Funny Quotes from Pokemon GO Trainers

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As of today, Pokemon GO has been out for 19 days. (Pokemon GO release date in the US: July 9, 2016.) I have been playing the game actively for the last fifteen. During this time, I have said some of the strangest things, out loud. In public. My inner nerd is out and waving its flag–embroidered with a Snorlax emblem, naturally–with pride I never knew I had. We are accumulating quite a few funny quotes thanks to our adventures.

Funny things I've Said because of Pokemon GO - Funny Quotes from Pokemon GO trainers

Funny Quotes – Thanks to Pokemon GO

  • “Come on! My balls hit him square in the face! Then he ran away!”
  • “I’ve got eggs to hatch. Let’s walk.”
  • “All that just to hatch a pidgey?”
  • “YES! I’ve got GREAT balls now!”
  • “Hah! I think you’re a *weedle* late on that one.” <laughs at self>

Funny things I've Said because of Pokemon GO - Funny Quotes from Pokemon GO trainers

  • 10:45pm: “I can’t believe we’re wandering the neighborhood in our pajamas.”
  • “Woohoo! I got Drowzee!”
  • “I have to go dominate a gym.”

Funny things I've Said because of Pokemon GO - Funny Quotes from Pokemon GO trainers

  • “My boyfriend has no balls.”
  • “Pull over. There is a low level gym right here.”
  • “OMG I’m surrounded by rats.”
  • “Ugh. Bats are such a pain in the @$$ to catch!”

Funny things I've Said because of Pokemon GO - Funny Quotes from Pokemon GO trainers

  • “OMG. I need more balls.”
  • “Razz-berries save balls.”
  • Jen: “The apartments across the street have a ton of weedles!” Mike: “So does our garbage can, but I just call them maggots.”
  • “Yes! The speed limit is 15 mph!”
  • “Drive slower, drive slower.” As a passenger, of course.
  • “My Vaporeon is CP 1439. I can’t decide if I should spend the candies and stardust to just power him up or evolve a new high CP Eevee. I’ll name the Eevee ‘Rainer’ to make sure I get another Vaporeon, but what if that trick doesn’t work and I get another Flareon or Jolteon?!” My former self thinks I’ve had a stroke. Current self is very aware that nerd level: master, has been unlocked.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Come on! My balls hit him square in the face! Then he ran away! #PokemonGO” quote=”Come on! My balls hit him square in the face! Then he ran away! #PokemonGO”]

Actual occurence:

It’s midnight. Evan and I are somewhat creepily sitting at a picnic table in the middle of a park.

A police officer approaches in his car.

He pulls up as close as he can shining his lights at our backs.

We slowly turn, not quite looking with our eyes because we’re still frantically tapping our phone screens–mid battle at a gym.

He rolls his window down and dryly asks, “Poké-mans?”

We just guiltily shrugged our shoulder and said, “Yeahhhhhh….”

He slowly drove away shaking his head but did say, “You kids have fun.” <Pahahaha! He called us kids!>

Make sure you read our Pokemon GO Tips Every Trainer Should Know!

Do you have any funny quotes from Pokemon GO yet?

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  1. Terra Heck says:

    I haven’t jumped on the Pokemon Go bandwagon yet but my teen kids have.
    That police story actually made me laugh. I work as a 911 Dispatcher and recently it’s been quite commonplace for an officer to stop someone, only to find out they’re playing Pokemon Go.

  2. I just realized I have said so many of those same things.. out loud. And even worse, we have a Poke gym at the local courthouse / jail. So my son and I are standing in McDonalds and he is talking on the phone when he says, out loud for the world to hear, “I just fought them all and took over the jail”. Good thing the nice officer standing there was a Pokemon GO! player too. Too bad he was actually the gym leader that just got unseated.

  3. Maryann D. says:

    This is really funny! I guess if I played this game I am sure I would be saying strange things too. I am amazed at how popular this is.

  4. I’m glad I haven’t been infected with this disease….

    1. Why bother commenting then? I don’t understand your need to leave negative comments on almost every post. 🙁

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says:

    Some of these quotes are so funny. However, I worry about some of the accidents that occurred.

  6. Haha. I have said some of these. I am currently without any balls and a shattered phone screen. So not getting any playtime anytime soon until I can find another device to play it on. :/

  7. Everyone is out there trying to find Pokemon stuff, I’m here trying to find matching socks.

  8. Ahahaha Scott and I got kicked out of the park at 10:30. The officer was like 12 years old and was laughing that he “had” to kick us out.

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