Reward Yourself after Spring Cleaning with a Comfy Bed

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I am a 2014 Nature’s Sleep Ambassador. I receive products for review purposes and take pride in sharing my honest opinions. This month I am happy to bring you this post about Spring Cleaning, redecorating and rewarding yourself for all your hard work.

Spring Cleaning Frenzy

I’ve come to the conclusion that I am definitely a solar powered human. After the longest winter of my life, just one sunny day above 40 degrees and I cannot stop spring cleaning. And, boy did the whole house need it!

I started in my office/dining/living room because taxes, homework, blog work and projects have taken over this space. My mind completely shuts down upon entering this room. If I didn’t get organized I would have surely failed, well, everything.

Reward yourself after Spring Cleaning

When it comes to Spring cleaning, it is hard to stop at just my side of the house. When I went over to my mom’s side and was helping her strip her bed, I couldn’t believe what she was sleeping on! Ever since menopause totally kicked her butt, her bone density is terribly low and she is constantly in pain. In a desperate attempt to cushion her sore skeleton she had piled up layers of foam on top of an old mattress. Her and Ben have been sleeping on this for years. I was shocked. So when the Nature’s Sleep 10″ Memory Foam mattress arrived, I couldn’t wait to tell them it was for them!

Relief from achey bones and joints #NaturesSleep #sponsored

Living in a multi-generational home can be a huge challenge, but it also has endless perks. For instance, built in babysitting. Need I continue? But seriously, if it weren’t for my mom and Ben (her SO) I wouldn’t be able to finish my degree or do any of the things that I have done or plan to do. I actually owe them my life. Plus, they are helping me raise two very well-rounded small humans.


After knocking out most of my spring cleaning and helping my mom start hers, everything feels so much fresher. If that’s not rewarding enough, redecorating can really add new life to your day. Even if it is just adding a couple fresh flowers to a nice clean room, you owe a little treat to yourself.

Better yet, if you can manage it, updating your mattress is an ongoing reward. My mom and Ben have been sleeping on their new memory foam mattress for only a few days now and cannot believe the difference in their day. Relief from aches and actually feeling rejuvenated is more of a reward than anything. But to make the room even more bright and inviting, my mom bought herself some lovely new bedding. I know Ben hates to admit it, be even he likes the frilly flowery linens! 😉

Comfort beyond your wildest dreams #NaturesSleep #sponsored

If you aren’t sure how to pick the right mattress for your needs, here are some valuable tips:

How To choose the right Mattress #NaturesSleep #Sponsored

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  1. You are so wonderful to give your mom and Ben the Nature’s Sleep mattress! Bless her heart for trying to sleep like that on her old one for so long though. You did the right thing! I hope it helps her pain. I hope spring comes to you soon!

  2. Jen Temcio @dapperhouse says:

    I came across this looking for mattress toppers for my husband. His back has been hurting for awhile now and I have to find something to relieve his pain. I will take a look at this one from Natures Sleep and see if I can get one to fit our California King bed. Thanks!

  3. Ellen Christian says:

    Very cool! that definitely looks comfortable to me. So nice of you to share!

  4. I have a Nature’s Sleep memory foam mattress and cannot imagine sleeping on anything else. Great post!

  5. How sweet of you to give your mom and Ben the new mattress! I bet it was hard to give up the chance to use it yourself!

  6. Dawn Lopez says:

    Now I like that idea! I am totally all over rewarding myself.. maybe a little too much. That bed looks amazing! My bed is starting to get uncomfy, I could really use something like this!

  7. Comfort Lever: Chuck Norris! I love it! That looks like a comfy bed. 🙂

  8. Ooh, can I jump on that bed too!! Looks so comfy and cozy 🙂

  9. Katy Rawson says:

    I am addicted to a variety of bedding choices. I have a lot. But now I am thimking it’ time to go mattress shopping.

  10. Jenn @TheRebelChick says:

    That is so nice that you gave the new mattress to your mom! I can’t believe what they were sleeping on before! I hate egg crates!

  11. Keikilani says:

    “If you clean it, spring will come!” LOL! I love it. Can someone please tell Michigan spring is here? I gotta get cleaning.

  12. You’re a good daughter. Mom definitely deserved that mattress.

  13. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    That really makes me want to run out and get a new bed for spring, I’m dreaming of the great sleep I’d have <~~~ hahahah!

  14. Michele Brosius says:

    I hope your right about the cleaning. I have been doing plenty of cleaning and spring was here, but seems to be gone again today. What a great looking mattress. Our mattress needs replaced desperately!

  15. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Looks like such an awesome mattress! I would love to try a gel one out! I love their pillow I own, so I bet this is just as nice.

  16. Wow how nice of you to gift it to your mom. We just bought a new mattress, totally worth the money!

  17. Just replaced my mattress a few months back and I am very happy with my investment. I sleep so much better at night. As for spring cleaning I really need to get that done….eventually

  18. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    We just replaced our mattress, we needed it! It’s definitely a great investment.

  19. You were so sweet to allow your mom to have that. Sounds like she really needs a comfy place to rest!

  20. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says:

    Glad to hear they’re comfy, and so nice to see someone that cares that much about their comfort. Sad to say, some people don’t. I’ve heard nothing but good about their toppers. That’s a nice coupon!

  21. I LOVE my Nature Sleep mattress! Ahhh, it’s fantastic! I am hoping now that we just finished our Spring cleaning, that good weather is here to stay!

  22. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    I so need to do this myself, doing it little at a time!

  23. Comfort level =Chuck Norris – pure bliss!
    I am really hoping that spring cleaning will bring the spring weather. We are on a search for a new mattress. I like the idea of pure comfort at night.

  24. If you clean it Spring will come! Love it!! I really like your bed comforter, too.

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