Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover – Allergy and Beauty Hack

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The best gentle eye makeup remover is not a product you need to buy in a specialty store for big bucks. Maybe this won’t be a beauty hack for everyone, but it sure was for me once I discovered it. I have been compensated by Johnson’s® Baby for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.

Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Allergy and Beauty Hack

I spent years purchasing expensive eye makeup remover. I often tried different brands to find the one I liked the best. It had to work well without leaving me with super oily eyelids. I never found an eye makeup remover I loved. Well, it just took a visit to the emergency room and follow-up with my eye doctor to find the solution!

My Trip to the ER with Allergy Eyes

I told this story a long time ago, but it’s worth repeating in case it helps anyone. A while back my allergies were acting up something fierce. It felt like all the allergens available had planned a meeting on my eyeballs. My eyes had never itched so bad in my life. It was quite maddening, and I became reckless about rubbing them. Of course, I know better than to rub my eyes so hard, but there was no relief from the itching.

We had dinner planned with my dad, so I tried to apply some makeup. As I looked in the mirror, I noticed a glob of goo on my eye. Only, it wasn’t goo. I tried to wipe it, and then realized it was a bubble. You guys, the white part of my eyeball was raised into some sort of creepy blister. I am not one of those people that’s easily squeamish about my eyes, but this was like nightmare fuel for me. I immediately screamed some sort of strange sound and told Mike I needed to go to the ER immediately.

Chemosis eyeball from extreme allergies

It takes a lot for me to go to a doctor let alone the emergency room, so you know I was freaked out. This “eyeball bubble” felt like it was growing, and could possibly pop with each blink. Plus, who wants to mess around with their eyes? Long story short, the doctor said it was a minor case of chemosis (google images at your own risk) and quite common with major eye irritation. He gave me some special eye drops and told me to follow up with my eye doctor.

Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Allergy and Beauty Hack

The following Monday (because don’t all medical mishaps happen on a weekend?) I went to my eye doctor. He confirmed that my issue was horrible allergies irritating my eyes. He recommended that I wash my eyelids daily with Johnson’s® Baby No More Tears Wash. What? Could it really be that simple? Also, am I the only one who didn’t know this? I recommend confirming with your own ophthalmologist, but I have asked two, and they both recommend it.

Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Allergy and Beauty Hack

Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover

Since that day, which was now years ago, I wash my eyelids with Johnson’s® Baby Shampoo every single day. I quickly discovered that it also removes my eye makeup effortlessly. So, this is all kinds of hacks in one plus a money-saver considering what I used to spend on eye makeup remover. My eyelids are left feeling fresh and light instead of oily and heavy.

Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Allergy and Beauty Hack

I don’t wear makeup as often as I used to. I applied the eye makeup extra heavy to show you how Johnson’s® Baby works as the best gentle eye makeup remover. I just use my hands, some water, and a tiny bit of J&J then rinse with the rag. You can even see the fibers from my mascara.

Best Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Allergy and Beauty Hack

There are no babies here, but you will always find Johnson’s® Baby No More Tears in my bathroom. I stock up at Walmart in store or online to make sure I never run out.

-Adverse Claims Disclaimer: If anyone needs to report an adverse event or a product quality complaint, please call the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) North America Consumer Care Center at 800-361-8068 during normal business hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. After normal business hours, report adverse events or product quality complaints through Contact Us page.

For more hacks, visit this Pinterest board!

Be honest. Am I the only one who didn’t always know that Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo is also the best gentle eye makeup remover? 

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  1. Marcy Lynn Strahan says:

    I have been using BABY BATH WASH to remove my makeup for over 30 years. It’s even better than using the shampoo & a lot more gentle with less “soap”. Removes even Water Proof makeup!

    1. Yes! Even waterproof mascara! I wish I would have known for as many years!

  2. Marcie W. says:

    We haven’t had a baby around the house in ages, but I still love Johnson’s products for awesome reasons just like this. I am going to share this hack with my tween, who pencils in her eyebrows each and every day to conceal a scar.

  3. I remember being at an event a few years ago and my eyes got so irritated and red and I looked like I was crying. Lovely allergies got the best of me. I am going to have to try this method of eye makeup removal.

    1. That’s the worst! That’s the way my eyes now get when I even wear makeup!! 🙁 Extra frustrating at events.

  4. I NEVER would have guessed! I wear contacts and when I wear eye makeup, my eyes go CRAZY and get red and itchy.

    1. Glad I am not alone! LOL I never would have thought of it on my own!

  5. Ashleigh @ Dash of Evans says:

    I love that baby bath…why didn’t I think to use it for removing makeup!? I love it for getting rid of product build-up on my hair too.

    1. Oooh yeah. Good idea! I’ll have to use it on my hair more often.

  6. I love Johnson’s baby shampoo for make-up removal. I also use it to clean my make-up brushes.

    1. That’s a great idea! Definitely going to do that now.

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