Self Magazine’s Workout In the Park – Chicago

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Workout In the Park – Chicago

My good friend, Vickie, and I went to Self Magazine’s Workout in the Park event in Chicago last weekend. It was an absolute blast. We worked out like maniacs, learned new ways to get fit, sampled some delicious treats, chugged Smartwater, tried on some new shoes, got free socks, met really cool people and soaked up some sun.

This was the 19th Anniversary for this event, but our first time in attendance. As long as they keep this event coming back (and we sure hope they do) we plan on making this a new tradition.

This event was held in Grant Park in Chicago. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day.

Beautiful Chicago

setting up Chicago workout in the park

There were thousands of ladies ready and waiting to get their workout on!

in line for Workout in the Park Chicago

Check out that line!

line for Workout in the Park Chicago

entrance to workout in the park Chicago

We both tried on some great shoes from Reebok and received a free 3-pack of socks! We also tried Crossfit for the first time. Yeah, we are still feeling it from that experience! It was the most intense, kick butt workout EVER. If you’ve never tried it and are looking to up your game, it’s perfect! My triceps are actually VISIBLE!


Reebok Shoes

After the near death experience of crossfit, 😉 we sampled some delicious cheese spreads from Laughing Cow and met this fun guy… And yeah, that’s me in the atrocious/wicked-awesome muscles leggings. 😀

Laughing Cow

Seriously can’t get over how beautiful this day was!

beautiful day Chicago

Self Chicago

Workout in the Park Chicago

Getting fit was so fun it was contagious. I’ve never felt such power. Thousands of women (and like 4 guys) were radiating energy.

Workout in the Park Self Magazine Chicago

Grant Park Workout in the Park

We got ourselves a spot right up front to really get into the workout. Then, I remembered just how uncoordinated I am, and knew this was a potential disaster. There were cameras everywhere. So, if you see a blonde in muscle leggings looking like she’s having a seizure–that’s me.

Self Magazine Workout Chicago

I got to meet the guys from Crunch Fitness! 😀

Crunch Fitness Guys

I think my favorite part of the day was the POUND Rockout Workout. These adorable girls from LA invented this workout. They are both drummers and incorporated weighted drumsticks into a fun workout routine. The drumsticks allow and encourage wider range of motion and create really cool sounds especially when part of a whole class.

After an intense day of fitness, we had a gorgeous walk back to the parking garage.

Pretty Chicago

However, we were completely ravenous. We found this place and had to try it. The Protein Bar is fantastic. Everything was delicious. I wish they had one closer to home!

The Protein Bar

Look out for this event in your area! It’s definitely worth attending!

Self Workout in the Park

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  1. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    Oh man, I am so completely jealous of you guys! Too bad I didn’t live closer to Chicago otherwise I would have been all over this experience 🙂

    P.s. Those leggings are pretty wicked-I bet you got a lot of attention from those puppies! Lol

  2. Wow – I wish an event like this would come to Boston. What a cool day you guys had!

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