Eight Ways to Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather
Winter. It’s finally here, and with it comes snow, ice, salt, and a slew of other hazards. Because winter weather is so hazardous, we have to do all we can to ensure that our cars are in good working order.
Keeping our vehicles maintained can cut down on at least a few of the dangerous variables of the winter months.
I am working with the International Carwash Association to share these tips. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.

Get a Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper!
Minimize the Impact of Winter Weather
Cold weather is harsh and unforgiving. The roads are slippery. People drive like they’ve never seen the mysterious white stuff that’s falling from the Heavens.
On top of treacherous roads, and drivers that obviously have no idea how to drive in the snow, your car takes a hit from the extreme conditions as well. Here’s what you need to do to protect your car from the hazards of winter weather.
1. Rotate Your Tires: Rotating your tires is very important. Tires which aren’t rotated routinely wear unevenly, reducing their effectiveness as well as their overall longevity. You should rotate your tires before winter sets in. After that rotate them every 6,000 miles to make sure you have maximum tread grip and tire life.
2. Winter Weight Oil: This is an important one, especially if you live in a cold climate like I do. If your winters are exceptionally cold, you should switch over to a heavier weight oil to ensure maximum protection of your engine.
3. Check Your Wiper Blades: Your wiper blades are invaluable all year long, but they’re especially important in winter weather. Visibility can sometimes be bad. Super bad. So you need to be sure those blades are good to go. If you have any doubts, replace those suckers.
4. Get a Tune Up: Noises, pings, sluggish starts, and those mysterious alert lights on the dashboard are only going to get worse when the cold sets in. If you have any issues, address them sooner rather than later. The last thing you want is to be stranded in the snow!
5. Check Your Power Steering Fluid: Warm up the car, and then check your power steering fluid. If it’s low, take it in and have the hoses checked. Low fluid levels can make steering difficult on a good day. In the cold, it’s next to impossible!
6. Check the Exhaust System: Carbon monoxide is a danger in your car as well as your home. In the winter, we drive with our windows up all the time. Any leaks, in the exhaust system could have you breathing in deadly fumes.
7. Check the Breaks: Your breaks are your best friends in the winter time – if they work properly. It’s important to get them checked out and make sure they’re ready for the coming cold.
8. Keep Your Car Clean: This is a must to protect your car from fluctuating temperatures as well as road salt and sand. Most car manufacturers suggest getting a wash and wax for your car twice a month in the winter. That’s because a wash gets rid of all the accumulated salt and mung that our cars seem to attract like magnets during the winter, and a wax protects our cars from the winter grodies we just washed off.
As long as you’re getting your car washed, why not keep it environmentally friendly? WaterSavers Car Wash facilities can get your car clean and sparkly using a lot less water than standard car washes. Their system uses a water reclamation tank to collect the water used in car washes and route it through a filter to be used again. Any overflow is piped directly into water reclamation facilities. Your car stays clean, and so does the environment.
If you’re like me, you love your four wheeled baby. Keep your mechanical bundle of joy protected from the winter months and protect the environment at the same time. It’s a win win!
How do you keep your car protected during the harsh winter weather?
If your car needs regular service, get it done now.
Make sure your windshield wipers are in good shape. Keep your gas tank close to full because in case you get stranded in bad weather you will be able to stay warm with the tank full. Make sure to use winter windshield cleaner. It can freeze if you use Summer antifreeze and the windows get really dirty in the Winter.
I make sure to keep some basic supplies in the car in case of a winter accident. A blanket, crackers, water and battery backup for the cell phone.
I make sure to check everything to make sure my car is ready to go on the road and drive slowly in the snow.
always keep the tank topped off
Keep the fluids at level in the winter.
Helpful tips – Slow down and increase car length between vehicles.
thank you
Drive slow and be attentive!
Check tires and check all fluidsoften
Clean your windows and headlights every time you can. It is sometimes hard to see when it is snowing out.
