Headache Reliever Drug-free Headache Relief Review
If you are looking for drug-free headache relief you need to try the Headache Reliever from AbsolutelyNew, Inc. The Headache Reliever is a head wrap designed to use hot or cold compression to eliminate headache pain without drugs. This product was developed by a NASA scientist and neurologist that specializes in severe headache treatment. Product received for review.
Drug-free Headache Relief with Headache Reliever
If you suffer from frequent headaches you know how horrible this can be. Personally I have a dull, feverish feeling in my head almost every single day. This is not a migraine, and I am not even sure if it qualifies as a “real” headache, but it’s annoying. (If you suffer from migraines, I highly suggest you follow my sister’s journey with the daith piercing for migraines.) I always assume it’s from allergies, but I really don’t know what it is. So, I continue to just treat the symptoms. For a while I would wake up and pop 2- 4 Motrins everyday. Knowing that this would probably create a whole new slough of issues, I stopped that. At night I would sometimes lie a cold wet rag on my head, but that is messy and doesn’t really help for long.
Finally I searched for “headache wrap” and was so thankful that the product I had in mind existed! The Headache Reliever is a headband that comfortably wraps around your head to provide consistent compression. It includes three reusable gel packs that can be heated or frozen. The gel packs are easily inserted into the headband for instant relief. Simple yet genius product!

Headaches are about the only time that I want cold therapy. Being a person that is always cold, I usually opt for everything warm. But, when my head hurts I want ice! I cannot imagine ever heating up the gel packs, but the option is there. After about 20 minutes in the freezer, they are ready to go.
The head wrap covers all around the head, so the relief is everywhere. It actually can be a little overwhelming at first if the packs are very cold, but I always adjust quickly and find it soothing. There is also the option of not using all the gel packs at once. My absolute favorite part is that the gel packs remain flexible even when they have been in the freezer. So, there is not a hard ice cube pressed into your head. This makes an enormous difference when it comes to comfort.
Here is how I like to wear it… I like to have the ice packs directly on my forehead since that’s where my pain is.

They suggest you wear it with the velcro part up front…

This headband can provide drug-free headache relief anywhere however, due to the size of the band, it might look a little funny. Personally, if I am in pain I don’t really care what people think, but walking around in this is probably not that practical. I do not feel like this is a strike against the product at all. I wear it around my house for hours. It doesn’t impair my vision and I can go about my daily chores.
So, I still do not know why I feel like I have a fever every day of my life, but this product is my new best friend. I love it and I am completely obsessed with it. I would highly recommend it to anyone who experiences frequent headaches! I think it’s the quickest, safest and fastest form of headache relief.
The Headache Reliever can be purchased from AbsolutelyNew, Inc. for $39.99. This is a great value for such a high quality and useful product! Be sure to browse the rest of the site, too. They have some really interesting and innovative products!
I suffer from migraines and take Topamax daily which helps but hasn’t stopped them. I have found holding an ice pack on my forehead helps but is difficult to balance it….so I would love to win this and give it a try! Thank you!!
I get allergy headaches all the time and allergy medicine doesn’t always help. Something like this would really help
I have had headache come and go for quite a long time. I get migraines too. Sometimes they can last for days.
I have a history of sinus headaches and migraines.
I have headaches once in awhile, but my mother is the one who constantly has them.
my husband gets frequent headaches, this might help
I suffer from migraines frequently and prescription medications don’t seem to do the trick anymore. I’ve been trying to move towards more homeopathic remedies and hope that I am one of the lucky winners of this headache remedy.
i get alot of headaches because of a malignancy. perhaps this would help
have niece with migraine headaches
I get headaches daily and migraines at the very least once a week. I would love to try this because I have taken so many pills in the past and I would love to find a more natural way to resolve the issue.
I get migraines every month or two- I’d like to try this
I started having migraines around age 10 or 11, so frequently I had to drop out of school. I have migraines about once a week at the least. I also have chronic headaches due to TMJ disorder.
I bet it would be great for my stress headaches from work
i would like to win this for my daughter. she has headaches at least 4 days a week and i’m in poor health to look after her daughter. at this point i’m ready for her to try anything.
I get the odd migraine and would love to try.
I used to get terrible migraine headaches during my tween and teen years. I rarely get migraines now but still get tension headaches.
I suffer from severe migraines. I actually have one right now that i’ve had for 2 days.
I have had migraines since I was 11 and I am 48 now. I get them about 6-8 times a month and they are brutal. I have used ice before on my head and really like this product.
I do have bad headaches with barometric pressure changes and do not like to take drugs. This would be great!
