Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

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If you’re on the lookout for fast mashed potatoes that taste delicious, we’ve got you covered. Mashed potatoes tend to be a food that is reserved for holidays or weekends. Making mashed potatoes from scratch is a lot of work and requires a lot more time than most of us have on weeknights. I’ve partnered with Idahoan on this sponsored post and all opinions stated are my own.

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

Mike’s ultimate favorite meal is turkey and mashed potatoes. You know, the meal that most people make on holidays? Yeah, he requests it weekly. I am not the wife that’s in the kitchen all day. I thought once I worked from home full-time, I’d have more time for dinners. Nope. If anything, I work more hours now and have less time for making dinner. Thankfully, there are shortcuts to make everyone happy.

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

I found where to buy half turkey breasts that are ready in under two hours. I can whip one in the oven easily. Once it’s almost ready, I make Idahoan Signature Russets mashed potatoes. They take five minutes and only require milk and butter. Or, even just water.

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

Now, if you’ve had packaged mashed potatoes before and haven’t liked them, hear me out. I didn’t tell Mike I was using Idahoan Signature Russets, so I got his honest reaction. At first bite, he asked if I used different mashed potatoes. To which I replied, “why?” He said, “Because they are fricken awesome. These are the best.” That’s quite a thumbs up from my stoic hubby.

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

Mashed potatoes are a great side dish for any dinner. I serve them with a lot more meals than just turkey. Now that we found fast mashed potatoes that we both love, I am sure they will appear on our dinner table even more often.

Idahoan Russets mashed potatoes - new to taste even more like homemade

Now that school is back in session, I know moms are on the hunt for dinner ideas. The new Idahoan Russets mashed potatoes make any day taste like Sunday. Here are a few reasons why Idahoan Russets mashed potatoes are the best choice:

  • Grown to perfection in Idaho’s rich volcanic soil.
  • More than six pounds of potatoes go into every 16 oz. pouch.
  • New proprietary processing method maintains the potato’s natural flavor and texture.
  • Tastes like you boiled and spent a Sunday afternoon mashing them yourself.
  • Smooth rich flavor with just a hint of butter and cream.
  • Available in a re-sealable pouch, which keeps it fresh.
  • Find Idahoan Russets mashed potatoes nationwide in stores like Walmart and Kroger.

Fast Mashed Potatoes for Sunday Dinner Any Night

If you want to shave some time off dinner preparation without sacrificing flavor, give the new Idahoan Russets mashed potatoes a try.

Have you tried these new fast mashed potatoes? Let us know what you think!

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  1. Christina Gould says:

    I’d love to try these. We love having mashed potatoes for dinner. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Tamra Phelps says:

    We use Idahoan all the time & honestly, if you use good ingredients (milk or cream, butter), they taste just like mashed potatoes you spend an hour cooking & mashing by hand. They are really good.

  3. I LOVE mashed potatoes! They are my most favorite side dish, I will have to make these they look amazing!

  4. Maryann D. says:

    I love Idahoan potatoes and I have tried different flavors. My husband and family enjoys all of them.

  5. I did give up on the boxed mashed potatoes since the tasted more of cardboard than potatoes. I’ll give these a try.

  6. I had no idea how many potatoes and other facts regarding Idaho dry potatoes. Looks like a great dinner

  7. Rana Durham says:

    i would ,love to make this all week long. i know that my family would enjoy it,

  8. Cathi Crismon says:

    Wow! Delicious mashed potatoes that look like you’ve been standing over the sink peeling and over the stove cooking all day. But you haven’t! That’s a win-win!!

  9. It’s always so smart to have instant potatoes in the pantry! You can do so much with these pouches! 🙂

  10. Claudia Krusch says:

    It looks so good and easy! I generally avoid making mash potatoes on a week night because it’s so time consuming!

  11. Ellen LaFleche-Christian says:

    Mashed potatoes are one of my family’s favorite side dishes. Who can resist them!

  12. Mashed potatoes are definitely one of my family’s favorite side dishes!

  13. shelly peterson says:

    I love making mashed potatoes but sometimes don’t have the time. These look really good, and will be much easier.

  14. I have not tried these but as long as they taste great I am will to give it a go when I don’t have much time to cook

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