Preparations for Holiday Shopping, Cleaning, Wrapping, Decorating…
And the list goes on… Budgeting, planning, organizing, scheduling… Ahhh! We’re supposed to juggle all this all while managing our “regular” overwhelming workload?
Preparing for holiday chaos is something I have yet to master. Who am I kidding, I am not even close! But when our friends at Extra Space Storage asked how we get ready for the holiday season it got me thinking.
So, I’m happy to bring you this sponsored post on behalf of Extra Space Storage and all of us frenzied maniacs out there.
Prepare for Holiday Mayhem
Make a list? Check it twice? Does the fact that I have 47 lists going at any given point in time count for credit here? I have come to the conclusion that this is my biggest problem. I overwhelm MYSELF.
Life is pure havoc on it’s own, but the way my brain takes it in and needs to constantly categorize each issue is just creating more work. So, for this holiday season I am taking a deep breath and dedicating a lot of time to de-cluttering my mind. (The house is next.)

While the end result is totally worth it, I’d like to actually remember how we got there instead of searing my memories with stress.
I always seem to accomplish my goals but I’m not enjoying any of the processes because I’m under such constant stress. I forget that this is my life and someday I’m going to look back and realize that spending my time in full-spaz-mode didn’t do anyone any favors.
The Plan
My first step is to actually have a plan. And something I’ve realized in my planning, is that I have to plan time to plan, otherwise bust out the super-spaz cape!
In a nutshell, here’s what I’ve come up with:
- Breath
- Don’t over think, just do
- Get rid of physical clutter
- Freeing physical space of clutter also clears the mind
- Take on ONE thing at a time and finish it
- Set a timer for tasks to stay on schedule
- Don’t be afraid to delegate
Seems simple enough right? Well, I’m off to go get rid of all the nonsense that I don’t need around here!
How do you prepare for the holidays?
I’m glad that I’m not the only one that feels overwhelmed by the holidays! I’ll have to remember to follow these tips to make everything go smoother and more enjoyable!
That list sounds a lot like our Christmas plans. Freak out, bake, bake, bake, freak out, wrap, wrap, wrap. lol
Delegate. That’s a big one! The holidays are so overwhelming for me, you’re not alone.
GIRL! I think we have the exact same feeling about the holidays! Regular life is already nutso, and then to add more on top? The sad thing is that I love the holidays and I actually take a lot of joy in wrapping presents, drinking cocoa and so on, but I’m usually so busy with work that I rush through everything because there’s no time. My plan for this year is to try and really streamline my schedule (Work and regular life) as much as realistically possible, so that I can enjoy my life more.
my goal is to get shopping and wrapping done before thanksgiving so we can hang and chill all december and enjoy the holiday season. we’ll see.
The Holidays can be SO joyous, yet stressful! I try and get as much shopping/prepping done early in the month so I can relax and enjoy!
I am all about lists so I keep my holiday organized by listing the gifties, what they want, and where I think I am going to get it. I also make a list of the goodies I want to make and the ingredients I need. I constantly have to manage the chaos.
LOVE the pic of your kids!! OMG! Total cuteness!
Thanks for sharing your tips, I get totally freaky near the holidays! Panic, joy, stress, fun all wrapped into a nutty ball!
Great advise. Thank you for this post.
BREATHE! I need to remember to dot that. I also really need to get rid of the physical clutter!
Haha, great post. Now is the time to prepare. I’m decluttering stuff left and right to try and prepare for the gifts of toys that will be coming.
I definitely do a lot of cleaning and purging, as you say clean up the physical clutter and it’s easier to breath! Having a PLAN is great too!
Had to laugh at your very accurate representation of the season! Ha!
I definitely need to not over think!
I am in the mid of decluttering… I have purge out lot of things that I have stored from past six month. Hope, I would able to finish this challenge before Thanksgiving Day. Thank you for this post and for the sane advice.
Hi Shelley,
Delegating is definitely the most helpful that I have found out. Placing sole responsibility on my children as helped immensely!