TeamSnap App Saves Time, Effort, and Hassle

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I’m a mom of two kids. My oldest, Adam, is in Tae Kwon Do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve either never gotten the memo on scheduling changes or how many times my son has gotten sick, and everyone was wondering where he was. It can be a pain, and that’s what I’m really excited about the TeamSnap app. This app allows parents, coaches, and administrators to quickly and easily stay in touch on everything from scheduling to sickness to refreshments. Sponsored post; all opinions are my own.

TeamSnap App Saves Time, Effort, and Hassle

It’s a Snap with TeamSnap App

I’ve had my fair share of crossed wires, and I know a ton of other moms who have, too. That’s what makes the TeamSnap app so great. All of that business is a thing of the past. With the TeamSnap app, all of us moms can stay in touch with all of the coaching staff to limit those incredibly frustrating 40 minute rides to nowhere or being that mom that forgot the refreshments (embarrassing).

The way it works is an exercise in pure, simplistic genius. It’s basically an app for group communication. Everyone on the team or in the group signs up for the list, and whenever there is an issue, parents can send messages directly to the staff. In the same way, the coaching staff can send mass alerts to all the parents on their list. This keeps the lines of communication open and virtually eliminates miscommunication.

The TeamSnap app isn’t just for extracurricular activities. It’s great for any sort of event planning. Over the years, I’ve helped plan several events, and they were absolute nightmares! Everyone was trying to get in touch with everyone else, and things routinely descended into utter chaos.

The TeamSnap app would have helped avoid all of that! In addition to easy communication, the TeamSnap app allows planners and administrators of every level of an event planning process to quickly and easily track important aspects of the upcoming event like payment, providing photos and videos, and even making a team or event store. It’s pretty amazing.

Take Your Life Back with the TeamSnap App

I absolutely hate getting wires crossed when it comes to events. There is nothing more annoying – and sometimes, downright terrifying – than missing a practice, an event meeting, or forgetting something that is integral to either the practice or the event in question. With the TeamSnap app, I don’t have to worry about that anymore, and neither do you!

If you are a parent, coach, or are planning an event in the near future, I highly recommend giving the TeamSnap app a try. You can get a 21 day free trial, which is more than enough time to see if it can save you time, effort, and hassle. I think this is pure genius and long overdue.

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  1. No kids, but I do sometimes plan events so this could be very helpful.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    My kids are in karate, too, and the classes are held when the classes are scheduled. If the instructor is sick, the Sensei will teach. If the dojo is going to be closed for some reason, we are given plenty of notice.

  3. Amber Edwards says:

    My kids are each involved in a different activity. so this would be awesome to help keep all the scheduled straight so I don’t end up missing an important event!

  4. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    I’m the cheer mom for my daughters team and I SO NEED THIS! Thanks for the introduction!

  5. Elizabeth @ Being MVP says:

    My kids aren’t on any teams yet. However, looks like a great app when they are older!

  6. Laura (Lauras Little House Tips says:

    This would of been so helpful when I had 3 daughters in 3 different schools. Passing this information on to families I know that will love it.

  7. What an awesome way to communicate with a group. There are so many situations in which this would come in handy.

  8. Wow, this is great. We have so many sports going on, this would be really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Kelly Hutchinson says:

    When my kids were in soccer, we would get cancelled on all the time and no phone calls. Super annoying. The TeamSnap app would have been great to use back then.

  10. Jenny Temcio says:

    I could imagine the frustration of driving way out of the way to attend a game and find out it was cancelled! That would drive me nuts!

  11. Mistee Dawn says:

    This sounds like a really great app and it definitely would save a lot of time. I will be downloading it later today!

  12. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    This is something I definitely need. So much to do and it’s easy to forget!

  13. Christine says:

    This is cool! I have so many times I could have use this!

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