Daily Fitness Motivation – What I am Doing to Stay on Track
Daily fitness motivation is an ongoing struggle for me. You would think that a doctor telling me that I need to walk 30 minutes straight each day to help my anxiety would be enough, but nope.
You would also think that same doctor telling me I am now hypoglycemic and need to get into shape would also kick my butt into gear. Also, nope.

Apparently, my mind requires a lot more than health scares to get me going. I am way too stuck in my routine of waking up and rolling into the office to get to work right away. I always have an excuse to start “tomorrow”, and we all know when tomorrow comes.
For the past couple weeks, I have found some things that make me look forward to my walks. Walking is the only workout I am doing right now. Have to start somewhere, right?

What I am Doing to Stay Motivated
Add Fitness to my Routine
Creature of habit I am big time. If I add something into my routine at the same time every day, the more likely it is to stick.
Make a Commitment with Others
If I know someone is meeting me at our walking location, of course, I am not going to stand them up. When I don’t feel like going, family and friends are the ticket to doing it anyway.
Friendly Fitbit Competition
This is funny since I am rarely competitive – especially with anything to do with fitness – but ever since I got my Fitbit I am hooked on the challenges. I don’t even care to win, I just know that everyone in the challenge can see my steps. It’s embarrassing if I have 100 steps when most of the others have 20,000 or more.
Games that Make you Walk
Laugh all you want, but this 38-year-old needs to get out and CATCH THEM ALL. That’s right, I am totally into Pokemon GO. Is it ridiculous at my age? I don’t give a crap. If it gets me moving, I am not going to fight it.
Bet on Your Health
Did you know you can put money on yourself that you’ll complete your goals? There’s an app called Pact, and you can put real money to seal the deal. So, I made a pact that I would walk at least 10,000 steps for three days this week. If I don’t, I am out $10 per day I miss. If I do, I get a cash reward.
Real money, you guys! I am way too cheap to lose $30 due to laziness. So far, this is all about not losing the money. We had some horrible weather, and I was forced to get on the treadmill one of the days to avoid losing $10.
I guarantee you this treadmill session would not have happened had I not made this pact. I got my first reward for completing my three days, and it was a whopping 42 cents.
Hopefully, once more people join the rewards will increase. But, for now, the fear of losing $10 is enough motivation for me.
Earn Rewards with your Fitbit
My Fitbit app also syncs to my Walgreens Balance Rewards card and I get points for each mile I walk. If you have a card, you know that 5,000 points is $5.
This chick is all over getting rewarded to walk. There is a maximum of 1,000 points per month which is a bummer, but still motivating.
Dick’s Sporting Goods app also syncs with various devices. Score 3 points each day you walk 10,000 or more steps.
AchieveMint is a website where you can connect fitness apps and social media apps, too. Earn points that add up to cash.
Make it a Multitasking Mission
Since I am a workaholic and find a hard time doing anything that isn’t blog-related, I walk in pretty locations.
This way, I can take gorgeous photos while I am out. It’s easy to create your own stockpile of images to use whenever you need them.
Listen to Music
If weather screws up our outdoor walks, getting on the dreadmill (yeah, I spelled it right) can be a challenge.
Freshening up my playlist on my iPod makes a world of difference. I find myself getting into the workout right away with new songs that get me going.
Seeing Results
The biggest daily fitness motivation is feeling the results. My doctor was right about it helping my anxiety. If I skip a day, it’s horrifying how anxious I feel since I got off all my pills.
That walk makes a world of difference. I have only lost a pound, which is frustrating as heck, but my body feels a bit tighter, so forget the scale. I am also getting much-needed Vitamin D and fresh air. It’s all positive.
If you struggle with finding daily fitness motivation, you might want to give a few of these things a try. Of course, we are all into different things, but hopefully, something in here might help you.
What do you do for daily fitness motivation?
If their is anything i do wit passion, it is exercise. Am most envied by friends for being in good shape and my secret is burning lots of calories in the morning. s
Great tips for an inquiring mind and body! Thanks for sharing!