Take a Giant Step Towards a Healthier Home

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My house is quite possibly the dustiest home around. With numerous humans, pets, and chaotic schedules, cleaning isn’t as high on my priority list as it should be.

However, transforming this abode into a healthier home sure is. I am proud to be a 3M-sponsored blogger, and as part of my responsibilities, I get the opportunity to evaluate 3M products. Opinions are my own and additional products used in this project were selected by me.

Filtrete air filter.

Step Into a Healthier Home

The first giant step I have taken to create a healthier home is changing our completely disgusting whole house air filters. As you can see, this was much needed.

I can only imagine how many allergens are NOT getting filtered by this wretched mess.

Gross and disgusting air filter before changing it.

After carefully–and I mean like ninja-careful–removing the dusty mess you see above, it felt so good to replace that filter with a Filtrete Healthy Living Ultimate Allergen Reduction Filter MPR 1900.

I feel confident that this filter will capture particles and potential allergens more efficiently and for a longer period of time.

The MPR 1900 is effective at capturing 93% of large airborne particles such as dust, pollen, and mold spores from the air passing through the filter.

It also attracts and captures microscopic allergens like pet dander, smoke, household dust, and microscopic particles that can carry bacteria and viruses.

New filter after changing it.

I’m not wasting another minute. There is no need to wait for the new year to start making positive changes around the house.

Ben has such horrible asthma and the kids and I all suffer from nasty allergies. Anything we can do to create a healthier home will only make us happier and more productive. Plus, if I can get away with dusting less often, that’s always a huge bonus.

Whether you are doing winter home maintenance or preparing for the cold and flu season, changing your filters regularly is key to helping your system (home and body) run efficiently because a dirty filter slows down airflow and makes the system work harder.

More Home Cleaning Posts:

For more information on Filtrete products, follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

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  1. I change my filters in the Fall and the Spring.

  2. It’s important to change your filters regularly, allowing dust and allergens to build up defeats the purpose of having a filter in the first place. Thank you for sharing this post.

  3. Tammy Woodall says:

    This was a great reminder to me that we do need to change our filter. I agree, 3M products are great.

  4. Jennifer Sikora says:

    We use Filtrete and love it. It’s the only filter we choose to use in our home.

  5. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    We use Filtrete filters in our house. We have force hot air heat and it gets wicked dusty in my house.

  6. Kelly Hutchinson says:

    I am terrible about remembering to change out our filters My husband will only buy the Filtrete brand.

  7. Amber Edwards says:

    I just changed our air filter last week and it looked just as bad! So gross. Our filter looks so much better now. I need to remember to do it more often.

  8. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    We only buy this brand and that reminds me, it’s time to change our filter. Thanks!!

  9. Filtrete is the only filter my husband will buy. They work really well.

  10. Kelsey Apleys says:

    we have a reusable filter that you wash. We clean it like every other month. It really does help quite a bit!

  11. Tammilee Tips says:

    Thank you for the reminder to check ours. Love the Filtrete brand of filter as well!

  12. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    This is the filters we use, this was recommended by our air conditioning repair man. Works like a charm!

  13. LauraOinAK says:

    When we lived in a house with central heating, I used an allergen filter. It made a BIG difference in my allergies and how much dust there was.

  14. That filter was so dirty! Wow, I should look into this!

  15. Chelley @ AisForAdelaide says:

    Oh my gosh- what a difference! I will have to go check our filters!

  16. The before and after pictures are so different!! We definitely have to check ours and change them

  17. Oh my goodness! Changing filters are so important! If you can change them every couple of months during the winter months that is best but it’s really important to do it once a year. Thanks for the reminder, I am asking Hubby right now when the last time he changed ours was!

  18. Amy Desrosiers says:

    My mom actually uses these filters for her home. So far they have helped keep her air system clean!

  19. Alena Belleque (The Homemade Creative) says:

    My landlord doesn’t provide clean filters, and we’re not allowed to maintain our own AC (the unit’s – it’s not actually ours, or it wouldn’t be an issue), so we just get to breathe in the lovely. >:( I love my townhouse, but I want to move.

  20. Gabriel Bregg says:

    I’m the only one in the family that doesn’t suffer from allergies so this is going on my list of things to try to help alleviate everyone’s suffering. I must admit to be terrible about remembering to change my filters often enough – is there an app for that yet?

  21. Tales Of A Ranting Ginger says:

    We change our filters every 4 months. I need to get some of these as they sound like they do a great job.

  22. Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) says:

    This is the only brand we use. And thanks for the reminder. I really need to change mine out.

  23. Tiffany (A Moms Take) says:

    This is the type of filter we use. I wouldn’t recommend anything else.

  24. Oh gosh! You are reminding me. Greg is very good about changing the filters and will buy the best brand (the one I tell him to buy) all of this if I tell him to do it!

  25. David Fultner says:

    If you use these high dollar filters you need to change then more.

  26. Mitzi Fisher says:

    This good advise. I change my filters once a week.

  27. I change my filters when I turn on the heat and again when I turn on the air

  28. RANDY FULGHAM says:

    my apartment manager changes mine every month–its because i smoke cigs,but she is great manager

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