Ways Moms Can Get Free Money for Going Back to School

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If you’re a mom, do you feel that going back to school is not an option for you? If your doubts are due to lack of funds, think again.

The good news is that there are many organizations providing financial assistance to moms returning to school.

Listed below are a handful of these organizations that may be able to help you return to education.


Ways Moms Can Get Money for Going Back to School

• Local Teaching Establishments

You might already have a college in mind for returning to school. If so, be certain to check with the financial aid department about scholarships and grants that may be offered. Colleges and universities often have programs that will help students to pay for an education.

• Local Charities

Another option that may be open to you is any type of financial funding offered by charities in your area, such as the Rotary Club. If you check out your local charities, you may find some scholarship and grant opportunities that you did not even know were available. Charities may help students under the age of 25 and also have programs for women who are 35 and older.

• Your Employer

You may be working at a job where you would like to learn additional skills that can be used in your present position. If so, your employer may be willing to help with your tuition if the company will benefit from your increased knowledge and training.

• The Federal Government

A Free Application for Federal Student Aid, found on the FAFSA website, can be completed for help with college expenses. The form will be analyzed to see what you qualify for pertaining to financial assistance. You should fill out this form before you check with your college to see what they can offer you, as colleges will want to know what aid the Government is providing before they grant you assistance.

• American Business Women’s Association

If you are not interested in obtaining a four-year degree and would just like to take additional courses in a certain subject, this Association can help with financial aid.

Numerous scholarships aim to support women in stem fields pursuing careers. These financial aid opportunities are designed to lower the barriers for women entering science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, ensuring they have the necessary support to succeed in these critical areas. By providing these scholarships, organizations are committed to empowering women to achieve higher education and secure better-paying jobs, significantly benefiting their families and communities.

• The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting

Single moms who are interested in furthering their education in accounting may want to apply for financial assistance from this Foundation. If you can prove that you are in need of financial help, you may be able to obtain funds for returning to school. The amounts of each award may vary every year.

• Society of Women Engineers

Here is a scholarship program that can benefit women pertaining to the fields of computer science, engineering and technology.

With an advanced education, moms can obtain a better paying job and bring home more money to help the entire family. As you can see, many organizations exist that can help you to pay for school expenses so that you can obtain an advanced education.

Guest blogger Jennifer Lewis believes moms should not dismiss the idea of going back to school just because of worries about money, as there is help available. She writes for a site that provides advice on continuing education grants for women, including free grants for women with children.

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