Therapeutic Massage with Wahl Hot-Cold Massager

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This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own. I received a Wahl Hot/Cold Massager for the purpose of this review.

A massage makes a great Mother’s Day gift. A massager is even better if you ask me. That way the benefits last longer than just the one appointment. I received a Wahl Hot-Cold Therapy Therapeutic Massager for review and I think many moms would appreciate it as a gift this year.

wahl hot cold massage massager

Therapeutic Massage

Sitting at my computer for hours everyday definitely causes some soreness in my back. I tend to hunch my shoulders up and lean over at my desk. This causes tension in a spot that I cannot reach well on my back. I ask the hubby to massage it for me, but he has no skills. It’s more like being poked in the back than anything therapeutic! I was thrilled to be able to check out this massager from Wahl to see how it would help me. It’s the latest in a series of pain management tools from Wahl.

massage settings

One of my favorite features on this gadget is the hot/cold option. Personally, I always opt for heat. I know cold treatments are beneficial, too, but I definitely prefer warmth. Cold therapy helps with swelling and inflammation. Heat helps relax muscles and increase blood flow to relieve tension. The center plate of the massager either heats up or gets cool depending on what you choose. It only takes seconds to feel the temperature change after you plug it in and turn it on. There are two vibration settings (low and high) to get the strength you prefer, as well.


The massager comes with three additional massaging discs. The smooth one was already on mine. It can be easily taken off and switched out with the other ones. Two are suggested for cold settings, and the other two for hot settings. My favorite was the kneading massage on heat. I could feel it really penetrate into the spot that I have issues with.


All moms deserve some serious pampering! When thinking of Mother’s Day gifts this year, definitely consider a massager from Wahl.

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  1. amy rouse says:

    I have a shoulder that aches terribly (arthritis I fear) and this would be magical!!!!!

  2. brandi ellison says:

    i would love to win this for my husband, after reading how much it can help with chronic back pain!

  3. Jacob LaFountaine says:

    Work the inside of the knee to cut down on inflammation

  4. Cheryl Abdelnour says:

    I WOULD LIKE TO WIN THIS BECAUSE IT Improves recovery by stimulating mitochondria, the “energy packs” driving cellular function and repair. I HAD SHOULDER SURGERY AND THIS SOUNDS LIKE IT WILL HELP ME.

  5. Just say I could use for my shoulders so long after a long day it seems too reduce the archness

  6. I’d like to win because it looks like it would be beneficial to help relieve aches and pains in both that both my husband and I experience. They claim that it can reduce inflammation by activating genes that naturally reduce swelling.

  7. Katherine says:

    Relieves muscle tension by enhancing blood flow, which causes muscles to relax

  8. I would like to try this because it relieves muscle tension by enhancing blood flow, which causes muscles to relax, this sounds like it would be a great stress reliever

  9. sandra davis says:

    i would like to win because this would work great on my shoulder and back pain that i have been having for awhile now. it says that it reduces pain intensity by diminishing bodily substances that create and prolong pain

  10. Lauren@Mommabears Book Blog says:

    I would love to win this! I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, and severe back problems. This would be perfect for those bad days.

  11. Dixie Neitzel says:

    I would love to win this for my husband and my self!! He s a terrible back that ache’s all the time but I think this would help!!!!

  12. soha molina says:

    I could use the different temperatures for various aches and pains.

  13. I love the idea of a hot and cold massager. Have not had that kind of treatment since I was in physical therapy.

  14. Hot cold therapy would be great ! 🙂

  15. I would love to win because massage reduces anxiety, promotes relaxation and emotional well-being, which may prevent onset of depression.

  16. EmelynTrevino says:


  17. Cathy French says:

    I would like the Hot-Cold Therapy massager

  18. Michelle F. says:

    would love to win for my husband who gets terrible back pains.

  19. Sara Fletcher says:

    I would like to win because the pain relief is so specifically targeted

  20. I would like to win it to use on my neck. I sometimes get pain there

  21. I’d love to win this to help relieve some of the muscle tension!

  22. I would love to win this for my husband who has arthritis in his left shoulder.

  23. The Hot-Cold Therapy one would be the best.

  24. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and this would help with the aches and pains

  25. Maybe it would help my shoulder and back.

  26. Adrienne Gordon says:

    be great for my aching back

  27. Sandy Cain says:

    I see on the site they show good massage points. I bet this would help my tendonitis!

  28. lisagee1234 says:

    My 2 blown lumbar disks will really appreciate this!!

  29. Courtney Renee says:


  30. jose benavides says:

    I would love to win cause I am always in pain and this would help

    1. jose benavides says:

      Spot Therapy is what I would like

  31. shayne livingston says:

    this would be great for my neck and back. the hot & cold in one is awesome

  32. mary renshaw says:

    I NEED to win LOL I am getting OLD and just decided to take up running! I dont have any part of me that doesn’t hurt!

  33. Victor Galbraith says:

    I want to win to bo able to massage the pain away from between my shoulder blades

  34. i would like to win this for my oldest daughter she has a bad back and this would be great for her.