I think the biggest issue is do not panic. Thank you
190 gallons (719 liters) of gasoline, diesel and motor oil
400 pounds of phosphorus and nitrogen
60 pounds of ammonia
2,200 pounds of surfactants
3,000 pounds of solids
Winter tip is Always check the weather, road, and traffic conditions before you set out. Give yourself enough time to reach your destination so you’re not tempted to speed.
My best winter advice would be to keep your tires properly filled with air. Try not to let your gas tank go below 1/2 tank, And wipe your headlights off often as it will really help you see better in bad weather.
My winter driving tips are to give yourself some extra driving time! Leave a little earlier than you normally would. Also, to slow down…take your time and be alert!
My tip is to have good winter tires on your vehicle!
My tip is stay home if you can. If you have to get out then make sure you have a full gas tank a cell phone charger and basic supplies like a blanket and some snacks just in case. It’s also a good idea to have emergency numbers programmed into your phone.
Drive Slowly! Don’t worry about the other people on the road! Pay attention to where you are going and KEEP CALM! If you are driving a 4 wheel drive and the snow is piling up, USE your 4 wheel drive option! Don’t Slam on your Brakes! Pump your breaks when you are coming to a red light or stop sign! I always pray a lot as well! Thanks, Michele 🙂
make sure you have jumper cables with you at all time in case you have battery troubles. Keep blankets and water in your car at all times.
Make sure you use antifreeze and actual windshield wiper fluid and not just water so nothing freezes! We don’t have to actually drive in snow here because we don’t get any but we do occasionally get cold!
I iketo carry a blanket and keep my car full of gas.
I learned (the hard way) that not turning off all your lights in the car, including the turn signal light, will run your engine down- and trying to jumpstart a dead engine battery is not much fun when it’s 11 below zero.
Change your windshield wipers yearly.
My winter driving tip is to slow down when weather gets bad and make sure your tires and wiper blades are in good condition.
If I am going to make a long drive in winter, I make sure I have drinking water in the car, flashlights, and warm blankets.
drive slow
My tips are to make sure you always have at least 3/4 tank of fuel in the winter.
check fluid levels as well as tire pressure.
Do what we do in the South – just stay home in bad weather!
My Winter driving tips is to get a four wheel drive vehicle. They work great in snow 🙂
Keep an emergancy kit, drive safe and always keep a charged cell phone on you!
I carry an emergency kit
check them tires every week–i do
my winter driving tip is just to take it slow
I live in a very cold climate, so being prepared in the car is mandatory. I always have a blanket, water (which freezes but still water), scarf, boots and mittens. We also always have a full first aid kit, including flashlights, and energy bars. Wishing everyone a safe, warm winter.
Make sure you have blankets, and food with you on trips.
I know this seems to simple but If people would just slow down when the roads are bad. Driving slow gives your more time tor react if something goes wrong.
My Winter driving kits would have to be keep an emergency kit in your car complete with blankets, snacks/food, charged external chargers, extra gloves, hats, and scarves, and anything else you might need if stranded on a cold Wintry night. Living in Illinois I’m sure you can definitely relate!
Thank you for this awesome opportunity 🙂
Keep cat litter in your car just in case you get stuck on some ice. Keep blanket, gloves, snacks and bottle water in car just in case stuck in car for extended period of time. Keep tires properly inflated.
These are tips I’m sure your readers already know. Make sure when starting out you check all your fluids and tires. Make sure you have washer fluid and check the wipers. If going out tell someone where you’re going and when you will be there in case something happens. Put blankets, water, flashlight in the car.
I think a great tip is to make sure your car has been serviced before the weather gets bad.
Make sure your wind sheid wiper blades are freash.
u need to make sure that u get yur car serviced and go out some where safe practice your driving winter safty . we all need to be remjnded how to drive .safty first no one is so good they do not need a reminder!
*Keep wiper blades off of windshields if it’s going to sleet or snow. It keeps them from freezing to the windshield.
