LG Televisions are Game Changers

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I recently had the opportunity to take a look at the new LG televisions coming onto the market this season, and they are amazing. Their new OLED technology is amazing. It’s going to change television forever. I participated in this event through Cooperatize and am being compensated for this post. As always, I speak the truth, and all opinions are 100% my own. I want to also give a quick shout out to Ted, the account director at the event for providing me with the full presentation to pick and choose images from. They’re super informative.

LG Televisions are the Future

I’m a geek. Scratch that. I’m an UBER geek. In fact, I think the television is the single greatest technological advancement in recent history. Without it, how would I watch movies or play video games? That’s why I was pumped out seeing the new LG Televisions. I wasn’t disappointed in their epicness. They are truly astounding. Before I get into all the glorious awesomeness that is LG televisions with OLED technology, I’d like to show you the evolution of televisions.

LG Televisions are Game Changers

I’ve actually been able to see the evolution of television first hand. My great grandmother had an old school television from the 60s. My grandmother had a big tube television. Like we all used to have. I had a flat panel that was actually hot to the touch. Currently I have a full HD television, and it’s great. BUT… it’s nothing compared to the new LG televisions that are coming out. Without further ado, let’s talk tech. Because that’s the fun part!

What is OLED Anyway

OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. Basically, there’s no more back light. Each diode in these new LG televisions gives off its own light. What this means for your peepers is an incredibly crisp picture with super deep blacks, crisp, bright whites, and a major reduction in blue light. Blue light is what you get with your PC monitor and your smart phone. It’s the light that makes your eyes tired. It really is amazing the picture you get with the OLED technology. Watching the LG televisions with this technology and coming home to watch my own set is like the difference between watching a Full HD television and then going home to watch a tube model. It’s that impressive. Take a look at this to see why.

LG Televisions are Game Changers

You may or may not know what some of this means. Luckily you have me, the uber geek, to guide you through this. When we come out the other side, you will be amazed.

  • Contrast Ratio: Contrast ratio is the dark and light value. It’s what gives you the deep blacks and the bright, crisp colors you love. The current standard technology has a 5,000:1 ratio. That’s really good, but take a look at the OLED spec. That symbol means infinite. There is literally NO LIMIT to its ability to render contrast. That means that what you see is as close to life as you can get without being there.
  • Viewing Angle: You know how awesome your Full HD television is when you look at it head on, and then how progressively less awesome it gets as you move the sides of the television? That’s not happening with OLED technology. No matter what angle you view these new LG televisions from, you WILL get an epic viewing experience.
  • Response Time: This is the time it takes for a pixel to go from active to inactive to active again. Think of it as a camera’s shutter speed. The current technology is around 5 ms (milliseconds). OLED technology’s response time is 0.001 ms. That’s almost instantaneous!
  • Thickness: The thinnest standard Full HD television is around 10 mm. Because of the new OLED technology, the new LG televisions will feature a thickness of 4 mm or less. That’s amazing. That’s 0.15 inches. O_O

Get a Load of the Goodness

I think I’ve covered all the technical reasons why the new LG televisions and their OLED technology – that’s Organic Light Emitting Diode in case you forgot – is going to absolutely change the face of television. Let’s see some real world examples. I took these pictures at the event. While the lighting wasn’t conducive to professional quality pictures, and my 16 MP camera definitely does not do these new televisions justice, you can see the difference. It’s a BIG difference.

LG Televisions are Game Changers

That’s not a fuzzy picture. That fuzzed outline you see is actually the hairs on the strawberry. THE HAIRS! Also notice that amazing contrast.

LG Televisions are Game Changers

This is a side by side comparison of standard technology versus the new LG televisions and their awesome OLED tech. The lighting was bad, and the pictures are grainy, but I included this because it’s NOT a stock photo. I didn’t auto correct levels. I didn’t do anything except put in these fun little captions. Notice the difference in color saturation. The OLED television is on the right. It’s so much more vibrant.

LG Televisions are Game ChangersAgain, this is an actual picture that I took, not a stock photo. Look at the colors. Look at the blacks and lights. It’s awesome.

As you can see, the viewing angle is amazing. There’s no color wash. There’s nothing but an awesome picture. Obviously I wouldn’t want to watch TV from the side, but I think it’s cool that it can be done!

