10 Winter Weather Cleaning Tips
Winter weather is coming and we need to take every precaution to keep our families healthier. It’s the perfect opportunity to do some deep cleaning in our homes and make them as germ-free as possible.
North American Property Services, which is headquartered in Denver, CO has 10 cleaning tips to help get us all on the right track.
10 Winter Weather Cleaning Tips
1.) Wash your hands often while cleaning. This is so you do not transfer germs from room to room. I like to switch my cleaning rags for each room for the same reason, as well.
2.) Pay extra attention to high touch areas and clean them more often. Door handles, TV remotes, keyboards, iPads, tablets, laptops, etc. should all be disinfected frequently. Keep handy electronic cleaning wipes on hand to wipe down phones, including the landline and all cell phones.
3.) Germs live in the dust. Dusting your home not only makes it look cleaner, but it can also kill nasty germs that may cause the common cold or the flu. Pay extra attention to places where dust settles, like fan blades and window ledges to wipe away germs. Basically, detail your house. Get all those dust balls from under the bed, under furniture and in the corners of rooms. Also, wipe down light bulbs. Not only will that remove the grime, but it will brighten up the room on these dreary winter days.
4.) Dust more often. In addition to dusting more places, do it more frequently. Since the heating system will be circulating the dust, dirt and germs throughout the air, it’s best to increase your dusting habits.
5.) Keep a mop handy to wipe down floors regularly. Quickly dry-mop the high-traffic areas of your home on a regular basis.
6.) Clean interior windows on warmer days. They are another germ-collector in your house.
7.) Deep clean your carpets on a yearly basis. The best time to do this is right after the holidays. This will help eliminate germs and grime, and also clean any spills from holiday celebrations.
8.) Scrub and disinfect the grout in your bathroom with a powerful cleaner. This will remove germs that spread between family members.
9.) Create a “no shoes in the house” policy. Think about all of the places that everyone walks throughout the day. You don’t want all those germs tracking all over your home. Check your shoes at the door to reduce indoor pollutants.
10.) The best winter floor care program is to frequently clean all floor surfaces. Pay extra attention to entryways and mop and scrub often.

North American property services is one of the top janitorial services in the country. For tips like this and more make sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
How does your cleaning routine change during the winter weather?
Great tips. I also have a no shoe policy.
Definitely more cleaning. It’s crazy how much dust comes in and even though we’re a “no shoe in the house” home, there’s still a crazy amount of dust.
It seems like we have to mop constantly in the winter!
I try to do extra cleaning on the door knobs, light switches, and countertops because we touch those a lot and I want to keep the germs off them as much as possible.
Great tips… I often like hand cream with sanitizers, since my hands get so raw in the winter, I kinda feel like I am killing two birds with one, HA!
Great list!! Looks like I got some work to do before it gets even colder out!
This are great tips. I hadn’t thought about washing the interior windows more often.
We follow the “no shoes in the house policy” but my son has been breaking this rule lately. I need to make sure that we really enforce it enough!
In my last house I had a no shoes policy and it worked beautifully. In this house, I don’t really have a good stopping point when I walk in so it kinda fell by the wayside. However, I still believe in it!
I will be sure to send these to my husband.. (HAHAHA!)
No really, thanks for the tips! I am going to need them.. things are already a bit in need of a big cleaning around here.
These are actually all very good tips that many people wouldn’t think to do when cleaning regardless of whether it’s Winter or any other time of the year! Usually when I clean, I don’t even think of washing my hands frequently. Not only are there many germs around, but you’re also kicking up lots of dust that can get into your eyes and nose causing lots of issues, too o.O
Thanks for the tips! It’s that very germy time of the year again!
We have a no shoe policy all year long. Guests too if they don’t mind. It really helps a lot.
These are great tips. I never thought about germs living in dust. yuck!
i need to apply all these. I have a husband who gets sick all the time!
Just what I did not want to hear; we have to be more diligent to clean our houses. It makes sense of course. But that doesn’t mean I’m looking forward to it.
Any kind of cleaning tips are always helpful. I especially dust a lot in the winter, we all have allergies and it does help to get rid of any dust mites.