Gift Ideas for People Who are Always Late

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We all know the type. Ten minutes before you have to leave, they decide to start the laundry, or wash their hair.

Or, maybe they just can’t wake up in the morning on time. They hit the snooze 17 times to instill panic solely to be able to get up. This post contains affiliate links.

Being that I AM one of these wretched people who are always late, I’ve put together this gift guide of things that help me manage my time a little better.

A watch with text saying "gift ideas for people who are always late."

Why are They Always Late?

It’s helpful to figure out why the person is always late. Figure out the root cause to choose a helpful gift to treat the problem.

Sleepy Heads

If your person struggles to get enough sleep or can’t seem to get up on time, the right alarm clock could be a huge help.

My all-time favorite alarm clock is one that works with my natural circadian rhythms. With a sunset and sunrise right next to my bed, waking up is less of an assault.

For a more invasive wakeup, there are alarms that actually shake the bed or force you to get up and chase them around the room to turn them off. Nothing says good morning like stubbing a toe!

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03/14/2025 02:36 am GMT
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03/13/2025 09:11 pm GMT

Time MIS-managers

Time management is one of my biggest struggles everyday. I know many people work very well with an online calendar but I’m the type of person who needs it all laid out in front of me. I love my planners–they end up being like a journal that I save too.

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For something a little less bulky and overwhelming, I’m liking all the planners from Decorably. No need to commit to filling out a whole planner, just tear off a sheet when you have a busy day!

Daily Planner Pad

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03/13/2025 09:46 pm GMT

With a perfect planner, you also need the right color-coordinated pens. Personally, I love vibrant super thin, Stabilo marker pens–they don’t bleed to the other side of the page at all!

Animal paperclips are also a fun way to hold important pages or keep coupons for shopping.

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03/14/2025 12:05 am GMT
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03/13/2025 04:21 pm GMT

Another way to help manage time is to set timers for each task. I love my cube timers. You simply put them on the side with the amount of minutes and they start the countdown.

I use these to make sure I don’t spend an ENTIRE day checking email, for cleaning, and for getting ready in the morning. Knowing I have a set time helps me stay focused and realistically set goals for the day.

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03/13/2025 09:11 pm GMT

Time? What’s that? Most of us have smartphones and use them as time keepers, but sometimes the feel of a watch makes you more aware of where the day is going.

Plus, it’s a great excuse to make a fashion statement. We are, of course, partial to the Starling Pocket watch for its glorious Disney steampunk design and glowing lights.

The collectible Starling Steampunk Pocket Watch comes in a limited edition resin box designed by Disney artist Terri Hardin Jackson. Just gorgeous.

Can’t Find Their Things

Where’s my wallet? I can’t find my keys! If you ever hear these frustrated sentences out of your late person, help them get organized.

I got to review this nightstand organizer and I think it’s a great way to help keep many essentials right next to the bed for easy grab n’ go. My husband is using it and it really helps him.

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03/13/2025 09:11 pm GMT

Another useful gadget is the SmartCard Wallet Tracker. It’s the size of a credit card, and fits nicely into a wallet, purse, luggage, backpack, etc. Pair it with Apple’s Find My app to locate it quickly. Definitely a time-saver when you just can’t remember where you put your wallet/purse!

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03/13/2025 11:41 pm GMT

Apologies and Warnings

It happens. Sometimes you are just going to be late. Weather, traffic, just one of those days, whatever the case, you can always be prepared to be apologetic about your tardiness with cute pug stickers.

Get your late person a pack of several adorable stickers to hand out to people as apologies for being late. Receiving a sticker is sure to help recover any moods affected by someone’s tardiness. At the very least, it will throw them off with confusion.

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03/13/2025 09:21 am GMT
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03/13/2025 04:21 pm GMT

You can also encourage the person to wear an always late t-shirt as a warning to all. Lighten the mood a little by showing up and owning it!

Let us know if you have any other cool products to suggest to buy for people who are always late!

Who do you know that is always late?

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  1. I have a friend who is just about always late. She even puts alarms on her phone but they don’t seem to help.

  2. vickie couturier says:

    I have several ppl in my family that are always late,,it drives me nuts,,i have never been late to anything

  3. aaronica (the crunchy mommy) says:

    i feel like you wrote this for me!!!

  4. I hate being late so I’m usually early or right on time. I feel that it is a courtesy to others to not keep them waiting.

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