I have had migraines for about 20 years. I get so nauseous, in fact I have one today. I feel drugged up because I use tylenol and a decongestant because I can’t stomach motrin, so it works some but not enough. I have the visual effects where there is wierd flickering in my line of vision, too. Sometimes the pain is so bad I don’t know how I am going to stand it and I can’t get it to stop. I pull my hair on my head to try to stop the pain and do everything I can think of. My poor daughter also has these and they can last for days. My neck feels like ti is in a vise and pounds. It is so painful.
I get migraines each month thanks to lovely hormones. I like the fact that the Headache Reliever wraps around your head & velcros. That’s so much better than a cold washcloth that falls off & then gets your sheets &/or pillowcases wet & doesn’t stay cool for very long. Thanks for the product review.
I get migraines whenever I don’t get enough rest or eat frequently enough.
I have had heart surgery and any time I can do something for my headaches without taking another medication is welcome.
I have a history of migraines and typical use a bag of frozen peas. This would definitely be a better option and leave me without a head smelling of peas 🙂
I suffer from constant tension headaches that build up into migraines. The doctors have been trying multiple medications to help with no avail. Standard pain medication doesn’t help either, and I don’t like to take it. Pressure and heat DO help, but I’ve never seen this product! Thank-you so much for sharing! I would love to win one! 🙂
i would love to win because i get headaches all the time, medicine doesn’t usually help, so i keep trying new things
I get headaches alot because of severe neck and back issues.. This would be so much better than trying to take pills all the time. Thanks for the chance
I fractured my skull about 11 years ago. When I get a migraine – leaves me debilitated for a day. Any relief imagineable is considered. This cold head-wrap would be ideal.
eva urban
emu839 at gmail dot com
i get caffeine head aches often. this would help ease the pain when they wake me up in the middle of the night
When I was 11 years old a neighbor boy jumped in the pool we were in and landed on my neck. I had to wear a neck brace for quite some time and I now have bone spurs on the back of my neck which causes severe headaches so this would be great.
i usually get headaches more in the summer i think from too much heat i wold love to try that
I don’t suffer from headaches very often. I would like to win this for my husband who gets excruciating headaches often. He used to have something similar to this that he tied around his head and it really helped but it got lost last time we moved and I haven’t been able to find anything similar since.
I usually have terrible migraines, and I’ll try anything to ease the pain!
I experience a lot of headaches and I try to not take any pills etc to relieve them but I must. They do not go away by themselves, no matter how long I wait, hoping…
I’ve tried compression on my own and massage; they do not work either, but I haven’t tried a product specifically providing compression. I would LOVE to win and try this product.
This looks so helpful!
I usually have 2-3 low grade headaches a week but son suffers from awful migraines
i have migraines pretty bad for days at a time. ive had them for about 15 years.
I have awful headaches from eyestrain, muscle tension or no apparent reason.
I’d like to win this Headache Reliever because I can only take tylenol for migraines and headaches but it really tears up my stomach and this would be a nice medication-free treatment.
I have been diagnosed with chronic migraines. I have a headache or a migraine every day. I’ve done everything posdible and been to every kind of dr there is. I’ve recently been approved to receive Botox injections. I’m willing to try anything for some relief, and would love to win this product. Thanks!
I’ve had migraine headaches for years. Once I had one so bad that I ended up in the ER. This prize looks amazing and would be well loved.
I get terrible migraine headaches. I take drugs for them when they hit but it feels so great to have an ice pack on my head. I bet this would be even better.
i get headaches from stress quite often i want to win because i’d really like to try this product
I’m glad this is easy to enter since I have a headache!
I suffer from frequent migraines due to allergies, but also a car accident I was in when I was 16 years old. Long story short, I had busted the top left part of my head open in the accident and it still has some sensitive spots which when touched causes migraines. I would love to win this to see if it will help with any relief. Thank you!
I get headaches from hunger – it’s very strange
My 6 yr old daughter suffers from migraines, we usually use ice packs to soothe her but this would be much easier for us, thank you for this giveaway!!
I have chronic migraines – this would be great for me!
I have severe headaches, so the website assures me this would be helpful!
I don’t get headaches everyday of my life, but I do get them more than I like
I get headaches/migraines a few times a month so this would be awesome
I started having migraines a couple of years ago. I would love to have an effective alternative to medication.
I’d love to win. I’ve had migraines for over 10 years off and on. Most of them are stress related and I’d love to try this to see if it would help.
Early twenties.
I have gotten migraines since I was like 7 years old. I take the headache ends, but they are really bothering my stomach lately. I would love to try this!!!
i take headache meds, sorry about the auto correct.
i get migraines every few monthes thank god and this would help
I get headaches every other day and migraines several times a month. In addition to taking meds for it I always put a cold wash cloth on my forehead, always wishing it was ice. I would love to win this, I think its a great idea, and if it can help my headaches/migraines drug-free, all the better!
I get stress tension headaches and migraines. Had a brain tumor.
I get really bad headaches monthly. I would like to win to relieve them easier and I’d share with my 20 yr old gets migraines.
