Ultraviolet Water Purifier SteriPEN Sidewinder Review

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Who doesn’t want to be ready for the zombie apocalypse?! I know I am not taking any chances. Which is why I am beyond thrilled to have had the chance to review the hand powered Ultraviolet SteriPEN Sidewinder. I received this item for free in exchange for my honest feedback. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Ultraviolet Water Purification

Ultraviolet Water Purifier

The whole concept of ultraviolet water purification fascinates me. But the fact that I can now do it from anywhere without batteries is even cooler. This is perfect for camping, natural disasters, and of course, the apocalypse–with or without zombies. The SteriPEN Sidewinder purifies up to 8,000 liters of water! In just 90 seconds, the Sidewinder purifies 1 liter. It takes a bit of effort but it is totally worth it. You simply fill the bottle, attach it to the Sidewinder and wind the handle until the indicator lights flash green. The auto-timer lets you know when you have completed the 90 seconds.

Battery Free Ultraviolet Water Purifier Perfect for camping

Did you know that 80% of all diseases contracted while traveling are from contaminated water? Or that 900 million people lack adequate access to clean drinking water? If you really think about that, I mean REALLY think about it, it’s terrifying. I’m really not a paranoid spaz, I just simply like being prepared. But, here I am sitting in the comfort of my home with clean tap water. I cannot imagine life without that.

Ultraviolet Water Purification

Thankfully SteriPEN has a variety of ultraviolet systems. From now on, when I travel, I am going to bring this along or better yet, I am definitely going to be grabbing one of the travel SteriPEN purifiers. In fact, this is going to be the gift of the season! What a perfect stocking stuffer!

Just think of all the benefits!

  • Decreased plastic bottles in landfills
  • Clean drinking water anytime, anywhere
  • Less sickness when camping or traveling

Everyone in the world should have their own SteriPEN!

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  1. Maryann D. says:

    I have never heard of a ultraviolet water purification, but what a super idea. This is convenient for a travel and definitely would be a different type of gift to give.

  2. I’d read about the Steripen, but not the Sidewinder. Great that it uses human power and not batteries.

  3. Ellen Christian says:

    We have one of these in our emergency preparedness supplies. It’s always good to have on hand.

  4. I would love to cut down on plastic bottles, we recycle, but this is even better for us.

  5. It’s neat to see how portable this is, and it’s not a bad idea to have something like this on hand.

  6. I want some of these for each of our 72 hour backpacks!!!

  7. Mistee Dawn says:

    Wow. That is so cool. Thanks for the info. I will definitely have to check it out. I am always preparing for the zombies! lol

  8. Amber Edwards says:

    The husband and I have wanted one of these very badly! They are the perfect addition to our emergency preparedness kit! We hope to get quite a few of their products early this next year.

  9. I haven’t seen these before. I think these would be great for our Emergency Preparedness kits.

  10. Nancy Lustri (StyleDecor) says:

    That IS a great stocking stuffer – great idea! Very cool! I know I want one. Great for when you go on vacations too. I hate drinking the water when I’m away from home.

  11. Tammilee Tillison says:

    I need one of these for traveling. I am always so scared to drink the water in some of the countries we visit.

  12. i have been wanting to get one of these for travel too- esp when we go to places like florida where we need to refill frequently

  13. Melissa Au says:

    This sounds wonderful. I’ve been wanting a water purifier.

  14. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says:

    It’s just bizarre that it works so easily! 90 seconds to decontamination. I like it!

  15. Wow that is so cool it can purify with just a light.

  16. Jodi @ A Mom Having Fun says:

    That is so cool! I love that it is so small for traveling. It would be awesome for camping too. 🙂

  17. Julie Lord says:

    SweepTight – Thanks for the great review and for informing readers aware of SteriPENs UV water purification products!

  18. Dana Rodriguez says:

    That is really cool!I love it!

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