5 Reasons Why I Love Diet to Go Food

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As a Diet to Go Ambassador, I received a second round of Diet to Go food for my review. I actually look forward to this diet program and enjoy many things about it. I thought I would break it down for you.

diet to go

5 Reasons Why I Love Diet to Go Food

1.)  Fresh food – Although the food arrives frozen, it’s prepared fresh and stored in your fridge once you get it. It’s not typical frozen diet dinners and you can tell by the flavor.

2.)  Very filling – This is probably the first diet program I have ever tried where I am literally stuffed after a meal. I am never hungry and always completely satisfied.

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3.)  Flexibility – They send breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, but you can pick which one you want each day. There’s not a strict menu plan to follow. If you don’t feel like waffles one day (pffft, like that would happen), save them for the next! Also, they always ask my likes/dislikes, as well as, allergies before shipping the food. That is awesome because I am a picky eater.

4.)  Options – Choose from the traditional plan, vegetarian, or low carb. You can also choose your calorie plan. Love having different options.

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5.)  Convenience – Hello! This takes all the effort out of meal planning. The food is just there and ready for you to eat. Talk about easy. There’s no excuses for grabbing fast food or a less-than-healthy snack because everything is at your fingertips.

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This time on the plan I lost 3 pounds. Pretty sweet and just in time for boating season! I also joined the Diet to Go DietBet again for more motivation. The pot is really getting up there and there’s still some time to join! Join me and we can all support each other!


Don’t forget to check out all of the specials and exciting promos that Diet to Go has going on. There’s still time to take advantage of the $50 gift card and other ways to really get motivated!!

What Diet to Go food looks best to you?

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  1. No! Seriously? This looks too delicious to be diet food! Yum!

    1. I know!!! And the portions are huge! I love it!!

  2. Way to go on losing 3 pounds! I have 5 more pounds to lose and then I will be super happy. Maybe I should try this food.

    1. Thanks!!! I would definitely recommend trying it. 🙂

  3. Oh those waffles look delicious! I’ve always wanted to try home delivery food!

  4. I need this! I like big portions and those dishes look delicious!

  5. congrats!

    that chicken looks YUMMY. iwant some

  6. I tried this before also, and was blown away by how fresh and delicious everything was.

  7. Melanie a/k/a CrazyMom says:

    WOW… are you sure this is diet food?? looks amazing…. WOW.. thanks for sharing, I soooo want the chicken pizza for dinner now.

  8. The food looks really good for diet food!

  9. i have never heard of dite to go food butt it looks like yummy food and nice size portions!

  10. Julie Wood says:

    This food looks so delicious and I would love to try Diet to go foods to see if I lose weight. It is hard to lose weight, but if I have help with the food and portion controls then I can have success. I will have to look into this.

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