I suffer from chronic migraines and hate taking meds. Hopefully this would be a good alternative! Thanks!
I develope headaches AFTER a stress situation – must be a release
I have had migraines since I was 10. Strangely enough, they lessen in intensity when I am pregnant but they come back in full swing when I’m not! I just had a headache today and needed to take Ibuprofin 600mg 🙁
I get stress headaches frequently but have to be careful what i take because I am on so many meds as it is. this would be a safe alternative for me.
I have a long history of mirgane and stress-related headaches, so I’m always looking for help.
I get a few nasty headaches every year
I get bad headaches monthly. I have stopped taking so many over the counter drugs so often year ago because most of them have stopped working for me. This product would be great for me.
I get stress related headaches quite often…and I would love to try this.
What I hate is the sinus headache– this looks nice for those!
My wife always gets headaches, and I think this would help a lot!
I get a lot of headaches. I keep having to use different pain relievers. They work for a while and then they don’t.
I have migraines since my mid-20s and as I have aged they have gotten worse. I want to win this just to see if it will help. I am up for trying anything at this point to get relief!
I suffer from at least six migraines a month and use prescription medicine. I’d love to try anything new to obtain relief.
I am a regular headache sufferer. I take an aspirin for a headache at least twice a week.
I get get migraines. This looks like it would feel so good
I’ve always had shoulder and neck pain since childhood – but I only started getting serious headaches a few years ago. Painkillers are only a temporary, not very effective remedy which bother my stomach and don’t really help. I’d love to try this product!
7 years ago I was diagnosed with BC. I had alot of different treatments, alot of needles, and alot of pain. The Migraines didn’t start up until after my third year of treatment. The dr. gave me some imitrex which works on some days. Over the past 4 years, my headache has become progressively worse and the frequency is so much that i have to spend alot of time in my dark room because i’m sensitive to light and noise. i would say now I have at least three migraines a week. I would love to try this and see if I could get some quality of lifee back that these headaches have taken from me
I get headaches when I read too much or sit at the computer too long!
I get very bad headaches often and pain relievers such as Advil only do so much. They stop giving much relief after awhile and I like the convenience with the gel packs. You can freeze or heat them and easily strap them around your forward to gently compress where the pain is.
I get really bad migraines often and I’m always taking pain meds. It would be great to have some relief without having to use drugs.
After a car accident 15 yrs ago. I suffer from migraines. they will get so bad I can not get out of bed. I get sick , dizzy, and can not look at the ligt
like most people i get tremendous headachesand no matter what i take for it it doesnt seem to help!!
I have been suffering from migraines for 30 years. I would love a treatment that does not involve drugs!
LMAO. You guys look just awesome. Ninja Turtle head wrap. Love it.
I get migraines a lot and so does my son. This would be a great way to help relieve those headaches.
My husband suffers from severe headaches he often will get up from bed(has to work in morning) and he will spend an hour or so in a scalding hot bath with his head submerged its the only thing that seems to help him
I get tension headaches the most although I have suffered from migraines. I know that heat has helped with my tension headaches and cold with my migraines. This would be so much nicer than trying to hold something on my head.
I hate being drugged and i get miagraines occasionally
I occasionally get migraines and nothing helps but sleep. Some relief would be nice. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
Diana C
I have had stress headaches for years and since I hate taking strong medications, they just never seem to go away.
I get sinus head aches and migraines regularly. Not having to hold the bag of ice would be great!
I am a mother of 2 & I suffer from migraines. They stop my life & I have tried just about everything and I would LOVE to try this. I really HATE taking pills, so this seems like a PERFECT solution for me. Fingers crossed ♥
I often suffer both stress headaches and migraines. I have to have so much caffeine I can never sleep and shake constantly. I also have high blood pressure which the doctors say will not improve until I cut back drastically on my caffeine intake. I would love to do just that but after long-term migraine increases the doctors recommend CAFFEINE! I also take 2 medications for sleep and 2 for high pressure. Add to that ALL my other medications and I am a walking side-effect
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to eliminate ice bags and wet wash cloths and migraine medications- none of which I can really afford on disability.
I am a working mother who gets mifraubes frequently. I would love to win this
i am prone to migraines and have tried to prevent them as much as possible through my life but they are often just a fact of life. i tend to get the worst headaches during one week out of the month due to hormones. i would love to give this a try.
I get headaches all the time! I have for most my life. Just today I had a migrain & spent hald the day in bed.
My headache history is that I get headaches when I don’t get enough sleep. I would like to win because The Headache Reliever looks very useful!
I get a lot of stress headaches and sometimes even migrains. I also suffer from sinus pain. I would love to use this because I can’t afford to be down and out with headaches.
I get occasional migraines, and I hope it would hlpe.
My spouse get occasional headaches, might be because of sitting long time in front of computer. This would be great help.