Portion Control Made Easy with Precise Portions

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Portion control is definitely my biggest issue when it comes to dieting and living a healthy lifestyle. I am an affiliate of Precise Portions and was very excited to receive products from their Eco line for review.

Portion Control Made Easy with Precise Portions

Portion Control Anywhere

I think most of us can agree that we know in the back of our minds how we should eat – somewhat. Personally, I always thought that I could look at my plates at home and “eye” up how the portions should look. The biggest third of the plate should be veggies and the other two-thirds should take up the meat and starch parts of the meal. Even knowing this does not mean that I follow it! Then, what happens when I am eating away from home? Without the familiarity of my own plates? Summer parties and BBQ’s are looming and if I want to maintain a healthy eating plan, I better have a backup plan!

Portion Control Made Easy with Precise Portions

Enter Precise Portions. They have an entire line of products designed to help people learn and follow a balanced nutrition lifestyle. Whether your goal is to lose weight, manage diabetes and/or cardiac health, or just plain become more balanced, this system is ideal.

Precise Portions has a line of beautiful portion control dinnerware to reuse, but now, they have also added an eco-friendly, disposable system. The Eco Compostable Range of plates, bowls, and cups is a wonderful alternative to plastic. They are all 100% compostable, free of bleach and dyes, and are sturdy enough to handle any portion-controlled meal.

Portion Control Made Easy with Precise Portions

They have a full line of products to take the mystery out of portion control for good! Also, with the included laminated system discs as placemats, the whole family can educate themselves on how to eat balanced meals.

Here’s a little about each product that I received from Precise Portions:

Portion Control Made Easy with Precise Portions

3-Section Starter Plates:  The plates are clearly marked as to which foods should go where. Veggies take up the largest section, with meat and starch pretty much splitting up the rest. This is also a win-win for me, because I don’t like my foods to touch! (Yes, picky spaz.)

6″ Side Plates:  A great way to portion out your sides. Great for fruits, desserts, or anything else that you don’t want to go overboard on as a side dish.

10 oz. Cups:  These cups have lines to measure out 4 fluid oz (for fruit juice servings), 8 oz (for milk, veggie juice, or water), and 10 oz (just FYI, I guess). This is a biggie for me. Although, I mainly drink water, when I do have juice, I guarantee it’s not the proper portion. I just fill up a huge glass. This is a better way to not go crazy with the calories and sugar that fruit juices contain.

16 oz Bowls:  Bowls lined with extremely helpful portion sizes for cereals, soups, veggies, etc. The lines measure out 1/2 cup, 1 cup, 1 1/2 cups or 2 cups. I can eat cereal like nobody’s business. I just don’t get full and can end up polishing off a box if I am not careful. This will allow me to be more aware of that for sure. A serving of most cereals is way less than “normal” bowls hold. It’s so easy to go over that.

Portion Control Made Easy with Precise Portions

Dinner Plates:  Similar to the starter plates, but no dividers. The lines are not raised, but it’s still easy to see where the food should go.

I love these products especially for this summer. I can use them for our own parties, or bring them with to ones we attend. They will allow me to enjoy BBQ-ed goodies without going completely overboard. Using these plates has made me a lot more aware of the reality of my portions. “Eying” things out allows me to fool myself. This system provides the reality check that I needed. After eating on these plates and watching my portions a lot more carefully, I quickly noticed my appetite shrinking back down to where it should be. I feel fuller faster and not that horrible stuffed feeling afterward. Very happy about that!

Stock up on Precise Portions by visiting their website.

Do you watch your portions? Have any tips or tricks to share? We’d love to see them in the comments!

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  1. PERFECT – What a great idea. Im on Nutrisystem now but fear the day I have to portion out my own food. This would be a lifesaver

    1. Sara Fletcher says:

      It is so hard to eat a real portion after eating the way you have your whole life

  2. Seems like a great way to not eat too much food!

  3. Kelsey Apley says:

    Love how it has a picture on the plate of what to put where, that is where I would get lost or forget. Nice product!!

  4. Jody @ Mommy Moment says:

    Those would be perfect for those summer BBQ’s when that second helping looks so tempting!

  5. Genius! No more excuses for me if I used those.

  6. These are particularly helpful for those of us starting a new diet to remember portion sizes and food groups.

  7. Jerri Davis says:

    well that is a different approach and maybe it will work. Thank you. Jerri Davis

  8. Debbie Welchert says:

    What a great idea. I really need to loose weight and these would be perfect for my portion control and these would make things so much easier for me.

  9. Cheryl Chervitz says:

    This looks interesting and helpful. Portions are so hard if you have never done it.

  10. Darlene Jones-Nelson says:

    These are awesome no more guessing on the portion size! I have to have these and my friend whom has a daughter who is over weight will love these too! Thanks!

  11. Sylvia Zajis says:

    This is a pretty neat idea. The only flaw I see is that items can still be stacked upward instead of outward and be incorrect portion sized. Some will power and own reasoning must be used with these.

  12. Susan Johnson says:

    These would be particularly helpful to have at picnics, where the potato salad takes the largest place on the plate. Using these would definitely keep one’s indulgence in line.

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