  35. Nichol Tone says:

    I like the hot cold masssage

  36. This would be great for my back pain.

  37. I want to win because I have a bad back and this would feel wonderful

  38. Denise B. says:

    I have problems with a sacroiliac when it flairs up. It’s very painful.

  39. I have shoulder, knee, back, and ankle pain…so I could definitely use this on that arthritis and achy joints.

  40. Jerri Davis says:

    I would like to win to stop some pain in my shoulder. Thank you. Jerri Davis

  41. Ann Snarr says:

    THis would help lower back pain.

  42. Sue Ellison says:

    I would like to win because my teenage son fractured his neck in an auto accident a few months ago and his neck still gives him a lot of discomfort, I think this would help.

  43. I would like to win because I recently had back surgery and I think this could really help me! 🙂

  44. Massage relieves muscle tension by enhancing blood flow, which causes muscles to relax. I’m sure this will be a great way to destress.

  45. Brutus Duffy says:

    i have back problems and hubby neck and shoulder problems and I feel this would benefit us both.

  46. Looks like a nice way to get pampered.

  47. Stephanie Larison says:

    I want this bad! I bet it would help with my back pain I’ve been having.

  48. Anastasia says:

    I’d love to win because a massage is something I never get! My shoulders are always tight 🙂 This would be awesome and a relief 🙂

  49. Debbie Welchert says:

    I have so many aches, neckache, knees, back and have never used one of these before. The hot massager would feel so good on my sore joints and muscles.

  50. It relieves muscle tension and increases blood flow.I have bad circulation so I would love to win this!

  51. PAIGE CHANDLER says:

    I’d like to win because my neck is just killing me.

  52. Derrick Johnson says:

    I would love to win this for Dad because he has on/off sharp pains in his shoulder.This could help.

  53. June Lisle says:

    I would like to win because my husband comes home sore from work. I this product would help me take care of him better than I already do.

  54. Lesa Moats says:

    The deluxe heat therapy system

  55. I would love to win because my husband does not like giving massages but I love getting them.

  56. Virginia Rowell says:

    I would love to win because I have problems with my right shoulder. It is very painful and I would like to see if this helps.

  57. Tabathia B says:

    Because it can be used hot and cold and it would be great for my back

  58. I have fibromyalgia and this would be so so helpful for me!!!!

  59. Cassandra Eastman says:

    I would love to win because it looks amazing, I could really go for a back rub right now!

  60. Connie Lee says:

    I think this would be of great benefit to my lower back muscles after a session with my vacuum cleaner.

  61. Amy Martin says:

    I want to win it for my son. He’d love it!

  62. Gloria Schulte says:

    I would like to win the Wahl Massager because both my husband and I have back pain and I think this would help

  63. Jesselyn A/Jesstinger says:

    Aside from acute AND chronic neck and shoulder pain. I also get cramps and tension knots in my lower back, calves ,bottoms of my feet and sometimes even my “butt cheeks” ! I’ve tried heating pads, ice packs and drug store “massagers” – to no avail…

    I’m feeling pretty desperate at times – and I will try anything! This Wahl Hot-Cold Massager at least sounds promising – so I would love to win one!

  64. Cheryl Chervitz says:

    I would like to have the DEEP TISSUE massager, looks so wonderful.

  65. I would like the Deep Tissue Therapeutic massager

  66. Tina Demarco says:

    id like to win cuz this looks so much better then the one i own and man i can use a good massage!

  67. steve weber says:

    the Deep Tissue Therapeutic massager.

  68. Jessica Snow says:

    Wow! This sounds amazing! I would like to win as I suffer with degenerative disc disease along with many other back issues and this sounds like it would be wonderful to have.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  69. Steve Stone says:

    love to win this for the wife.

  70. I would like to win because I have a lot of tension in my back and neck from work.

  71. Darlene Jones-Nelson says:

    I would like to win this cause of the deep tissue massage.

  72. Sylvia Zajis says:

    I would also like the DELUXE THERAPY massager.

  73. Susan Johnson says:

    I want to win this because I have fibromyalgia and arthritis, along with my mom, who has severe osteoarthritis. We both would benefit greatly from one of these massagers, especially my mom. The heat therapy, deep tissue massage, spot treatment would be a godsend for times when she has serious muscular pain or strains herself.

  74. Valerie L says:

    Would love the Hot cold massage

  75. I’d love to try this out

  76. Vicky Carlson says:

    I’d love to win this to use for my neck and shoulder. I was in an accident and had a whiplash a couple of years ago… I would love to see if this could help.

  77. I love that it has the hot option!

  78. Crissy D. says:

    I would like to win to soothe my chronic back and leg pain

  79. I think this would help relieve some of my arthritis pain.

  80. Michele P says:

    I had an accident on 3/1 I am still recovering from so the therapeutic massage would be helpful in my recovery

  81. Peggy Greco says:

    I think the wahl massager would help with backaches and my arthritis, too.

  82. Douglas Houston says:

    I like the Hot-Cold Massage Vibrating Therapeutic Gel Pack

  83. I would love to win this product because of a prior back injury. I believe the therapeutic massaging unit would help to make life more comfortable.

