Color, Click, Capture Photography – GREEN
Week four for the Color, Click, Capture Photography challenge is here and the color is green. Green happens to be my favorite color so I am having a terrible time trying to pick just one (or even a few) picture(s)… Just look at this screenshot of my desktop:
Green Pictures

It’s ridiculous. I know.
Let’s see if I can pick just the best:
Moss. Love it! It’s like nature’s carpet. When I was little I used to play with my troll dolls on it and pretend they had to vacuum it. LOL

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This is what we did with Chesney’s hair last year:

I just can’t seem to do a post without a bug:
Cool Katydid…

Dragonfly in the wind:

Pretty ferns:

Green Chad:
He showed up at Adam’s 10th birthday party as a live action G.I. Joe. The kids held an epic Nerf war throughout our entire yard. This is what happened to him at the end of the evening…

I’m a big tech-dork, so my computer is also sporting my favorite color:

My eyes are green!

Painting done by my mom:
Titled Warm Water

Chesney helping in Great Grandma’s GREEN house:

YUM! There is an entire bag of baby spinach in there! And, yet it tastes like peanut butter banana heaven! I’ll post the recipe on a separate page…

I’m going to have to do a separate post for all my Hawaii pics… but I have to give my favorite place on Earth some credit here.
Green sand beach on the Big Island is so magical. The green sand is made up of olivine–when it’s gemstone quality we call it peridot.
This is a rare phenomenon when the ocean filters out just the one mineral and it’s collected on shore… We found olivine crystals embedded into the lava at Pebble Beach (the other side of the island.)

And, because I really couldn’t make any decisions, I compiled some green collages :):

I apologize for totally over doing it with the green, but this color just makes me so happy! I hope you enjoyed the photos! 😀
Previous color photography challenge:
Gosh! You have some incredible photos for Green Week! So many great ones, I can’t decide what I like best! Hmm… Hmm… Ok! The dragonfly balanced in the wind. That’s one of those “perfect place, perfect time” pictures, and you caught him in such gorgeous detail… Just beautiful.
Wow nice shots. I have got to remember next year to take more random pictures so I am not hunting so hard for my colors!
You really do have a lot of green pictures! It’s hard to pick my favorite 🙂
I want to know if you’ve ever taken a bad photo – these are all great! And please let me know when you post that green smoothie recipe, I’m intrigued!
Wow great photos! Love that green sand beach! Wish we were still there
That is such a great variety! I especially love your landscape/nature pictures you really get down on their level to get amazing pictures!