Sinus Sufferers Unite and Find Relief with Sudafed

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Sinus pain and congestion can bring on a world of discomfort. I will never forget the worst sinus infection that I ever had in my life…

During the first two months of Mike and I dating, I developed a sinus infection like no other. Never in my life had I felt such pain, pressure, and agony in my sinuses. This sucker lasted about 5 weeks. Imagine how hot this was during a new, budding romance. Green snots, mouth-breathing, and phlegm central – and yet, he stuck it out and is now my husband. What a trooper!

Sudafed for Sinus Pain

Of course, since then there have been many other sinus battles throughout our relationship. We have both had our fair share of colds, and I have nasty allergies. Sinus congestion is no stranger around here. Sudafed can always be found in our medicine cabinet. Taking it provides the relief that is necessary to function as a human during nasty sinus issues.

Sinus Sufferers Unite and Find Relief with Sudafed

Right now you can visit the Sudafed OPEN UP™ application on Facebook to create a fun picture of how sinus congestion makes you feel. Participate in a conversation with other sinus sufferers and even earn a chance to win $5,000! You will also receive a money-saving coupon just for participating.

stuffy sisters

I tried out the app myself and had fun editing a picture of Shelley and I. Each item represents how sinus pain can make you feel. Things like, an elephant or brick on your chest, drippy nose, airy head, and being hit on the head by a sledgehammer seem quite accurate.



In addition to allergies and colds, I also take a Sudafed before all plane rides. It helps with ear pain and pressure while flying. I was told to do this at an early age by a doctor. It dries up any congestion that could cause extra pain and pressure during a flight. Definitely has helped me fly pain-free for many years!

Sudafed knows that suffering from sinus pressure and pain can leave individuals feeling crushed, beat down, congested and even squeezed, desperately looking for a way to open up. Serious sinus sufferers are invited to creatively share how they sinus pain and pressure looks and feels to them by using Sudafed’s OPEN UP™ application on Facebook.

Then, beginning on December 2, the Sudafed Facebook community will vote for one of five finalist sketches that best illustrates the pains of sinus pressure. The winner will receive $5,000 and a chance to have their work included in a Sudafed advertising campaign. For more information, visit the Sudafed Facebook page

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  1. Mistee Dawn says:

    My husband’s sinuses are horrible. Especially this time of year. He loves Sudafed.

  2. Nancy Lustri (StyleDecor) says:

    Hee! Hee! I love the picture! That is exactly how I feel some days. Cleveland weather can take a toll on sinus sufferers. I’ve tried Sudafed in the past and it always works for me!! Great product! 🙂

  3. Thank goodness for Sudafed. I swear that Dallas is one of the worst places on earth for allergies and I wouldn’t survive without Sudafed!

  4. Kelsey Apley says:

    We take Sudafed when we are feeling like are sinuses are acting up and it works like a charm each time!! Sinus headache and stuffyness is the worst!

  5. Tammilee Tillison says:

    Sinus pressure is the worse! I agree with the elephant sitting on your face. Love the app and playing with the photos so much fun!

  6. Dawn Lopez says:

    Sinus pain is NOT funny… man it’s the worst. But I have to say that little OPEN UP application of you guys is hilarious! Thanks for the sweeps & coupon!

  7. Melissa Au says:

    Sinus Pain is the worst. I get it really bad and always turn to Sudafed.

  8. That picture is too funny! I hate sinus issues because of how it makes your tire head fill like it is going to explode. I hope the winter we deal with very few illnesses.

  9. My mom always has has problems with her sinuses.

  10. I suffer from allergies and sometimes congestion. I’ve found that regular use of a nettie pot works for me. Although it’s natural, it’s not convenient when you are on the go.

  11. Maryann D. says:

    That is so cute the with fun Facebook ap about sinuses! My family often has sinus pain and sinus infections. We have had to use Sudafed.

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