Getting Enough Sleep Saves Lives

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If you read my last post about the Top 10 Sleep Distractions, then you know just how ridiculously exhausted I am. Sadly, I know I am not alone. However, I’m happy to report that since writing that post a month ago, I’ve made some simple changes and they have helped tremendously! This post is sponsored by Restonic and PTPA, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Restonic is here to help you sleep! How do you make sure you're getting enough sleep? #GoToBed

Getting Enough Sleep

The easiest thing in the world to do to improve your day is to be rested enough to handle everything you need to do. It’s amazing how simple this concept is, yet, we are all frantically consuming our coffee as a steady stream, complaining about how we never have enough energy.

So… I took some of my own advice and it has made a huge difference!

  • Stop coffee after 11am.
  • Put your phone on its charger at night ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM.
  • Quit school.
    • Okay, I’m totally kidding! But since I graduate in less than a week, that stress has been greatly reduced. 😀 😀 😀

Honestly, just these two simple things–timing your caffeine intake, and charging your phone where you can’t reach it–has made such a big difference in my sleep habits.

Saving Lives

After getting enough sleep, I am less likely to destroy my children, snap at my mother, flip tables, cause road-rage induced car accidents… okay so maybe I haven’t done most of those things. But I am certainly a better person after a solid night of quality sleep.

It also helps to make sure you have the comfiest, coziest, inviting bed. That said, head on over to check out the awesome selection of Restonic mattresses!

This ComfortCare Select mattress is on my wish list as a graduation present! With this thing, I’ll be able to conquer the professional world with ease. I think I’ll nickname it The Mighty Nest.

ComfortCare Mattress from Restonic #GoToBed

This baby is beyond dreamy:

Rest, rejuvenate and revive your mornings with one of Restonic’s ComfortCare Select mattresses. You’ll find a nourishing layer of temp advantage to help reduce temperature fluctuations and extend the comfort life of your mattress. Their individually wrapped, foam encased coil unit cushions pressure points, reduces motion transfer and delivers peaceful, healthy sleep.

Disclosure: I am part of the PTPA Brand Ambassador Program with Restonic and I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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  1. My computer and I hate the Gleam form. Can’t open it in Chrome, have to use a different browser, and some of their links do not work.
    I much prefer the GT form you usually use.
    Thanks for the contest.

  2. I always say sleep?, what is that? It is so foreign to me. I would love to refresh my memory. Great giveaway!

  3. Julia Rosien says:

    Hey Shelley,

    We LOOOOOOOOVE the idea of calling your bed “The Mighty Nest.” Hope you get the sleep you need and deserve this weekend and that your kids give you a little extra to treat you for Mother’s Day.


  4. It’s amazing how little sleep us mama’s can live on lol

  5. Stop drinking coffee past 11? Wow! I’d be asleep by 12. :p

  6. Putting your phone on the other side of the room is a great idea!! Now I just need to find a solid alarm clock that isn’t LED 🙂 Thanks for the tips!

  7. I am guilty of lying in bed on my phone for almost an hour every night and it has affected my sleeping/resting significantly. I like the idea of putting the charger across the room – I will definitely try that! Thanks for the great tips!

  8. I would love to sleep for more than 3-4 hours per night! I’m glad to know I can change this with the right steps 🙂

  9. LOL at number 3!! Seriously, though, I agree with you completely. It’s AMAZING what a difference good sleep makes.

  10. Deborah Cochran says:

    I barely got any sleep while taking classes and even now since I’ve graduated due to my old mattress. But silencing my phone or putting it across the room is def a great idea – thanks for all of the tips!

  11. Heidi Salisbury says:

    This is so for me. I never get enough rest. I can go to bed at a decent hour then I just wake up even earlier. Thanks for sharing.

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