Whip Rite Whip Cream Dispenser

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With my turn coming up to host “Coffee Break Mondays,” I was under a lot of pressure to be able to brew a gourmet cup of joe!

What better ingredient, than homemade whip cream?

It’s not an original idea, but a classic treat! Product was received for review purposes and this post may contain affiliate links.

Thanks to my new friends at Creamrite, I am now able to put a fantastic topping on my coffee!

There are also countless other uses for this great little appliance, but HOLY COW does it make any coffee DELICIOUS!

Its very easy to use and clean. It comes with different styles of tips for different decorating effects.

You can find tons of great recipes on their blog as well!

I was shocked to see how many uses there are for this whip cream maker!

From mousse to mustard, this thing is going to come in handy!

For the whip cream on coffee I used: 

  • 1 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 3 tablespoons confectioners sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

You put the ingredients into the dispenser, close tightly, shake, attach the N2O charger, remove it, shake again, and that’s it! Use the desired top, spray while holding the unit inverted and enjoy!

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  1. The products they carry. I didn’t know they had so many and also the recipes.
    Love the products. I’m a whipped cream addict. 🙂
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) co

  2. laura frias says:

    i like the thermal xpress whip

  3. Brandy Lewis says:

    I <3 whipped cream, especially the kind you get on your frapp. The Whipped Cream dispensers are nice and would not only save me money, but would make me a happy camper.

  4. Donna Marie says:

    The variety of products caught my eye.

  5. Tara Berke Torres says:

    I like the recipes.

  6. They have sexxy whip cream! Haha

  7. sharon barnes says:

    the sexy whip is amusing

  8. randall robison says:

    the soda syphans look pretty cool.

  9. Love the Red Whipped Cream dispenser.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  10. The Soda Siphons might be fun.

  11. Ellen Moore says:

    Anything that has whipped cream in it catches my eye!

  12. Tammy Allgood-Hemmerling says:

    Seriously, anything that has to do with whipped cream catches my eye! LOL


  13. Jessica Carnaggio says:

    The red half pint whip cream maker catches my eye.

  14. The Classic Glass Soda Siphon caught my eye.

  15. Desiree Dunbar says:

    I like the iSi stanless steel funnel and filter for whipper.

  16. Dana Beeman says:

    I like the iSi Half Pint Easy Whip Push Button Whip Cream Maker.
    Dana Beeman: danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)com

  17. april bever says:

    I like their Kayser CO2 Soda Chargers

  18. Pauline M says:

    I also like the Classic Glass Mesh Soda Siphon!

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