  84. I would really love to win this, i have bad scoliosis and constantly wake from my bed with aching back pains, it would be a great gift just before my birthday!

  85. Stacy Boland says:

    I would like to win this because I think it would really help when I have inflammation in my knees!

  86. Amanda J. says:

    I like all the health benefits of massage.

  87. Holly Kennedy says:

    I want to win this for my fiance who works his butt off on a boat moving barges.

  88. So that i can Relieves muscle tension

  89. I’d love to win because I certainly can’t afford to see a massage therapist every time I have a backache. According to the website, massage “reduces pain intensity by diminishing bodily substances that create and prolong pain”.

  90. hate getting older, some days i hurt all over

  91. Ellen Anderson says:

    I’d love to win it for my husband. He broke his back in three places in Iraq and it hurts him all the time. It’d be great to have something other than my mediocre massage skills to help him out!

  92. This would be great for my husband, who has a sore back all the time!

  93. william richards says:

    nephew need it badlly

  94. Desiree Dunbar says:

    I have really tight muscles in my shoulder which I have seen a Chiropractor before so this would be awesome for me.

  95. To relieve muscle tension.

  96. Linda Carlson says:

    I have pain so bad in my neck, spine, lower back and legs. I really need this massager.

  97. I would like to win because I sometimes have muscles aches and pains and the Wahl would be so helpful.

  98. Julia Goldberg says:

    I have fibromyalgia and this massger would be great since my muscles are always tight

  99. I want to win because it helps relieve neck pain!

  100. Kathrine Otoole says:

    I would use this for my lower back pain and take away my muscle aches

  101. Jessica Murphy says:

    I want this!!

  102. Need this for my back pain

  103. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says:

    For my hubby and his back and my shoulder
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  104. Misha Lynn Estrada says:

    I would like to try this because I have chronic widespread pain.

  105. I like that on the site it tells the areas to massage for pain areas. Also I would love to have this for my shoulder pain.

  106. Sara Wood says:

    I would like to win this for my husband who has a lot of back pain.

  107. I would love to win this!

  108. Gennie Lancaster says:

    I would like to win this for my husband because he has back and neck pain.

  109. Jeanne B-W says:

    Hubby and I both have arthritis. This would be great for our necks, low backs, and knees.

  110. I’d like to win so I can ease my shoulder pain.

  111. Derek Timm says:

    This would be a perfect surprise for my mother. She loves coming home from work and relaxing with a massage.

  112. michelle koerner says:

    I like the hot-cold massage 🙂 This looks like it would be comfortable to wear, as well as being functional.

  113. Benjamin Kendall says:

    My Wife is constantly in pain

  114. Melanie Montgomery says:

    the all body massager

  115. Blessie Nelson says:

    I have severe neck pain due to long hours of straining work and this device might be useful for me.

  116. My husband and I both could benefit from this. We have aches and pains in our hands, legs, and back.

  117. i would love to have this, the cold massage for my migraines and the warm for my muscle pains

  118. I get shoulder pains from working on a computer all day, this looks like it would be a great help!

  119. amy deeter says:

    me and my husband both have bad muscle pains

  120. I would like to win because I have a history of herniated lumbar discs and have been told to get massages and alternate hot and cold therapy on the site so this seems to do it all in one package. Thanks!

  121. I’d love to try this on muscle pain

  122. My husband has constant back pain, he never finds very much relief. This would help relax him and make it easier for him to rest.

  123. I would love to win for stress relief and my trouble with migraines.

  124. I would like to win to help control my aches and pain at home – I could use it on my upper back right this minute.

  125. kathy pease says:

    id love to win this for my son who gets sore playing different sports

  126. julie murphy says:

    The deep tissue massager

  127. Katherine Donovan says:

    I sit at a computer all day a work. My neck gets so stiff! This would be great to come home and massage my neck pain away.

  128. I would love to receive this massager. i have lower back pain from a car wreck long time ago. and now being pregnant it would be even more nice to have after my baby is here.

  129. shanta spradlin says:

    This would be great for my husband, he had a lot of problems with his neck.

  130. I’d like to win this to use on my back.

  131. Vikki Billings says:

    I would love to win because I have arthritis in my knees and spine and it would really help with my pain!

  132. susan smoaks says:

    i would love to win because i have a lot of neck trouble that this would help with

  133. I have neck issues that go to my shoulders and hot and cold interchanging really helps it, so this massaging with it would work wonders!

  134. I would like to win because I have occasional back pain.

  135. Buddy Garrett says:

    I would like to win it for my wife. She has pain from her job.

  136. Both myself and my husband have pain in our backs and shoulders. A product like this would be wonderful to have. THANK YOU!

  137. nice to relax my arms ty

  138. I would like to win this because I have been having knee and shoulder problems and this sounds like it would work great for it.

  139. heather c says:

    I run, so any help for my calf muscles would be great!

  140. I would like to win because I love back massages!

  141. cassandra says:

    I would love to win for back and knee pain thanks so much!

  142. I’d like to use it for occasional back pain.

  143. Lily Kwan says:

    I would like to win because this looks very nice!

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