Help Animals in Pet Shelters while you Pokemon GO

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I am always on the lookout for ways to help animals in pet shelters. Since we are maxed out on house pets (according to Mike, not me), I have to think of other ways to help homeless animals. Anyone who knows me knows that animals are my weakness. I am sure I would end up with an unintentional animal hoarding situation if it weren’t for my husband. My ultimate goal in life is to own a shelter myself. In any case, this new Pokemon GO craze opens up more possibilities to make a difference for shelter dogs.

Help Animals in Pet Shelters while you Pokemon GO

Help Animals in Pet Shelters while Playing Pokemon GO

1.) Walk shelter dogs – Many animal shelters now let people walk dogs while they go out Pokemon hunting. Walking a shelter dog is amazing for so many reasons. Not only will they get much-needed exercise and socialization, but think of the people they will meet. Pokemon GO is social so that little animal can meet all sorts of potential family members.

Help Animals in Pet Shelters while you Pokemon GO

2.) Create a sign – I heard some shelters provide leashes for dog walking, but go a step further and make a sign, so people know the dog is available to adopt. Or, tell the shelter you have your own leash, and buy one that makes it clear the pet is adoptable. Remember that you are in charge of a living creature. Bring all the necessary supplies with you as you would for a walk with your own dog. Also, pay attention to their body language. If something scares them or makes them uncomfortable, be aware enough to pick up on that.

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3.) Set a lure – IF an animal shelter is a Pokestop, anyone can set a lure to attract extra Pokemon to the stop. This action draws all the people in, too. I think there is a way for businesses to request to become a Pokestop, but I need to find out more info on that. But, once the option is available, you can use up one of your lures to do this for them. You never know who might wander in and fall in love with a forever friend.

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4.) Make suggestions to the shelter – Most shelters that I know are run solely by volunteers. They are busy as can be, and might not know all the ins and outs of the game. When you go into the shelter, talk to them about it, and brainstorm ways to maximize their extra foot traffic. Maybe they can put out extra donation jars, let their Facebook and social fans know they are a Pokestop (if they are), and so many other creative ideas I am sure can come about after talking.

5.) Use an app – The WoofTrax app records your walks and makes a donation to an animal shelter of your choice. All that walking around to find Pokemon and hatch eggs can earn money for animals at no cost to you. The app is free, easy to set up, and to use. It’s really a no-brainer.

The WoofTrax app records your walks and makes a donation to an animal shelter of your choosing.

Play Responsibly

Obviously, most of these suggestions require adult supervision. I am sure shelters have regulations set in place, but use common sense, too. Let’s face it, a lot of Pokemon GO players are full grown adults, so I am talking to you, for the most part! 😉 The next time anyone gives you grief for playing a “kids’ game”, fire back with all the good you are doing for animals. For the love of everything, be responsible. Don’t give anyone another reason to write a nasty article about this awesome game. Pokemon GO is creating so many positive happenings. Let’s do our part to keep it that way!

Help Animals in Pet Shelters while you Pokemon GO

Have you heard of ways to help animals in pet shelters near you while playing Pokemon GO?

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  1. Laura Tveras says:

    Oh, this is THE perfect setup! Walking pets, promoting animal adoptions, exercising while socializing yourself and the animals. Thank you for passing on these great ideas. Nice article!

    1. Thanks!!!! We are having a blast so far. Everyone should try! <3

  2. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    I honestly don’t know why I didn’t think about going to a local shelter and walking the animals! I actually miss having a dog and would love to be able to take one on walks but I thought I had to wait until I got my own to do that. Thank you for these awesome tips!

  3. Linda Szymoniak says:

    I have the ResQwalk app on my phone and it helps raise money for the rescue of my choice when I walk. I need to activate my new phone before I can add Pokemon GO (the OS on my current phone won’t work with it). I have, however, been walking with my daughter and our dogs and while she’s finding Pokemon, I’m raising money with the ResQwalk app.

    1. Awesome. Never heard of that app. I’ll have to look into it, too!

  4. William Sweeney says:

    I had no idea that there are leashes like this that say adopt me. What a great way to get animals extra exercise, I love how much Pokemon go has had people out doing things.

  5. Amber Edwards says:

    These are great ideas! I know when we went for Date night on Saturday we happened into a major Pokemon Go hunting grounds. Businesses had lures on their businesses and it drew the people in. And let me tell you, they were making sales! So that is a great idea for a animal shelter!

    1. That sounds like so much fun!!! Seriously, that’s my kind of date night!

  6. I just saw an article on FB about volunteering your ‘pokemongo walking hours’ to a dog in a shelter. Definitely a great project!

  7. My cousins take their dog for a walk when they play the app. They say they do it, so that they don’t look dumb wandering around, especially at night, haha.

    1. Oh, for sure. I do the same. Definitely helps take the awkward out of a 37 year old woman wandering around! Haha!!

  8. Ellen Christian says:

    What a fun idea. The kids regularly play Pokemon Go, and I’ve tried it a few times too. I love the idea of walking a shelter dog at the same time.

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