*Tie plastic bags over side mirrors before freezing rain.
Be sure you regularly check the antifreeze in winter and don’t use water in radiation in winter. I learned that the hard way and ruined a car.
Carry a bag of sand in case of a situation where your car is stuck in the snow.
To stay safe keep your eyes on the road and not your phone!
Drive slow on the ice!
Will keep this list for the future
Make sure your defoster and wipers are in good shape, check tire pressure as well.
Fill up your gas tank when it gets to half full just in case of a traffic jam you won’t run out.
I try to bring water where ever I go and blankets.
Don’t be in a hurry! Stay home if you have a choice.
Make sure you keep your windshield washer fluid filled, especially if you live in an area where they salt and sand the roads.
A tip is to use snow tires
For me here in mn my best tip is get good winter tires and leave space between your car and the car in front of you
My winter driving tip is to keep emergency supplies in your vehicle (hand warmers, blankets, food, water, flashlight) and to drive slow.
I live in the South so I don’t have any tips except to put winter tires on your car.
I think it would be good to keep a bag of salt in the trunk of your vehicle. Also to have a small snow shovel as well. There have been many a time that the salt gave me added traction and also it’s weight in the back helped me.
watch out for black ice dont speed
My tip is to make sure you always have at least 1/2 tank of gas in the winter
I learned that when I wash my car at home the runoff with chemicals goes into the drains that empty into the rivers, lakes and streams, I learned that Water Savers car washes only use about as much water as a washing machine and that water is treated prior to return to the environment
whoops forgot my winter driving hint and that would be to carry a bag of cat litter in the trunk of your vehicle it helps provide traction, plus it adds weight to your vehicle to help with icy and getting stuck.
Get it serviced, cleaned and store in it important stuff
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you
When there is snow and black ice on the ground, drive slower! You do NOT need to drive the speed limit all the time!
My tip is stay inside where its warm but if you have to go out be sure to have a blanket, shovel, flashlight in your car.
keep a good basket in car……with emergency supplies
I always let the car warm up in the winter before driving!
I think its important to have your tires checked, and rotated, if necessary. Driving in winter weather can be difficult and often unpredictable. Being prepared in advance can definitely help.
When the roads are bad, slow down
My best tip is to keep your gas tank filled. You never know when you’ll have to run your car extra long for some reason. Its also good so you don’t have to stop if it gets bad quickly.
Make sure you have the correct window washer fluid in your car for when the weather gets below zero
I always make sure I have a blanket in my car in case anything scary happens. Thank you
Get good tires that have good traction to help drive in the winter weather.
always make sure your windshield is clear from frost, snow and ice!! Believe me I know from experience!
i keep a kit in my car with a blanket, candle, and kitty litter in my trunk
Make sure you have food and water in your car during Winter months.
My tip is to stay home when the weather’s bad.
Always make sure to carry blankets, ice scrapers/window brushes in the car. Drive safely, and only go out in bad weather if it’s absolutely needed.
I usually get all of my fluids checked and buy new wiper blades.
Keep a blanket, shovel, and kitty litter in the trunk just in case you get stuck in snow.
Be careful if you have animals in the winter because they will like to get up under the car or tires to stay warm.
My winter driving tip is to stay home more!
Let your car warm up before driving.
Make sure that you go and have your system flushed and weatherized before winter.
Make sure to check your tire threads and air level often to make sure you have proper traction.
My winter driving tip is keep emergency supplies in your car.
Never break while slipping it will just cause you to spin out. Always break BEFORE the turn!!
Our tip is to stay home and stock up for bad days
Thank You for the giveaway…regular washings (especially during winter) can ameliorate the effects of acid rain, road salt, bird droppings and the sun that can damage your vehicle’s finish & metal body parts.
Keep your gas tank full as well as all the fluids should be checked more often. Watch out for the other drivers – some of them don’t seem to understand caution.
Windows get extrea dirty in the winter. Make sure you have some cleaner and rags to clean them if necessary.