Adobe seasoning. I like everything plain and simple. Feel free to be more adventurous and add veggies, meat, or anything you like for breakfast.

Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

I was pretty pleased with this culinary exploration. My arepas were quite doughy, and I would probably make them a little thinner next time. I would also use butter instead of olive oil. Or, maybe just less olive oil. Overall, it’s a very simple process and relatively quick and easy to make arepas. I feel like a food explorer with minimal effort.

Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe #PANFan

With the leftover arepas, we played around a bit. I made a simple grilled cheese, which was delicious. Mike ate some with some lunchmeat. They are versatile and quite interchangeable with bread.

Have you ever tried an arepa? 

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  1. I’ll bet that corn flavor would go well with some cheese (I like sharp cheddar) and Ro-Tel (chopped tomatoes + hot peppers). Yum.

  2. I have never tried Arepas before. This is pretty easy to make, I must try this. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  3. Julie Wood says:

    I have never tried an Arepas, but they sound fun to make and they would be different than using the same bread. Your breakfast sandwich looks so delicious. I will have to try your recipe!

  4. Joni Mason says:

    I had never heard of Arepas until I read this post. I like that it is a simple recipe and can be eaten with any number of things. I’ll bet apple butter would be good on an arepa. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I didn’t know what Arepas were, but they look great! Can’t wait to try them out.

  6. christopher says:

    wow never seen but want now

  7. I’ve never made arepas before. They look fairly easy to make though.

  8. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Those look YUM! Breakfast sandwiches are always a big hit in our house. They are filling and tasty!

  9. I have never heard of this brand, but it looks tasty. I love making breakfast sandwiches this would be a great try! It would start our school day off on the right foot!

  10. Tammy Woodall says:

    This is the first time I’ve heard of Arepa. I definitely would like to try it – it looks really good.

  11. I have never tried arepa, but am totally going to! It seems easy to make! I like trying different foods.

  12. My son loves stuff like this for breakfast, so I am looking forward to trying out this recipe and scoring Mom points! I love when my family is excited about food that I prepare.

  13. Ashley Sears says:

    I am not a huge fan of the yeasty gluten filled breads they sell at the grocery store. This is something I could totally fit into my diet.

  14. I’ve never heard of an arepa till today! They look delish. We love our breakfast sandwiches here.

  15. This would be perfect to take in the car on the way to work in the morning. Looks like a great breakfast option.

  16. Elizabeth @ Being MVP says:

    I’ve never heard of those. But they look delicious and perfect for the kids!

  17. I really had no idea these could be made so easily! I will have to try them out ASAP!

  18. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    This looks like a delicious and easy breakfast. I have never tried to make this kind of bread before. I will have to save this recipe to try.

  19. Tammy Roy says:

    I love breakfast sandwiches. I have never tried Arepa before. I will have to try this on the weekend.

  20. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    This looks amazing! I am tired of cold cereal, I bet this would be a hit in our home!

  21. Lisa Bristol says:

    Breakfast sandwiches are such a easy way to have a good breakfast on busy days. I will have to try making this recipe. I am sure my kids will love it.

  22. I have never used it but totally have to. I love breakfast sandwiches. They are such a fun and easy breakfast…

  23. Amber Edwards says:

    I haven’t tried arepa before, but I sure do love the PAN cornmeal! Mane that would make such a delicious breakfast sandwich!

  24. This sounds really good. I usually skip out on breakfast but this would be hard to pass up!

  25. Mykidsguide says:

    I’ve never had an arepa bread. I would love to try this.

  26. I’ve never tried this before, but you make it looks easy.

  27. I made arepas for the first time last week and was SO impressed. They were so good and flavorful!

  28. Jerry Marquardt says:

    This recipe looked so good, I copied it down. I am due to make this this coming weekend. I thank you for the share.

  29. I like breakfast sandwiches. This is a good change.

  30. Lorelai @ Life With Lorelai says:

    Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty – we love partying with you! Hope to see you next Friday. 🙂

    Life With Lorelai

  31. ellen beck says:

    This looks so good. I tink my favorite meal is breakfast and I love sandwiches like this Greaat recipe.

  32. Dana MATTHEWS says:

    I’ve never heard of this before but I sure would like to try it!

  33. Jerry Marquardt says:

    Your special Arepa Breakfast Sandwich Recipe looks especially yummy I will be making this over the coming weekend,

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