LG Televisions are the Future

I already said that, I know. I said it again because I can’t get over the awesomeness. As a geek, this is like the holy grail of television, movie, and gaming goodness. I cannot WAIT for these to hit the shelves. I’m socking money away right now to get my set.

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  1. Jen Temcio @dapperhouse says:

    So…you’re saying that I better start saving my money too because my husband “needs” the latest and greatest television technology. I willLOVE watching the nature shows on this with the extraordinary color!

  2. 60 years ago we got our first black & white tube TV. I’ve see all the evolutions. This looks incredible.

  3. We love LG. Husband wants a new LG tv for Christmas so here to hoping I can get him one! This looks like a really great one!

  4. I can’t believe what televisions are capable of these days. That viewing angle is wicked awesome.

  5. Joni Mason says:

    Wow, this is amazing! I love the colors and the viewing angle is neat too! I can’t wait to play my games on LG OLED! Thanks for sharing

  6. Psycho Momma says:

    OMG I want it!!!!! Technology never ceases to amaze me!

  7. Catherine S says:

    We currently have an LG TV and love it. I can’t believe all the new advancements with electronics my husband will want this.

  8. Hannah Staveley says:

    Love big Tvs well my hubby does.

  9. OLED isn’t a new technology at all. It’s been around for almost a decade. The PS Vita came out 3 years ago and has an OLED screen. I think what’s truly interesting about LG’s new TVS is the curved display, how lightweight they are and how thin they are.

  10. I was just looking at an LG tv – they’re amazing!

  11. Annie | MontgomeryFest says:

    wow-so cool. i’ve heard of these, but its good to hear more thoughts on it.

  12. WoW that looks really impressive, amazing. I would love a television like that.

  13. Amazing how the TV technology advances, right? I’m curious about what’s coming next, we’re certainly gonna be wowed 🙂

  14. We have an LG and absolutely love it. It is by far the best TV we have ever owned.

  15. This looks fantastic, and I know it is going to be on my husband’s Christmas list.

  16. Tanya Coffman says:

    Amazing! Thank you for this review – I’m on the market for a new TV, I was hoping to wait for Christmas…but now I’m thinking I may need to get this one prior! 😀

  17. Melissa Smith says:

    I’m so behind in the times when it comes to TV’s. We still have a big old box one in a huge entertainment stand. Maybe now with this info I can confidently go & purchase a new one. Not to mention I’d quit complaining about the glare! LOL

  18. Jen Temcio @dapperhouse says:

    I was able to check these out with my husband and he is hooked! We might be able to get one over the holidays! Thanks for letting us know about this newest technology!

  19. Barbie's Beauty Bits says:

    This looks great. My boyfriend has already been talking about a new TV. He would sure love to have this one!

  20. Please don’t tell my husband any of this! Otherwise his Xmas socks won’t seem like a very good gift after all lol

  21. celebbabylaundry says:

    I’ve been needing a new TV for a while now! I agree how it is a game changer.

  22. Takes great photos. I might look into one for my daughter. She’d love it.

  23. I have always been a fan of their products, so I can easily imagine that their TVs are just as good!

  24. Dawn McAlexander says:

    I can’t tell you for sure if I own or have owned an LG TV, but one thing I will say is that I love their phones. They are fabulous. So, I would totally have one of their TVs, too.

  25. Angela Christopher says:

    Wow that picture is amazong! I hadnt even heard of OLCD until now! Sweet!

  26. Bonnie @ wemake7 says:

    I will have to share this with my hubby. I have no clue about these things lol.

  27. It’s amazing how the television has changed throughout the yeas. I remember the antennas and turning a dial for the channel.

  28. Paula - Buenos Aires says:

    I´ve got my own UBER geek at home and we´ve had several LG tv sets along the years. We might be in for a change soon for the looks of your review.

  29. Rebecca Swenor says:

    I have never heard of OLED and it sounds amazing. You can really see the difference in the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Ronda ogilvie says:

    TeleVisIons just keep getting better and better! This television sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Let me tell you something. There is nothing geeky about TV! W’re all geeks then! That’s amazing to see the fuzz on that strawberry like that.

  32. Ahhhh isn’t it crazy what technology can do!!! My dad will probably be all over this soon!

  33. Kath Rivera says:

    LG is making advancement in their technology. Their appliances like this television looks great!

  34. My son sells televisions and he won’t let us buy anything unless its LG. I can’t believe all the capabilities of TVs on the market, it’s amazing.

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