Taking Steps Towards Natural Pet Products

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We have been trying to make more natural choices for the humans in this house, so why not for the pets, as well? This post is sponsored by Only Natural Pet on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Only Natural Pet, but Sweep Tight only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Only Natural Pet is not responsible for the content of this article.

Taking Steps Towards Natural Pet Products #PawNatural

Taking Steps Towards Natural Pet Products #PawNatural

Our two pets are best buds. A big German Shepherd and a smallish Boston/Pug mix might seem like an odd couple, but they are truly like brothers. Sometimes the Grump is a bully, but it never lasts long. Hilo is such a great sport and puts up with the Grump and his rotten ways. He will gladly give the little guy whatever it is he’s throwing a fit about!

Taking Steps Towards Natural Pet Products #PawNatural

Since we don’t have any kids, these dogs are our family. We consider them just as important (if not more) than the human members. Choosing safe and natural products should have been a no-brainer for me, but it’s so easy to get lazy and not do all the proper research. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve always given our pets high quality food, but nothing truly natural.

Only Natural Pet believes passionately that a natural lifestyle contributes to longer and healthier lives for our pets.

Taking Steps Towards Natural Pet Products #PawNatural He definitely helps me with my posture!

Speaking of lazy, Mike and I both took that word to a new level over this nasty winter. The Polar Vortex did us in and we turned into a couple of serious couch potatoes. Now that spring is trying to start, we have both been eating better and slowly starting to become more active. Of course, our activity levels effect the dogs, as well. Sure, they enjoyed running around in the snow, but not for long. The Grump even tried walking on two legs once when it was below freezing temps!

Taking the #PawNatural challenge will have us on our way to making better choices. Being more active and eating healthier always seem to feel more natural when the weather warms up. We start taking long walks, playing in the yard, and become a lot more active in general. I plan to add in new treats and goodies from Only Natural Pet. After speaking with an Only Natural Pet store manager via phone interview, I am completely confident in their products. The pride they take in their brand shows, and so does their love for pets. I am looking forward to resolving the Grump’s poop-eating issue naturally, as well as, introducing many more natural pet products to our guys!

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  1. I think natural (organic) products are good for people, pets and the planet.

  2. Felissa (Two Little Cavaliers) says:

    Aww! Love the picture of your baby helping with your posture while you work. Davinia and Indiana help me get a restful night sleep by taking over my pillow. They are currently dogs hard at work on their nose tans.

  3. I love giving my pets healthy organic food, they are like my kids, and they deserve the best.

  4. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    Natural is always the way to go, esp for pets – the ingredients in some food scare me!

  5. ahhh your dogs are so cute! We have a cat who is our baby and we spoil. i cant wait to learn more about natural pet foods

  6. I love that everyone’s taking a more natural approach when it comes to our canines and kitties

  7. Sounds like great products! We don’t have dogs, but I’ll have to go see if they have cat products.

  8. Ellen Christian says:

    What cuties! natural is definitely the way to go!

  9. Keikilani says:

    Your dogs look full of personality! I am with you on getting my dogs more active. Especially my yorkie. He needs to loose wait after this winter.

  10. Kelsey Apley says:

    Oh my goodness your little doggies are adorable!!!!!! I love love love them!!! I am a person that strives for natural food and treats for our little Ruger!

  11. we all try to eat things that are good for our bodies. that includes our furry family members. as well as our feathered ones (we just got chickens)

  12. Amber Edwards says:

    I’m really excited fort he warmer weather! I need to get out and be more active naturally. And my pup needs me to be with him outside too! I’m excited to try my new Natural Pet products too!

  13. That hammock picture is just the cutest! I love using natural pet products. My pets are like family so I want them to be as healthy and happy as possible.

  14. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Your dogs are so cute! I love that they are each so different!

  15. Mindy Grant says:

    Your dogs are so cute! It’s so important to feed our pets healthy food, and definitely worth the extra money to me.

  16. Sarah @ Must Have Moms says:

    What a great way to keep your cute four legged friends healthy! They are, after all, a part of your family.

  17. That sounds great. Now that I am a pet owner again I want to make good choices and this sounds just like what I have been looking for. Thank you

  18. Your dogs remind me so much of mine (I have a German Shepherd who is best buds with our Boston Terrier). They are such the odd couple, it’s so cute to watch them play. I am also happy to find natural solutions for my pets so I appreciate when I read about them on blogs.

  19. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    so cute!~ We cannot have pets because of my daughter’s allergies and asthma but we wish we could have a dog.

  20. Dawn Lopez says:

    Seriously can’t get over how cute your dogs are! Love them to pieces! These sound like fantastic steps towards more natural!

  21. Natural is always the way to go if possible! I hope the poop eating stops soon!

  22. I love all natural products for me so would want the same for my pets.

  23. Your dogs are too cute. I agree on the natural pet food, it’s a must!!!

  24. Kimberly Flickinger says:

    Thank you for your post, it was very informative. I have been thinking of doing this for my doxies, but wanted more information.

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