Plan for Early Retirement

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Information for this post is sourced from Genworth Financial in partnership with the SheHeard Influencer Network. Who doesn’t want to plan for early retirement?! Man, if I could retire tomorrow, I would… and I’m still in school and haven’t even really started my career yet! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a lazy slob or anything. I just associate retirement with financial freedom. I guess everyone has a different definition of what it will be like to be retired but my version means not having to live on a strict budget. And the earlier I can retire the better.

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I would still probably go to school and spend my time “working” but not actually having to work would be my perfect early retirement plan. I really do enjoy working but the constant stress of making ends meet really drags me down.

Early Retirement Plan

Well, since I’m already 29 years old and haven’t even started thinking about how to adult, I’m not sure just how early I will be retiring. But, I’d rather start now and not wait any longer! Genworth Financial offers some great articles and resources to get you ready for making your plan. And with simple small changes to your budget–that won’t significantly alter your life now–early retirement is not just a fantasy.

I found this article about Lump Sums pretty interesting. I wouldn’t mind having this problem but I can see where you can get into trouble. If you happen to fall into a bunch of money, like a settlement or a lottery win, receiving a lump sum isn’t necessarily a great idea. So many people blow through it so fast that they have nothing to show for it and wind up back at the office in more debt than ever. The trick is to generate a constant flow of income. That way you won’t be tempted to overspend like crazy and if you do, at least you’ll have time to get it right with the money that keeps coming in.

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  1. Amber Edwards says:

    I can’t wait for the husband to finish his degree in one more semester so we can have an actual income to start building a retirement fund again. We lost his when we decided we didn’t want to be a military family anymore, and now we have to start all over again. A little discouraging to be doing at age 32, but it is still better than never being together, as he was always deployed or away to training near the entire time we were in the military.

    I totally agree with you on the whole lump sum. It seems like that every tax return season, although we use it to help pay for the school fees, so it goes really fast .But the idea is the same.

  2. Oo – I’m ready to retire now!

  3. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? says:

    We are planning…and my hubby has us on a schedule. In fact, he emailed today that we need to meet with the planner….something I seriously dislike doing, but know that I need to!

  4. Both of us started planning for our retirement at a young age (For me with my very first job). I think people don’t often see the “long-term” and are too focused on the “here and now” Thanks for the reminder! : )

  5. I haven’t even started to think about retirement yet, but I really should. CPP sucks and since I’m self-employed I won’t have a pension. Thanks for the reminder. Guess I better get started on this right?

  6. Julie Wood says:

    It is never to early to plan for retirement, and to begin saving is always a great thing to do. Planning for early retirement is a great way to have a peace of mind. Sounds like a great place to get help with this!

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