Back to School for Girls – How to Build Confidence
Going back to school can be a difficult time for some kids. It’s important to have some tips on how to build confidence. Many kids are excited to head back to see their friends, meet new ones, and start new adventures.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case for everyone. Some children need esteem building tools to brave their peers. Post sponsored by Lunchbox. Opinions are 100% my own.

How to Build Confidence for Heading Back to School

Allow self-expression – Sure, you will want to shoot down some of your daughter’s ideas for her back to school look, but giving in a bit will help build her confidence. My sister allowed my niece, Chesney, to get her ears pierced. I think her smile shows how happy this made her. That was a major esteem booster right there.

New supplies – New stuff makes everyone feel better, doesn’t it? Even if it’s hand-me-downs, it’s new to them. Kids love showing up to school with a new backpack, hairstyle, shoes, or even just a lunchbox.
Organize their space – Coming home to an organized area to focus on homework and studies can help a child feel better about themselves and their abilities. Work with them to create a space that’s all their own. They can take pride in that area and learn how working clutter-free is much more productive.
Practice a beauty routine – Establishing a good hygiene routine is obviously a confidence booster. This is extra important for teens and tweens since their hormones are beginning to challenge any bath and body product. Teach them a healthy skin care and overall cleansing routine the earlier, the better. Dove has an entire line of gentle, yet effective products perfect for any routine.
Spread esteem – Bullying is an ongoing problem and, sadly, it’s not going anywhere. Ignoring it is not the answer. Instead, teach your kids how to remain confident in themselves to stand up to bullies. Have sleepover parties to teach other littles how to build confidence. Hopefully, it will allow them to help squash bullying within their circles.
One of the reasons our family loves Dove products so much is the message behind the brand. Dove actively builds awareness about how to build confidence. The National Dove Self-Esteem Project has already reached 15 million, and together we can help keep that number growing. Shop for your favorite Dove products at
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Share your tips on how to build confidence in the comments below!
way to go and great outfit.
Expose them to new experiences.
I agree having at least one new outfit out piece to go back to school with is a total confidence booster especially for pre-teen / teen girls.
I think new clothes are always a confidence booster. We all want to look stylish 🙂
Love how Dove has embraced building such a strong community of empowerment in women and girls alike. Great tips, I know that keeping an organized space is key to keeping my daughter happy!
very cute
I think it’s so important to boost the confidence of our little girls in any way we can. There are so many messages out there that just eat away at their self confidence.
I think it is an ego booster to get something that love to wear. I let my son pick out some of his clothes and he loves to do it!
I love this initiative with Dove! Confidence is one of the most important traits we can instill in our children! It was so hard being a girl back in my day and I know there is so much more pressure now a days. A simple thing like practicing a beauty routine is a wonderful way to boost confidence but also bond with your daughter 🙂
I am so lucky to have a daughter who has really great confidence. Sure it slips from time to time, but overall, she’s pretty grounded.
Dove has always had some of my favorite products. What great ways to build self esteem! Practicing beauty routines really helps!
Those are good tips. I also find just speaking nicely builds confidence. Some people criticize where a gentle suggestion with explanation would go a lot farther.
Self-expression is a big one. I’ve always let my kids have their own style and they’ve grown into themselves because of that.
I try to help my daughter with her self-esteem every day. I give in a little bit when I feel like that is what is best.
Letting girls choose their own outfits is an important step in letting them develop their own personality! Those are great tips!
Allowing them to pick their clothes and do what they want will help boost their confidence.
I need to work a little better at making sure my daughter has good self esteem. Thanks for this article.
New supplies – especially pencils and notebooks – still put ME in a good mood even as an adult. I will have to check out Dove.
Spread esteem <<< I love this idea. A great way to help others find their confidence.
Good tips! Our tween is just starting to get interested in clothing and whats “in”. She is big on expressing herself 🙂 We do our best to make sure she knows that everyone is great in their own way!