Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper

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Standing at 5’4 and being extremely cold intolerant I absolutely hate spending more time than I have to in the cold and snow. I drive a big ol’ truck and when it gets buried in the frigid Chicago snow it can take forever to uncover. But with the Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper, I’m done in under 4 minutes! I received this product for review, but everything shared here is based solely on my experience.

Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper review

Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper Review

My truck is an entire foot taller than me. Which I happen to love because I like feeling large and in charge out on the road. But when it comes time to clear the snow off the hood, windows, and windshield it’s quite a chore. I’ve used average scrapers, awkward push brooms, my arms… ugh.

Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper review

The Snow Joe telescoping snow broom ice scraper is freaking brilliant. Why?

  • It lights up. It also has an option for emergency flashing lights. (takes 2-AAA batteries.)
  • It’s lightweight at just a pound and a half.
  • The rubber foam head is 18″ wide so it only takes 2-3 ‘sweeps’ and the whole windshield is clear.
  • The telescoping handle allows you to reach all the way to the other side with ease. No more running laps around the vehicle. YAY!
  • The handle comes off and snaps to the back of the broom for flat storage under the seat.
Snow Joe Telescoping Snow Broom Ice Scraper review

Even if you don’t have an enormous vehicle like mine, the Snow Joe Illum-N-Broom is great for all vehicles and people. I can’t think of anyone who actually enjoys spending a ton of time scraping their car when they’re trying to leave–especially if you’re running late. You can find and purchase this product here.

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  1. Sheila Fiske says:

    I visited your page. This would be a great present for my husband.

  2. Tommy holmes says:

    We need to win that my wife is short that would be perfect for her hope to win

  3. Love the fact that it is so light weight so that it is easy to control even when getting snow off SUVs.

  4. Cathy Studer says:

    This would definitely be used here! Thanks!

  5. Jackson Meehan says:

    Would be a very helpful and a great present to give!

  6. Margaret Smith says:

    This snow broom sounds amazing. Thanks so much.

  7. Jennifer Davis says:

    This would be wonderful

  8. robyn cobb says:

    i am not even 5’2…this would help so much. thanks for a shot

  9. Julie Bickham says:

    Just bought a new car and of course its been snowing. This would come in so handy!

  10. Jenna Hudson says:

    I have never saw a scraper with a light on before. It would come in handy with getting up before the sun and getting done with work at night!

  11. Maryann D. says:

    I love that it has a Built-in ice scraper quickly that clears icy build-up on windshield. I do need this, we do not have a snow blower and we have a lot of snow this year, even tonight it is snowing!

  12. Sharon Rooney says:

    We have been getting so much snow this year, this would be perfect to getting the top of my car.

  13. I’ve only heard good things about Snow Joe products.

  14. william gossage says:

    This sure would help me in the winter time with the snow

  15. Debbie Welchert says:

    I love that it has lights on it to see what your doing. I also really love that it is so light too!

  16. Cathy Studer says:

    Would definitely be helpful- especially with the light. It’s dark when I’m getting ready for work

  17. Mitzi Fisher says:

    This would be an awesome gift

  18. Rachael Sutton says:

    I love that it has lights because I work thirds and it is often dark when I have to clear snow off my car. Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Oh this would be so perfect for our large truck. Its so hard to get to the top, we just cannot reach it unless we get a broom! This would be so great with all the snow we get. 🙂 Love it!

  20. This would be awesome for my daughter! Thanks!

  21. lissa crane says:

    I love that it only weighs 1.5 pounds! I also have a truck and it’s so difficult to get snow off of it, so this light weight is perfect for me since I have a bad back and can’t lift anything too heavy!

  22. Kimberly Bauer says:

    This would be great for New Jersey winters. I have a truck and the telescoping handle would reach all the high spots that a traditional can’t reach.

  23. It lights up! Perfect for early morning commute

  24. That’s GREAT! Thank you very much.

    Hope I can get it before the next snow, but I’ll have it for next winter.

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