17+ Homemade Dog Treats Recipe Roundup

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Use this homemade dog treats recipe roundup to whip up some goodies for your fur friends. We just love making our own treats over here. With three dogs, we go through a lot of treats. All of our guys are extremely food-motivated, so we like to use treats to reward good behavior. Not going to lie, treats come in handy as bribes, too. It’s the only way I can get our Franklin to take a bath without nipping at me.

17+ Homemade Dog Treats Recipe Roundup

Ever since I realized how easy it could be to make your own dog treats, I am hooked. I still buy goodies, too, but with so many recipes out there, I make our own frequently. I gathered up some of my favorite blogger buddies and their homemade dog treats recipe posts. Click the links below to find the complete recipes. I have their permission to share these creative ideas with you.

17+ Homemade Dog Treats Recipe Roundup

Do you have a favorite homemade dog treats recipe?

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  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says:

    I think that it is wonderful to be able to make treats for our pets. Thanks for all these recipes.

  2. Maryann D. says:

    These all seem like terrific recipes for Homemade Dog Treats. I am sure any pet would love them.

  3. Long ago we had a dog when I was growing up. Don’t think we ever make treats for her.

  4. Tamra Phelps says:

    I don’t have a dog right now (sad face)–but my last dog loved peanut butter fudge. Of course, I wouldn’t give it to him because it was bad for him. Still he would try & try to get to it. Once he knocked a glass container with fudge in it off the counter & it broke. You should’ve seen me wrestling the dog to keep him out of the fudge & broken glass! (He was a Doberman/German Shepherd mix, so he was not easy to out wrestle, lol.)

  5. ellen beck says:

    Great collection of recipes. Our dog rarely gets treATS unless I make them . There have been far too many recalls. Thanks for all the recipes.

  6. shelly peterson says:

    What great recipes for dog treats. These would be great for my friends dog.

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