When Insomnia is Literally a Pain in the Neck

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Insomnia and I know each other very well, unfortunately. I haven’t been able to sleep well since my early twenties. However, neck pain from sleeping is a new challenge. I received pillows to try out for this post, but all opinions are my own.

When Insomnia is Literally a Pain in the Neck

When Insomnia is Literally a Pain in the Neck

My bed contains at least six pillows at all times. I strategically place them all around my body each night. The one under my head, however, was basically a flattened sack. It was providing no neck support whatsoever. It wasn’t a huge mystery when I started waking up with neck pain.

Since we already have the GhostBed and love it, I was excited to hear that they added pillows. The material they use is so airy and light but still supportive. Like a friendly ghost. 😉 When I lay my head on the pillow it feels like just the right angle for my neck.

Insomnia doesn't have to be a pain in the neck with GhostPillows

The pillows arrived in appropriate-sized boxes. They didn’t have to expand out of a compressed state like the GhostBed mattress did. There’s a slight smell to them at first, but after letting them air out for a while, that went away. I was surprised at how light the pillows are. I assumed that gel and memory foam would make the pillows weigh a bit, but they are like air.

Compared to neck pillows I’ve tried in the past, GhostPillows are in another dimension. There’s no bump under your neck or forced method of aligning your spine. The pillows are ergonomically designed to adjust to your neck and head effortlessly.

GhostPIllows are surprisingly light in weight. The pillows stays cool all night and adjusts to the temperature around you.

No pillow flipping necessary. If you find yourself flipping your pillow to look for a new cool spot, no need with GhostPillows. With patent pending thermo sensitivity technology, the material adjusts to keep cool through the night as the temperate changes. To me, the pillow never feels cold, but also never warm. Just the right temperature ideal for good sleep.

No more neck pain thanks to GhostPillow

Since switching to a GhostPillow under my head, my neck pain is gone. I’ve been using the pillow for about a month now and notice a huge difference. In fact, my hubby took off with my pillow somehow when he went on a fishing trip. I missed it tremendously. Even though all of our pillows have pillow cases, I knew it was missing as soon as my head hit the pillow.

GhostPillows are designed to adjust to your body and align your neck and head just right.

I would say next time you need a new pillow, try a GhostPillow, but I think you should try one regardless. This is the ghost everyone wants to encounter while sleeping. The ghost that helps you sleep better.

Do you have insomnia? Or what is your biggest sleeping struggle?

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  1. Cascia Talbert says:

    I can relate! I’ve been struggling with insomnia since my early 20’s as well. Maybe this pillow will help me? I’ve tried nearly everything.

  2. I like the one I have now, but I’ll keep this one in mind when I need to get a new one.

  3. ellen beck says:

    I am a niightowl, and yes I have insomnia. I also just plain struggle to go to sleep. I like this pillow, it looks and sounds great.

  4. Rana Durham says:

    you know what i do get alot of neck pains . this makes me wonder if i am having problems with sleep since havent slept good in awhile .

  5. Tamra Phelps says:

    I can relate. I’ve gone through several pillows lately, trying to find one that doesn’t give me a crick in my neck. (I’m a side sleeper.) After a short while, bad sleep really gets to you!

  6. Julie Waldron says:

    I only use one pillow & it’s okay but I would love this. The mattress looks amazing as well. I suffer from insomnia at least twice a week.

  7. ellen beck says:

    As you can tell I am a nightowl. So yes, sleeping and me dont work well. I have never heard of this pillow before, it sounds interesting.

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